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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Jupiter squares Saturn!


Saturn turned retrograde on June 29th at 19 degrees of Pisces and turns direct again on November 15th. This year Saturn retrogrades creating a square to Jupiter in Gemini. Squares represent conflict.

Retrograde Saturn is a time to back up and re-access what is going on in our lives. We can make a great deal of progress during this time although it may not seem so at first glance.

As Saturn deals with our structures we may be concerned with basic security issues while Saturn is retrograde both individually and collectively.

While Saturn rules our structures and limitations, Jupiter rules our expansion, luck and gain. The two planets don’t mix well and represent a clash.

This transit might be compared to trying to paddling a canoe upstream or trying to drive with the brakes on. While Jupiter is the planet of expansion, Saturn represents restriction and delays, and this is a collision of these two principals.

Money issues may come to the surface, or depending on what is in your chart you may feel the restriction coming from some other area of life. For some, relationships may end at this time, but only if they are not working out already. Any relationship can be affected but if the partnership is basically sound it should withstand the stress.

Many things may slow down during this time, or you may lack inner conviction, or your timing can be off.  It is important to consider these factors.

This transit can represent legal, financial and business problems, and there could be a lack of support, especially if this aspects your personal chart. There could be issues with higher education, moral issues, or indifference. Frustration may build up to the point where something has to give and change occurs at this point. You may have to limit spending on entertainment.

For some this might represent a culmination of business affairs of some type, but Saturn can delay, and restrict.  There could be added responsibilities and pressures in your job during this period, or you could make some kind of change in your job or work.

 Most recently Saturn and Jupiter squared each other July-August of 2015 in Leo-Scorpio, and then again in Virgo-Sagittarius May of 2016.

In 2015 the aspect coincided with; 

-The US Supreme Court ruled in favor of Obamacare and same sex marriage.

-The Charleston massacre occurred

-Rockets were fired from Gaza and the IDF retaliated with attacks on Hamas

-Record breaking heat and rain across the US.

In 2016 the aspect considered with;

- Indian fertility clinic announces that a 70-year-old woman has successfully gave birth to a baby boy

- EgyptAir flight MS804 goes missing over the Mediterranean on route Paris to Cairo

- Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansour, leader of the Afghan Taliban is reportedly killed by a US drone in Pakistan

The above are only a few of the important events that occurred during these previous transits.

Saturn-Jupiter transits begin anew every 20 years. The cycle we are now in began in December of 2020 and we are now experiencing the next phase of the cycle which is the square.

We can expect this to slow things down, bring about delays and even influence finances to an extent. Propaganda will likely be at an all time high, the political fights will intensify and we can expect to see many significant events around the world.

The late famed astrologer Andre Barbault connects this cycle with Europe and significant changes there. In terms of the square that occurred during the last cycle (March 1984-January 1985) he wrote about the events; “The Transatlantic crisis. In addition to disputes over the GATT negotiations there was deterioration in the relationship between Europe and America; the shadow of protectionism, the gas pipeline affair and the penalizing of European countries.”

If this aspect connects to something in your chart you can expect it to play a major role, depending on what it is aspecting and where in your chart it falls. The transit will be exact on August 19th, along with the Full Moon in Aquarius at 27 degrees. The Jupiter-Saturn  will peak at 17 degrees of Pisces-Gemini.

I do not consider this an especially positive transit but it may reign in anything in excess and in some cases deals may come together or something you are working on could conclude.

While this will peak the week of August 18th, but the energy is already with us now and will continue for some time after the peak.

The Democratic National convention will be held the week the transit reaches its peak, and there is little doubt we will see the major differences between what the Democratic Party versus the Republican Party has to offer the American people since the Democratic Party is ruled by Saturn and the Republican Party by Jupiter.

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