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Thursday, February 27, 2025

March 2025; Venus and Mercury retrograde and Neptune enters Aries


This month Mars continues its direct station and begins to move forward on March 10th, ending many delays, anger and misguided direction since its retrograde that began December 6th. It’s been a difficult retrograde for many and Mars won’t retrograde again until January 2027 in the sign of Virgo. Mars will remain in Cancer all month

As Mars turns direct however, Venus turns retrograde March 1st-April 13th shaking up relationships and our personal and collective values. Mars rules men and Venus rules women.

March 15th Mercury turns retrograde joining Venus in the sign of Aries most of the month. Mercury turns direct April 7th in Pisces.

We experience the first two eclipses of the year this month in Virgo and Aries. All in all this is one of the most significant months of the year astrologically and as above, so below.

Lastly , this month Neptune enters Aries. This is a major, world changing astrology event that will change our world and lives over the next 14 years.

Now, the details:

Lady love takes a step back

Venus turns retrograde March 1st at 10 degrees of Aries. March 27th it re-enters the sign Pisces where it will turn direct on April 13th at 24 degrees of Pisces.

As Venus retrogrades we have an opportunity to rethink and re-access our relationships with others and those closest to us. Love energy may be harder to come by during this period, but we may compensate for this by loving ourselves more. Feelings become more defined giving us a clearer picture as to what is important and what is not in terms of any Venusian activity, especially relationships.

If you begin a new relationship on a retrograde Venus it is said the love energy is never fully expressed. If this is the case, things could also change after Venus turns direct again and energy shifts again. Venus retrograde is sometimes associated with those we have known in the past. At times we can reconnect, or take many trips down memory lane.

Some relationships that are tottering on the edge may well end during this time. Some will change partners, and others may connect with someone from the past they have known previously. To an extent, Venus retrograde is a wild card.

Venus retrogrades repeat themselves by sign every 8 years

Venus retrogrades every 18 months and the retrograde period lasts about 42 days. Venus repeats it’s retrograde in the same sign every 8 years. You could experience something similar to the Venus retrograde March-April 2016 when it retrograded in Aries-Pisces.

Venus retrograde and its karmic affect

Venus retrograde affects love, money, personal values and our social lives most importantly. When it is retrograde all of these things can become more difficult in some way, but at the same time we can gain more clarity as to where we are going and who we are going there with. Venus retrograde is a karmic period and at times our love lives can take dramatic shifts one way or another.  If a relationship comes back together it was meant to, and if one ends at this time, it is granting you the freedom to find someone more appropriate. There is a heavy fated quality to retrograde Venus.

Love, money and values

A retrograde Venus can affect money and for some it may slow down a bit during this period or money issues or matters may come to light in a more direct way at this time.

Sometimes we are put in positions where we have to determine what our personal values actually are. We could experience a moral or ethical crisis that could bring these issues to light.

A retrograde Venus is not the time to;

-begin a new relationship-it might not last after Venus turns direct and if it does it may never be quite satisfactory in some way.

-do not have elective cosmetic surgery.

-do not buy big ticket items connected to art, jewelry or beauty.

-do not get married or engaged

-do not release projects connected to art, music or entertainment

We may reconnect with others and this is not limited to romantic relationships. You could meet up with old friends, clients or acquaintances you have known before.

Venus retrograde will affect our personal lives and it will play out in the world as well. The collective will be affected by Venus retrograde. During this time we will be forced to re-evaluate what is working, what is not, and what we value as individuals as well as a collective, and make changes toward those ideas that do not serve the majority well.

Mars stations direct

Mars is in its direct station through the first 9 days of March. This means it is still ‘waking up’ from the retrograde but not yet moving forward. After March 10th as it inches forward things that have been delayed start to move forward. The station of Mars or any other planet is when it is at its most powerful point. If it makes a positive aspect in your chart expect forward action. If it makes a negative aspect, expect challenges. Mars will be in its retrograde shadow period until April 21st.

March 3rd Mercury enters Aries

Aries is ruled by Mars the planet of action and aggression. Thinking will pick up speed and shift toward a style of getting straight to the point, sometimes to the point of even seeming abrupt or rude to others, so it is important to watch our words and tone.

For the Fire signs this will seem very natural and comfortable, and for others (especially Water signs) this type of communication may seem too harsh or outside their comfort zone.

Conveying information and ideas will be faster, sharper and without beating around the bush but we must watch out for overly assertive communication with others or getting carried away with ideas that have not been thoroughly vetted as our mind is moving so fast.

At its best Mercury in Aries can provide us with a mental state that is optimistic, encouraging, on point and self-confident. At its worst Mercury in Aries can come across as thoughtless, aggressive, impatient and without respect as we can sometimes forget to approach conversations in a thoughtful manner. Details can be missing in conversations and communication as Aries is prone to streamlined thinking and does not like to get bogged down too much in details.

Mercury retrogrades

It seems like we just got past a Mercury retrograde but here we are again. Mercury retrogrades 3-4 times a year and this time it is retrograde  March 15th-April 7th contributing to the confusion once again. It retrogrades at 9 degrees of Aries and re-enters Pisces on the 31st. It will turn direct at 26 degrees of Pisces April 13th.

Mercury is in its retrograde station March 15-18th. Mercurial energy changes at this point dramatically. The stations of Mercury including the direct station April 7th-10th are the most likely times things can go haywire.          

The Virgo eclipse         

The first lunar eclipse of the year falls in the sign of Virgo at 23 degrees on March 13th/14th depending on where you are located. Virgo rules the 6th house of health and work and its planetary ruler is Mercury, the planet of communication.

Virgo is associated with work and workers, worry, and critical thinking. This can be a positive and sharpen your perception or it can be a negative in terms of being critical of yourself or others.

The Sun sextiles Uranus today which is prone toward new approaches and new ideas.

I hate to say this is a difficult eclipse but for many it will be along with the US. This eclipse makes several aspects;

-The Moon opposes the Sun as it does on every lunar eclipse/full moon. This amps up our emotions.

-The Moon sextiles Mars which is an energetic transit and can create an urge to move forward.

-The Moon opposes Neptune which is like a cloud that is difficult to see through. It creates confusion and misinformation will be rampant. It can relate to vivid dreams, psychic experiences and enhance creativity

-The most significant aspect this Moon makes is its opposition to Saturn and it is almost exact. Saturn rules our responsibilities and obligations. This aspect is prone to delays, endings and is tiring and basically negative.

The eclipse occurs within hours of Mercury’s retrograde which can delay events and cause confusion.

This eclipse makes a powerful aspect in the chart of the US. This eclipse falls on the Government funding deadline and sets off Saturn’s opposition to Neptune and square to Mars in the US natal chart.

  The Aries solar eclipse

Eclipses fall in pairs and the first solar eclipse of the year falls at 9 degrees of Aries. Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action, war and men. This eclipse sextiles Jupiter which is a positive and will be a great deal different from the lunar eclipse we experienced.

This new moon eclipse is also a Super Moon. Super Moons appear brighter and closer to the earth and are associated with weather related conditions such as tsunami’s and earthquakes.

Since Mercury is still retrograde we can expect delays and confusion. Mercury enters Pisces today and conjuncts Neptune which will greatly increase the confusion as well.

Mercury-Neptune transits are associated with confusion, lies, misinformation and lack of direction.  They can be associated with creativity and psychic feelings or vivid dreams.

Mercury enters Pisces March 30-April 15th

  The image of Pisces is two fish swimming in opposite directions and there is a good reason for this as this sign is a double edged sword. You can soar to the highest places under a Pisces transit or sink to the lowest depths. Pisces ruler Neptune is associated with faith, creativity, intuition, art and cinema, as well as drugs and drug addicts, lies, deception misunderstandings, propaganda, and the seamy side of life.

While Mercury is in Pisces we can expect communication to become flakier, and miscommunication to be a common theme. Rather than being focused on facts, we may be swayed more by the mood and tone of thinking and conversations. We tend to operate more on intuition, and spend time reflecting on the past.  Our instincts often drive thinking and communication, dreams and fantasies can become more vivid and remain on our minds.

Pisces is a mutable water sign. While all water signs are sensitive and emotional, a mutable sign is changeable, so our thoughts and feelings will be constantly shifting and changing over the next 20 days just like the ocean which Pisces/Neptune has dominion over.

With Mercury in Pisces we can become more attuned to idealism, fantasy, creativity, art and particularly our feelings. We often reach deep into the recesses of our subconscious mind to find creativity and find fresh and new ideas. At times we may discover or understand things to a greater depth than we have before, and we could even feel a certain illumination. Dreams typically become more vivid while Mercury is in this sign as well as more frequent. During Mercury’s transit through Pisces we will sense and feel things we don’t normally pay attention to, and sometimes know things that cannot be explained because our subconscious mind is being triggered.

Neptune enters Aries March 30th

Like Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius last year, Neptune’s entrance into Aries will change the world and change our lives. This year it dips its toes into this sign until October 23rd when it returns to Pisces at 29 degrees until it re-enters Aries late January 2026 where it will remain until March of 2039.

Neptune rules the unconscious both individually and collectively. It is the planet of creativity, spirituality, compassion and humanitarianism but it also rules lies, deception, misinformation and confusion along with addictions and drugs.

Neptune was last in Aries from 1862-1875. Of course this period covered part of the US Civil war. It also led to advances in chemistry and drugs. Spiritualism was prevalent during this time, but how much of it was real and how much an illusion is hard to know.

Aries is ruled by Mars the planet of war and aggression, action and it also rules men. Men could suffer collectively from some sort of identity crisis through this period.

Aries rules the first house or the self. We will all be driven to accomplish our personal goals. Neptune in Aries will put impulsiveness in the sign of service and spirituality and even with Neptune’s veil we may see more clear cut actions in our daily lives. We could see those who are pioneers, religious zealots and extremists determined to carry out their goals, but others who aren’t will be just as determined. Wars are possible with Neptune in this sign as it is ruled by Mars. We must be careful not to develop a war like and aggressive mentality as Neptune rules the collective mindset.

During the parts of the year Neptune is not in Aries it will be at 29 degrees of Pisces from March 4th onward. Neptune has been in Pisces since April of 2011 with a short foray back into Aquarius for a few months. This is how the outer planets operate; we get a preview of what the sign will bring before it enters for a long period of time.

The 29th degree is considered a critical degree and is significant. We may be seized with an urgency we have only a short time to correct something and critical events may well occur during these periods. Critical events are likely to occur.

In May Saturn will team up with Neptune in Aries but that will be the focus of another newsletter.

Other transits of interest:

March 2nd, Mercury conjuncts Neptune and this will occur several times with the upcoming retrograde. This is prone toward lies, confusion and deception. It can increase dreams and psychic experiences. On a broader level it can related to water related weather events. At best this can represent compassion or creativity.

March 12th, the Sun conjuncts Saturn. This happens every year for a day depending on where transiting Saturn is. This can be a day of critical events in the world and sometimes our lives. Generally it deals with responsibility, delays and can be negative and depressing.

March 27th Venus conjuncts Neptune. This transit is like a double edged sword. On one hand it can bring fun and reverie and on the other hand it can create a great deal of confusion especially in matters concerning love or money. Take nothing for granted especially if it is an important matter. If this is the case make no significant decisions on this day since you may not have all the facts.





Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Prepare for Venus retrograde March 1st


At the time of this post February 19th, Venus is in its shadow period preparing to retrograde. February 23rd it reaches 10 degrees of Aries where it stops moving forward and eventually enters its retrograde station March 1st-8th and at this point it is extremely powerful especially if it touches something in your personal chart as we  begin to notice the shift in energies. While the actual retrograde or backward movement of Venus is on optical illusion, the energy and its affects are far from an illusion.

Venus turns retrograde March 1st at 10 degrees of Aries. March 27th it re-enters the sign Pisces for the rest of the retrograde where it will turn direct on April 13th at 24 degrees of Pisces.

As Venus retrogrades we have an opportunity to rethink and re-access our relationships with others and those closest to us. Love energy may be harder to come by during this period, but we may compensate for this by loving ourselves more. Feelings become more defined giving us a clearer picture as to what is important and what is not in terms of any Venusian activity, especially relationships.

If you begin a new relationship on a retrograde Venus it is said the love energy is never fully expressed. If this is the case, things could also change after Venus turns direct again and energy shifts again. Venus retrograde is sometimes associated with those we have known in the past. At times we can reconnect, or take many trips down memory lane.

Some relationships that are tottering on the edge may well end during this time. Some will change partners, and others may connect with someone from the past they have known previously. To an extent, Venus retrograde is a wild card in our love lives in particular.

Venus retrogrades repeat themselves by sign every 8 years

Venus retrogrades every 18 months and the retrograde period lasts about 42 days. Venus repeats it’s retrograde in the same sign every 8 years. You could experience something similar to the Venus retrograde March-April 2016 when it retrograded in Aries-Pisces.

Venus retrograde and its karmic affect

Venus retrograde affects love, money, personal values and our social lives most importantly. When it is retrograde all of these things can become more difficult in some way, but at the same time we can gain more clarity as to where we are going and who we are going there with. Venus retrograde is a karmic period and at times our love lives can take dramatic shifts one way or another.  If a relationship comes back together it was meant to, and if one ends at this time, it is granting you the freedom to find someone more appropriate. There is a heavy fated quality to retrograde Venus.

Love, money and values

A retrograde Venus can affect money and for some it may slow down a bit during this period or money issues or matters may come to light in a more direct way at this time.

Sometimes we are put in positions where we have to determine what our personal values actually are. We could experience a moral or ethical crisis that could bring these issues to light.

A retrograde Venus is not the time to;

-begin a new relationship-it might not last after Venus turns direct and if it does it may never be quite satisfactory in some way.

-do not have elective cosmetic surgery.

-do not buy big ticket items connected to art, jewelry or beauty.

-do not get married or engaged

-do not release projects connected to art, music or entertainment

We may reconnect with others and this is not limited to romantic relationships. You could meet up with old friends, clients or acquaintances you have known before.

Venus retrograde will affect our personal lives and it will play out in the world as well. The collective will be affected by Venus retrograde. During this time we will be forced to re-evaluate what is working, what is not, and what we value as individuals as well as a collective, and make changes toward those ideas that do not serve the majority well.

Other planets will also affect the overall time we are in:

Mars is in its direct station through the first 9 days of March. This means it is still ‘waking up’ from the retrograde but not yet moving forward. After March 10th as it inches forward things that have been delayed start to move forward. The station of Mars or any other planet is when it is at its most powerful point. If it makes a positive aspects in your chart expect positive action. If it makes a negative aspect, expect challenges. Mars will be in its retrograde shadow period until April 21st. While Mars rules men, Venus rules women.

Mercury retrogrades

Mercury retrogrades 3-4 times a year and this time it is retrograde  March 15th-April 7th contributing to the confusion.. It retrogrades at 9 degrees of Aries and re-enters Pisces on the 31st. It will turn direct at 26 degrees of Pisces April 13th.

Mercury is in its retrograde station March 15-18th. Mercurial energy changes at this point dramatically. The stations of Mercury including the direct station April 7th-10th are the most likely times things can go haywire.       

Both Venus and Mercury are retrograde March 15th-April 7th increasing the confusion and changeability.  

The Virgo eclipse         

The first lunar eclipse of the year falls in the sign of Virgo at 23 degrees on March 14th/15th depending on where you are located. Virgo rules the 6th house of health and work and its planetary ruler is Mercury, the planet of communication.

Virgo is associated with work and workers, worry, and critical thinking. This can be a positive and sharpen your perception or it can be a negative in terms of being critical of yourself or others.

The most significant aspect this Moon makes is its opposition to Saturn and it is almost exact. Saturn rules our responsibilities and obligations. Some relationships will end at this time if they are unstable or not yet off the ground.



Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Leo full moon brings shake-ups!


This month’s full moon falls at 24 degrees of Leo February 13th making this the last full moon before Valentine’s Day. Leo is a proud and charismatic sign and the ruler of royalty and entertainment. Leo rules the 5th house of love, friends and children so it is likely this is a very social time especially just a few days before Valentine’s Day.

This moon will not go by without shakeups however, especially since it squares Uranus which is now in its direct station, meaning the energy is waking up from its long retrograde and very powerful especially in terms of world events, or if it hits something in your personal chart.

Uranus is the planet of unexpected disruptions so change is likely and in some cases, breakups in relationships that could be permanent or temporary. In some cases plans will change or things won’t go as planned. For others, this could indicate a time of new ventures, and activities and a positively charged day.

If there is something that you have wanted to break away from now will be the time. This can include relationships, jobs or anything else.

Uranus is prone toward separation, unexpected change and explosive circumstances. This does not mean something difficult will occur in everyone’s life and I would advise against anticipating major upheaval; it depends on what else is in your chart. For some this can be as simple as changeability or feeling your mind is all over the board for a short time.

The Sun squares Uranus February 11th, and this energy becomes part of the Full moon and we likely see events play out concerning the Full moon at soon as the weekend. Sun/Uranus aspects are prone toward unexpected events in the world and our lives.

February 10th Mercury squares Uranus and this is often about unexpected news. It is important to use care while driving as you or others on the road could be distracted.

In the world however this moon presents a whole different story. We are likely to see major events and news. In the US chart this Moon falls in the 9th house which rules courts/laws and foreign affairs. It opposes the US moon which rules the people. An opposition brings problems and upsets among the people.

This Moon is powerful in the chart of several leaders in the US so we can expect major news. Sometimes a moon like this indicates the potential for danger, explosions, earth related events and twists and turns we don’t expect. It is likely many things will be happening, not just one event.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Saturn opposes Neptune and squares Mars in the US natal chart; March 2025


March may be one of the most difficult months of the year in the US when Saturn squares Mars and opposes Neptune in the US Sibly natal chart. (Yes, countries have charts just like people.)  This aspect is within orb by mid February and throughout April and is ‘exact’ March 4th-18th. Transits like this don’t have to be exact for major events to occur.

Saturn in Pisces will square the US Mars at 21 degrees of Gemini and oppose the US Neptune at 22 degrees of Virgo in the 9th house.  Mars lies in the 6th house of the US chart. The 9th house rules courts/laws and foreigners/foreign affairs, and the 6th house rules public health and can also indicate political stability and financial solvency. It rules the military, civil servants and other workers.

Neptune is the planet of illusion, confusion and deception, but it also rules spirituality, creativity and the collective consciousness. Mars is associated with war, aggression, anger, police, men and warrior types.

The natal Mars-Neptune square in the US chart relates to many things overall. The country was founded by the Pilgrims who wanted to live according to their religious ideals as many have that have come after them for better or worse so this is certainly a part of the transit.

On the positive side it can indicate idealism, bravery, spirituality and creativity and the US has an abundance of all of these things. On the negative side it can be associated with confusion, misinformation and deception; in this case related to foreign policy, courts and laws, workers, civil servants and health.

Every 30 years Saturn in Pisces sets off this aspect the US chart and we see significant events. Let’s look at a few of the past events that stand out the most;

1995-Oklahoma City bombings

1966-US begins bombing Hanoi, Vietnam and war escalates

1936-WW11 had begun, the Great Depression was in full swing and the Dust Bowl occurred.

1906-The San Francisco earthquake occurred which was one of the greatest natural disasters in the US.

1876-The era of the Robber Barron; poverty in the US was high and child labor was rampant.

A disputed presidential election between Democratic Governor Samuel J. Tilden of New York, and Republican Governor Rutherford B. Hayes of Ohio took place. It was one of the most contentious in US History. Tilden defeated Hayes in the official popular vote tally but the election involved substantial electoral fraud, voter intimidation by paramilitary groups like the Red Shirts, and disenfranchisement of black Republicans. Hayes agreed to end reconstruction in return for the Presidency and his term was plagued with controversy.

The Nez Perce War was a conflict between the US Army and the Nez Perce Indians that took place in Montana and Idaho

1846-The Mexican-American War

Other aspects in March 2025

-Venus is retrograde. Venus rules love, money and values and we will be evaluating all of these things collectively and individually.

-Mercury turns retrograde March 15th in Aries. Retrograde Mercury relates to the past and a great deal of confusion can occur. It is not good to take significant actions at this time and if you do they may eventually be reversed.

-Mars is still in its shadow period after turning direct February 24 so the retrograde energy is there creating confusion, anger and frustration.

Lunar eclipse in Virgo

March 13th/14th a lunar eclipse falls at 23 degrees of Virgo. This conjuncts the US Neptune and squares Mars setting off a transiting Saturn-Mars-Neptune grand square in the US chart and the eclipse will be the overall peak of Saturn opposing Neptune/square Mars. We can look for significant events to occur before the eclipse hits, during and afterward.

The eclipse falls on Neptune in the US chart and is square the US Mars. Confusion and deception will abound as will propaganda and many in the US will be angry. There may be issues concerning courts and foreign countries/governments. It should be clear to any astrologer there was been massive foreign interference in the US along with the US elections and other matters due to Neptune’s opposition to Neptune in the US chart 9th house which is still within orb.

The eclipse opposes Saturn in the sky which is a wakeup call to reality and what is really going on in the world and our lives. I get no pleasure from saying this will be a difficult eclipse. That said; don’t expect disaster on a personal level or get into a fearful mindset, but it may not be the lightest of times. At times like this we need to be clear headed and rational and take a good look at where we are in our personal lives as well as the collective.

As you can see from past history many things can happen with this 30 year transit in the US chart  including attacks, war, contentious politics and poor financial conditions in the US brought about by factors including natural disasters and huge income disparities between the super rich and the rest of the population.  With Saturn and Mars involved violence and cruelty in some form is always possible.

The US Neptune in Virgo is ruled by Mercury as is Mars in Gemini and both point to the US Mercury in the 8th house of taxpayer money and change in financial matters which appears to be the focus of this transit. A significant death is also possible. It appears many items will be cut from the US budget.

Jupiter’s role

Jupiter in Gemini falls on the cusp of the US 7th house of open enemies opposing the ascendant. Jupiter rules foreigners/foreign governments and becomes part of the overall chart at this time. It also represents the Republican Party and rules laws and courts which will be important at this time.

The Government Funding deadline

The government funding deadline falls on March 14th, the day of the powerful lunar eclipse and it appears this issue is front and center. That said this transit can be about more than one issue and in all reality it will probably be multiple events occurring at the same time.

Whatever the case it looks like conflict, anger and the health and welfare of the American people are not front and center at all when it comes to the government and there will be an enormous amount of pushback, lawsuits and anger.

Chart of Donald Trump  

As the President’s chart goes, so goes the country. March will be a difficult month for Trump with Saturn square his Sun and Moon. The Sun lies in his 10th house of career and the Moon lies in his 4th house and is the ruler of women and public opinion.

Sun-Saturn aspects are not favorable and prone toward setbacks and delays. In the chart of a 78 year old especially, it can also indicate health or physical issues.

The March 14th eclipse in Virgo falls in Trumps 2nd house of money and values and appears to deal with finances, but eclipses can almost always bring surprises and unexpected events.

This eclipse creates a grand square in his chart which is a difficult aspect. It opposes transiting Saturn which currently falls in his 7th house and rules both partners (Congress) and those considered open enemies. 

The eclipse squares his Sun and Moon pulling in the energy of all of these planets and completing the grand square.

The eclipse sextiles his Venus/Saturn conjunction in the 11th house of the collective which could be some help but with the grand square aspect nothing will be easy.

Venus is retrograde and Venus squares Trumps Mercury which indicates announcements and communication. March 16th-18th Venus opposes his Neptune and in a politicians chart Neptune transits are often nefarious and involve propaganda or hiding the truth in this case; finances and money.

Jupiter in Gemini falls at 13 degrees offering some luck until it enters Cancer June 8th.


All in all this looks like one of the most difficult times this year for the country, and as mentioned does not bode well for the general public, public health, civil servants or other workers.

The Virgo eclipse is the sign of auditors and its opposition to Saturn is highly likely to serve as a wakeup call to the US and the world.

The only silver lining that I can see is that during the week of February 18th Jupiter trines the US Saturn which may offer some stability for the country.

Jupiter will enter Cancer June 9th and the US is a Cancer country. This does not offer much protection at first because it (Jupiter) will square Saturn, which we have already seen several times in the past year in Gemini/Pisces and is not a positive financial aspect.

Once this aspect passes however, Jupiter will conjunct Venus, Jupiter and the Sun in the US chart which in some ways should be beneficial since the US is a Cancer country.

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