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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Lunar eclipse Super Moon in Pisces September 17th


The September lunar eclipse at 25 degrees of Pisces falls on September 18th. This is the first of our fall pair of eclipses. The rulers of Pisces are Jupiter and Neptune and Pisces rules the12th house of the zodiac which coincides with endings, secrecy, things that are secret and hidden, places of seclusion and prisons.

Neptune is the planet related to dreams and visions, creativity, religion, philosophy, drugs and addictions and lies or misinformation to name a few. Neptune transits can be times that you can soar to the sublime or sink to the lowest depths; it is truly a double edge sword.

Eclipses are like wildcards and can bring good events or negative ones, depending on what it aspects in your personal chart. An eclipse is often dramatic if it aspects a significant point in your own chart, and can present news pertaining to some of life's most significant events. The energy of an eclipse can last for months and in some cases years depending on its strength

Unexpected information frequently comes to light and at this time something may be eclipsed completely out of your life, or into your life. The energy of an eclipse begins in the weeks before the eclipse and lingers for at least a month if not much longer. The energy of an eclipse may be triggered by another planet at that same degree. A solar eclipse is like a super charged New Moon, and a lunar eclipse is like a supercharged full moon and this eclipse is a Super Moon.

Super moons appear closer to the earth and are associated with earth and weather related disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes and other types of natural disasters. Astrologer Richard Noell coined the term ‘Super moon,’ and describes it as ‘a perigee-syzygy, a new or full moon (syzygy) which occurs when the Moon is at 90% or greater of its mean closest approach to Earth (perigee).’

The Pisces Full Moon/eclipse is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. This moon conjuncts Neptune, the planet of spirituality, creativity, the collective and individual consciousness or unconscious feelings. Neptune is also the planet of lies, illusion, drugs and deception so it is truly a double edged sword.

This eclipse will sextile Uranus which is a positive aspect and prone toward unexpected things happening-for the good! We may decide to look at things differently or find new solutions to old problems. Freedom will be a theme, but it may also seem easier to come by at this time.

The moon also conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. On the upside this is creative and intuitive or even prone toward compassion. On the downside this can create confusion and lethargy. Your perception of things may be skewed, or someone may misrepresent something. Pay attention to details over the next few days and postpone important meetings or decisions for a few days if possible. If not, make sure you understand what is really happening.

Be careful about what you believe or put your faith in at this time if it seems sketchy. You may be prone to self doubt and confusion and have to sift through the facts to keep everything straight.

In the US chart this moon opposes Neptune in the 9th house and squares Mars. The 9th house rules courts, laws and foreigners/foreign countries. Mars is in the 7th house of open enemies. This looks like information that could concern laws and courts along with those considered enemies to the Republic. It also looks like misinformation that could come from abroad from US enemies, and we know for certain this is happening. We could also see water related weather situations at or around this eclipse.

Lastly, it appears that Covid is increasing in certain areas of the country. While I am not predicting a return to pandemic levels, Pisces/Neptune is associated with viruses and the potential exists the spread could increase at this time so use care.