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Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The powerful Libra eclipse


Eclipse season is upon us and we will experience the first solar eclipse at 21 degrees of Libra on October 14th. Libra rules the 7th house of marriage and partnerships in astrology. Its ruler is Venus, the planet of love, money and values. Venus is the star of the show, so this will be what the majority of us are focused on. On a collective level, it will definitely deal with values, and what we value the most.

This is a South Node eclipse which ties in with our collective destiny. It is conjunct Mercury, the planet of communication, square Pluto and quincunx Uranus. A quincunx relates to ‘irreconcilable differences.’

Eclipses are like wildcards and one of the ways we learn how and what we need to change so our life can evolve. An eclipse can seem good or bad, depending on what it aspects in your personal chart, and often an eclipse is dramatic, or reveals important information if it aspects a significant point in your own chart. An eclipse often brings news pertaining to life's biggest events. The energy of an eclipse can last for months and in some cases years.

Almost always unexpected information comes to light and at this time something may be eclipsed completely out of your life, or into your life.

A solar eclipse is like a super charged New Moon, and new moons are typically about new beginnings on some level.

Libra/Venus not only rules romantic relationships, but relationships of all kinds, including work, friendships and even relationships on a bigger level between countries.

Since Libra is the ruler of the 7th house of committed relationships we can expect to see many situations occurring in personal relationships and marriages, some good, some not so good, depending on what else is happening in your personal chart and what the eclipse is aspecting in your personal chart. An eclipse is personal to everyone depending on what it does.

Libra/the 7th house also rules courts of all kinds. The symbol for Libra represents the scales of justice.

Pluto is stationing to turn direct at the time of this post, and by Saturday it is in its ‘stationary direct’ phase. When a planet stations, either retrograde of direct, it is very powerful, especially if it is aspecting something in your personal chart.

In this case, the Moon will square Pluto and Mars is still in its square to Pluto which began a week ago Saturday. Pluto deals with transformation, death and renewal.

While everything trickles down to our personal lives, unfortunately this eclipse will also have us concerned with world events, in particular the war between Israel and Hamas. October 11th, Mars enters Scorpio, ruled by Mars the planet of war, and Pluto, the planet of destruction.

The future of a country is often seen in the chart of the countries leader and in this case, Benjamin Netanyahu. Pluto is square his Sun showing aggression, change and the dire circumstances that are at play. Mars is still in its square to his Sun as well so it’s probable we can expect a significant increase in war efforts on or around this eclipse.

The US has offered aid to Israel and in the US chart this eclipse squares Mercury (communication) in the 8th house of death and taxpayer money. Mercury rules communication and young people, and US warships are already offshore. The Moon also squares Pluto in the US chart in the 2nd house of money.

The US is experiencing its final US Pluto return and as Pluto turns direct it is not unexpected to see massive world events, as what happens in the US connects across the globe. There are astrologers who have stated the Pluto return deals only with the US, but I beg to differ for the above mentioned reason. Furthermore, the war in Ukraine began when Pluto made its first exact hit to Pluto in the US chart in February of 2022. Pluto is the dark God in astrology. In myth, Pluto pertains to the underworld and is associated with power, will and desire.

If you are so inclined, now is the time to pray for peace in Israel, Palestine and Gaza as the millions of innocent people face unbelievable hardships and sacrifice and want no part of this war, in particular the 100-150 hostages who are presumably in Gaza.

Otherwise, watch your relationships and contact a competent astrologer if you want to know where and what this eclipse does in your personal chart.

While we are collectively in dark times, all is not doom and gloom in everyone’s live. We will experience many relationships changes, but if this eclipse hits your chart in a positive way you could experience joy and pleasure through Libra’s planetary ruler, Venus.

If your relationship is less than perfect, Pluto holds the possibility of transformation to a better state with knowledge and intention.

To view the eclipse path click on this link. Ancient astrologers believed the path of an eclipse set off events along the eclipse path.



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