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Thursday, August 25, 2022

The Virgo New moon may be rough


The August New Moon falls at 4 degrees of Virgo on August 27th and it is the final New Moon of the summer. Virgo rules the 6th house of work and health and its ruler is Mercury the planet of communication.

Both the Sun and Moon square, or clash with Mars, so this may not be the most laid back energy and things can go awry at this time. By being aware of the energy you are more likely to be able to avoid verbal or emotional confrontations with others or even yourself. Moon-Mars relates to upset or unstable emotions and confrontations with women, and Sun-Mars can create issues with men, or someone’s ego can get out of control pretty fast.

Since the planets involved are all mutable, this energy can take many different directions, sometimes at once so it doesn’t have to turn negative. Examples of a positive use of this energy could include exercise, gardening, work, or activities that keep you busy.

Virgo can be a bit of a nitpicker which often does not go well, but Virgo energy can give us the ability to discern what is going on with ourselves and others to make correct choices.

While the potential for emotional and mental upheaval exists with this Moon, so does the energy to focus on more productive activities and projects, especially those concerning physical movement (hiking, swimming, gardening, sex, cleaning out the garage) or any daily routine we may need to fine tune.

Since Virgo is the natural ruler of the 6th house of health, now is the time to begin a diet or exercise program or set wellness goals that can improve your life. Pets may also come into focus as they are also under the domain of the 6th house in astrology.

Mercury, the planet of communication opposes Jupiter, so we can expect a great deal of communication and mental activity. This is typically a pleasant transit although something could get blown out of proportion, or promises could be overblown or impossible to meet.

The other significant aspect is value and love oriented Venus’s opposition to Saturn; the taskmaster. This could bring up the potential for serious revelations concerning relationships or money that could be problematic at this time.

We may be forced to stand up for ourselves in some way or feel as though we have to prove our value or ideas to others. Add to this the emotionally charged and impulsive Sun-Moon square to Mars and we have a recipe that could turn ugly and impulsive are not aware of the energy.

A New Moon typically coincides with new starts or new beginnings in some way. By channeling Virgo’s sensibility, practicality and common sense we can avoid negative issues and focus on what Virgo really calls for; reevaluating our day to day lives, and improving our focus, energy level and efficiency.


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