This month’s full moon falls at 24 degrees of Leo February 13th
making this the last full moon before Valentine’s Day. Leo is a proud and
charismatic sign and the ruler of royalty and entertainment. Leo rules the 5th house
of love, friends and children so it is likely this is a very social time
especially just a few days before Valentine’s Day.
This moon will not go by without shakeups however, especially
since it squares Uranus which is now in its direct
station, meaning the energy is waking up from its long retrograde and very
powerful especially in terms of world events, or if it hits something in your
personal chart.
Uranus is the planet of unexpected disruptions so change is
likely and in some cases, breakups in relationships that could be permanent or
temporary. In some cases plans will change or things won’t go as planned. For
others, this could indicate a time of new ventures, and activities and a
positively charged day.
If there is something that you have wanted to break away from
now will be the time. This can include relationships, jobs or anything else.
Uranus is prone toward separation, unexpected change and
explosive circumstances. This does not mean something difficult will occur in
everyone’s life and I would advise against anticipating major upheaval; it
depends on what else is in your chart. For some this can be as simple as
changeability or feeling your mind is all over the board for a short time.
The Sun squares Uranus February 11th, and this energy
becomes part of the Full moon and we likely see events play out concerning the
Full moon at soon as the weekend. Sun/Uranus aspects are prone toward
unexpected events in the world and our lives.
February 10th Mercury squares Uranus and this is
often about unexpected news. It is important to use care while driving as you
or others on the road could be distracted.
In the world however this moon presents a whole different story.
We are likely to see major events and news. In the US chart this Moon falls in
the 9th house which rules courts/laws and foreign affairs. It
opposes the US moon which rules the people. An opposition brings problems and
upsets among the people.
This Moon is powerful in the chart of several leaders in the US
so we can expect major news. Sometimes a moon like this indicates the potential
for danger, explosions, earth related events and twists and turns we don’t
expect. It is likely many things will be happening, not just one event.
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