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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

July astrology! Jupiter squares Saturn!


Happy 4th of July! This month Saturn begins its annual 4 month retrograde and meets up with Jupiter.  The Sun transits through Cancer and enters Leo. Mercury leaves Cancer and transits through Leo and then enters Virgo. Venus completes its transit through Cancer and enters the great summer sign of Leo. Mars finishes up in Taurus and enters Gemini. Saturn, Neptune and Pluto all retrograde. We experience a New Moon in Cancer and a Full Moon in Capricorn!

This month look for events to heat up in the US and around the world with the powerful Mars/Uranus transit that occurs July 15th. This energy will be present at least 5 days before and after.

Jupiter squares Saturn

Saturn turned retrograde on June 29th at 19 degrees of Pisces and turns direct again on November 15th. This year is a little different because Saturn retrogrades and begins a square to Jupiter in Gemini.

Retrograde Saturn is a time to back up and re-access what is going on in our lives. We can make a great deal of progress during this time although it may not seem so at first glance.

As Saturn deals with our structures we may be concerned with basic security issues while Saturn is retrograde both individually and collectively.

Saturn is our personal teacher that rules our personal reality, structure, maturity and responsibility. During its retrograde this is a good time to shore up areas of your life that need new structure. It could be in the area of finances, work or even relationships.

Whatever area Saturn is transiting in your personal chart may need extra work as Saturn retrogrades through it. The lessons you learn at this time may be difficult and it can be a time of greater anxiety, fear or even sadness. If this is the case Saturn’s retrograde will be a time to confront these issues and focus on a workable solution.

That said, Saturn square to Jupiter makes things a little different. While Saturn rules our structures and limitations, Jupiter rules our expansion, luck and gain. The two planets don’t mix well and represent a clash.

Saturn-Jupiter transits begin anew every 20 years. The cycle we are now in began in December of 2020 and we are now experiencing the next phase of the cycle which is the square.

We can expect this to slow things down, bring about delays and even influence finances. Propaganda will likely be at an all time high, the political fights will intensify and we can expect to see many significant events around the world.

The late famed astrologer Andre Barbault connects this cycle with Europe and significant changes there. In terms of the square that occurred during the last cycle (March 1984-January 1985) he wrote about the events; “The Transatlantic crisis. In addition to disputes over the GATT negotiations there was deterioration in the relationship between Europe and America; the shadow of protectionism, the gas pipeline affair and the penalizing of European countries.”

If this aspect connects to something in your chart you can expect it to play a major role, depending on what it is aspecting and where in your chart it falls.

I do not consider this a positive transit but it may reign in anything in excess and in some cases deals may come together or something you are working on could conclude.

The transit will peak the week of August 18th, but the energy is already with us now and will continue for some time after the peak.

It is interesting to note that the Democratic National convention will be held the week the transit reaches its peak.

July 2nd Neptune retrogrades

The planet of illusion, delusion and confusion turns retrograde July 2nd and direct again December 7th.

Neptune is typically retrograde about half of the time and this is part of the natural cycle.

Neptune’s retrograde will bring about more acute sensitivity on an inner level and we may be able to pick up on those things we don't perceive when Neptune is direct. We are more likely to be listening to our own inner voice during this time and creativity and psychic or intuitive abilities may be increased along with any interest we have in spirituality. When Neptune retrogrades we can often have some profound inner awakenings.

Retrograde planets internalize our feelings and especially with Neptune we focus more on those things we cannot see than the ones we can. It is time to focus on the more ethereal matters as opposed to the material ones.

Neptune retrograde is often a good time for any type of creative work. If this is the case, breathe in the enhanced creativity over these next 6 months and then release the results to the world toward the end of the year. Compassionate and charitable causes can take up time and come to our attention during Neptune’s retrograde as well. We often see compassion play out in a grand scale on the world stage during these times.

If transiting Neptune aspects a personal planet in your chart when it retrogrades we tend to become more self deluding, depressed, or overly idealistic. Others may deceive us as well if we are not alert and think with our feet on the ground. It is important to be as grounded as possible if you are experiencing a hard Neptune transit. Neptune transits can go on for several years and if ever your feet need to be planted on firm soil it is now if you have such an aspect. If this is the case you will have mutable planets (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces).

Hard Neptune transits often coincide with over idealized relationships, or relationships with those who are really not available or married to others. We may feel we have met our soul mate or the most perfect partner in the world to wake up and find things were not as we had believed which leads to discouragement, depression and disenchantment. Often when Neptune retrogrades we find out that our dreams are not based on reality and this generally occurs during the retrograde of a harsh transit in our charts. This can not only affect relationships but many other areas of our lives depending on what area of the chart Neptune is transiting.

Human life involves all of the experiences we have and the internalization of them which is what the retrograde motion of Neptune implies. Having thoroughly thought through and refined our thoughts about our personal experiences, we will then incorporate any new information or corrections and release this knowledge into the world when Neptune turns direct again.

Mercury enters Leo July 2-25th

Expect a huge Mercurial shift as the planet of communication enters the third sign this month which is somewhat unusual.

Mercury in Cancer is about emotional thinking. Mercury in Leo can represent emotional thinking as well but much more in a self oriented way. Speech and communication will take a turn toward being more dramatic and at times it may seem like grandstanding.

Leo is ruled by the Sun which represents us or our true inner self. Our perspective can become ego-centered or it can become focused on what our needs really are without being self centered toward others. Mercury in Leo is a time to be your own best supporter, as well as those of others. The focus of Mercury over the next few weeks will be on what brings us the most joy, happiness and fun.

Mercury/Leo is more expressive, playful and dramatic than any other sign. While Mercury is in Leo the way we speak or even write can be designed to get others attention or simply get some type of rise out of someone else. Our communication takes on leonine qualities and the way we present ourselves and our ideas will be far more bold, expressive and direct. At best self expression can manifest itself in a creative and dramatic manner meant to draw in those who are most significant whether in love, friendship or business.

At worst communication can be too dramatic in nature and lean toward emotional outbursts rather than a creative expression of what we want. Take care not to let your conversation become too over bearing, demanding or provocative toward others. They same goes for being overly exuberant in your expression of emotions. Think about what you really wish to convey before expressing it. As Leo is a fire sign it may be hard to tone things down and come across in a manner that doesn’t overwhelm others. We can also expect a certain amount of gas-lighting and attention grabbing maneuvers with Mercury in this sign. But, all in all communication should tend toward being positive, upbeat and a little more playful if not enjoyable. That’s not bad in these overly serious times, unless of course its political theatre and I’m sure we will see plenty of this.

July 5th’s New Moon in Cancer

This month’s New Moon is in the sign ruling home, the homeland and family and falls over the long 4th of July holiday. This is a stable moon, although Cancer can be overly emotional. Many of us will be with family at this time, or friends.

Mars sextiles Saturn giving us the ability to work hard if we need to and accomplish something. Now is the time to get in touch with your feelings and perhaps those of others as well. Enjoy!

July 20th Mars enters Gemini

Mars enters Mercury’s sign July 20th-September 4th. Mars rules our action, desire and energy and Gemini is the sign ruling communication. All forms of communication will become more important, more assertive and there is a good chance we will say exactly what is on our minds. Our minds as well as our communication with others will be on fire for the next several months and be our greatest asset as well as our biggest problem if we are not aware of the pitfalls. That said, with some understanding of how the sign works, it can be a time of excitement, bright ideas, and an invigorating if not fun period of time.

Gemini rules the third house of the zodiac which is concerned with short trips, immediate family members and co-workers as well as our neighborhood or the area where we reside. Gemini is a mutable Air sign. Air signs are intellectual as opposed to emotional and mutable signs are very changeable, so we can expect to view things from a more detached viewpoint and change our minds often. Mars-Gemini loves a fast-paced environment with much coming and going so we can expect to be quite busy.

Gemini seldom moves in a straight line and likes to multi-task. People born with Mars in this sign may often do many things at once. They may drop one project to pick up another, because they know that in time they will come back around to it. Also, Gemini likes variety and since they don’t always operate in a linear fashion this is why they are sometimes considered ‘fickle,’ which most times can really be changeability due to new or different information.

Gemini is motivated by ideas and information, especially taking in information, and they frequently alter their course when new or better information comes to light. Gemini is not afraid of change, and they typically welcome it since their minds grasp things so quickly.

The worst thing for a Gemini is to be bored. When bored with a task or project Gemini will have a hard time completing it, which can be a failing of Mars in this sign. The greatest challenge to Mars in Gemini will be staying on track and not getting too scattered with things that might not be completed if the pace picks up too much. Gemini is typically fun, entertaining, curious open minded and friendly. We can expect most of our action during this time to come in the form of ideas and information; everything begins with an idea after all.

Witty and clever ideas will attract you at this time, as will eclectic people and places. You will be more interested in making contacts and connections, and trying new ways of approaching things, even new and different people. Freedom may be a greater theme over these months, as Gemini likes variety and not being tied down.

The July 21st Full Moon

This month’s Full Moon falls at 29 degrees of Capricorn. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and is the ruler of the 10th house of work and business. This is the 2nd Capricorn full moon within a month.

This will be an intense Full Moon since it is conjunct Pluto. Moon-Pluto aspects are heavy and often reveal previously unknown situations or information.

Mercury squares Uranus becoming part of the Full Moon energy. This is indicative of sudden change and unexpected news and events.

This will be a significant full Moon in the US since it falls on the US natal chart Pluto in the 2nd house of money. Pluto represents crime, power struggles, corruption and we could hear of a significant death over the next few weeks.

The Sun enters Leo July 22-August 22

While Cancer rules home and family, Leo rules the 5th house of love and entertainment. While Cancer is about family get togethers and vacations, Leo is geared toward singles, fun and romance. Now is the time to dip your toes into the water and enjoy it as the season is so fleeting. This time can be a much welcome break from the stress and seriousness of the world so grab your fun in the sun while you can.

Leo is ruled by the Sun which gives us life and warmth and at this time of the year is impossible to ignore. Leo energy is confident and bold and this can be the best time of the year for friendship, fun and summer romance.

Leo is a fire sign and fire signs are prone to action, movement and creation, and they seldom let grass grow under their feet. When the Sun is in Leo we often want to shine, be in the spotlight and receive attention, or even come across as dramatic. Leo energy is not afraid to be front and center or larger than normal life and extraordinary. Now is your time to shine in whatever endeavor you choose so the plunge and be bold! You will be your best own cheerleader so make the most of it.

Even those who like to typically remain behind the scenes could start to desire more recognition and praise for what they do. Shy people may come out of their shell a little more during the Sun’s time in Leo.

Leo is a regal sign that rules royalty, theatre and acting. With the Sun in a fire element this becomes a take charge kind of energy. At best this energy can help you take command of your life, express yourself your way in an adventurous and striking manner and inspire more confidence. At worst its worst, Leo can be overly dramatic and too demanding of attention. Watch these traits and enjoy the inner child within. One of Leo’s best qualities is the ability to get in touch with the child within. In this way they never grow old.

July 25th Mercury enters Virgo until September 26th

Mercury enters Virgo and turns retrograde August 5th. On August 16th it retrogrades back into Leo where it turns direct on August 28th but remains in Leo until September 20th. On the 21st Mercury moves back into Virgo again, so Venus will alternate between these two signs for 9 weeks.

Mercury is considered ‘at home,’ in Virgo so this will be a major energetic switch from Mercury in Leo. Mercury is the planetary ruler of both Gemini and Virgo. While Mercury in Gemini is associated with quick responses, intelligence, and communication about a many different ideas, when Mercury is in Virgo communication and thinking is geared more toward facilitating ideas, analyzing information and presenting facts in a straight forward and factual manner.

Gemini may reach out for information of all types and go in different directions but Virgo hones in on what is most important and puts that information to practical use. While both signs rule Mercury, they each have a very different approach and purpose.

Virgo is very discerning and is often considered lazar focused. The downside to Mercury in Virgo is that at times it can be so discerning one can become lost in details, overly critical or picky, and this can be misinterpreted (or not). It is important to remember that while constructive criticism is one thing, Virgo can get caught up in being so overly critical, others are turned off. Most of the time however, Virgo’s true intent is just to get things right.

Use this time to work on projects that require organization, study, timing and important communication and you should do well. Details should end up being flawless.

Other significant transits:

July 3rd-Mercury opposes Pluto-This is a transit par excellence concerning propaganda and gas lighting.  It is prone to someone trying to convince you of their point of view. It is also obsessive in nature so for some obsessive thinking may be hard for some to avoid. This can turn into arguments as well as accidents so use caution, especially driving.

July 8th-Venus sextiles Uranus and Mercury sextiles Jupiter- The Venus transit is positive, light and indicative of unusual experiences and fun. Mercury-Jupiter is positive and upbeat making this a good day for just about anything.

July 10th-The Sun trines Saturn-A good day for important meetings and getting things done.

July 12th-Venus opposes Pluto-The energy is powerful the day before as well. This is a transit indicative of jealousy, obsession, possessiveness and in general a difficult transit, especially concerning love. Revenge tactics in love can occur depending on the nature of the person involved, issues from the past and deep seated emotional issues come to the forefront. At worst scandals occur under this aspect.

July 15th-Mars conjuncts Uranus-This is the most difficult transit of the month and the energy begins at least 5 days before and after. This is accident prone and represents unexpected and explosive events. This will certainly play out on the world stage in tumultuous ways. The combination of Mars-Uranus is dangerous and indicative of guns, knives, police and weapons. It is particularly dangerous for the hot spots around the globe. This coincides with the US Republican National convention and certainly will represent unexpected events. It is prominent in the chart of Donald Trump, Jimmy Carter and US President Joe Biden as well as others. Uranus also rules aircraft, electricity, the internet and other electronic media.

July 22-23-The Sun opposes Pluto-This is prone to power struggles and change. Pluto has the ability to end and regenerate. The opposition occurs once a year, and will be very powerful in those who were born in the last few days of Libra, Cancer, Aries and Capricorn.