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Thursday, May 11, 2023

Jupiter enters Taurus and the powerful t-square of May


May 16th, Jupiter enters Taurus at 1:20PM, EDT for the first time since June 2011. It will remain in this sign until May 25th, 2024 when it will move into Gemini.

Taurus is one of the most laid back signs and it is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, money and values. Jupiter expands whatever it touches so in this case the focus will be on money and finance, love, relationships and values both on a personal and collective level.

During Jupiter’s tour through Aries, the theme was ‘to initiate.’ During Jupiter’s cycle through Taurus the theme will be to bring the things we initiated into the physical world and material world.

Since Venus will be the star of the show for the next year, now is the time to recognize your own values and make use of them. This means who and how you spend your time with, what you really want, and where you are going.

Jupiter in Taurus should represent an increase in money for some, depending on what it is doing in your personal chart. If you are a Libra or Aries ascendant you should see an increase financially unless there is something else blocking this in your chart. Jupiter in this sign will work well for Earth signs in particular (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) and water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). If you are a Taurus, this is a once every twelve year transit so go back to 2011 and think about how it benefited you then. Of course, all of the other planets come into play as well, but most people would remember something somewhat positive.

2011 Jupiter in Taurus; a look back

When Jupiter was last in Taurus we were starting to recover from ‘The Great recession,” of 2007-09. While the consequences of 2008 had major long term affects, the economy was picking up to some degree, although it took many years and some individuals never completely recovered.

There was of course the second “Black Monday’ on August 8th, 2011 when global and US stocks crashed following the previous Friday night downgrade of the US credit rating by Standard and Poor’s from AAA to AA. This was aided and abetted by Uranus’s square to Pluto which meant that a financial shakeup was bond to occur at or around that time. Fortunately, we do not have an aspect like that today.

The debt ceiling crisis that year started as a political debate over increasing the statutory limit of US federal government borrowing also known as the debt ceiling. In the run up to the crisis, the United States had approached and actually passed this limit. Since the US Treasury has no authority to issue or incur debt beyond the debt ceiling set by Congress and, failure to reach an agreement between the necessary members of the government to raise the debt ceiling meant that certain debts wouldn’t be paid and this affected the government's ability to borrow at low cost, due to perception of increased risk in loaning money to the US government.

Does all of this sound familiar? Well, it should with the standoff currently in Congress over the debt ceiling. Will our politicians remember what happened in 2011 and learn from it? Considering the current Congress and political climate it’s hard to say, but we can hope, and it remains to be seen what will happen and whether or not we will be plunged into another crisis for blatant political reasons and theatre. The previous credit downgrade lasted 3 years until March of 2014 when it was upgraded back to AAA. Clearly, there are consequences for inaction and political grandstanding and none of it benefits the people.

Jupiter in the US chart

It is no coincidence that on May 1st, First Republic Bank was seized by the FDIC in 8 states and sold. We may see more information about banks, farming, climate problems and Earth related issues. We could at best see new farming and food production methods.

Jupiter in Taurus will sextile Venus, Jupiter and the Sun in the US chart all before fall and again toward the latter part of the year into next year and this can only be positive and productive in terms of benefitting the US financially.

Jupiter will retrograde September 3rd-December 31st as it does every year. Since Jupiter in Taurus is directly connected to finance and money we may experience things situations this time that tend to slow down the flow of money.

These positive Jupiter aspects will occur again at the end of this year and into early spring of 2024.

Jupiter squares Pluto

Jupiter expands whatever it touches for better or worse. When Jupiter enters Taurus it immediately enters a square with Pluto that will be powerful well into the month of June but the peak day of this aspect is May 17

Jupiter-Pluto transits can indicate religious, moral and other types of power plays among individuals, coercive tactics and fanatical belief systems. Personal philosophies may become evident and come into question. This transit is indicative of impatience along with arrogance and pride and with the possibility of neglecting small but very important details. Since Jupiter is in the sign ruling the second house, money will certainly be a theme.

Some individuals may try and reform those around them while neglecting their own personal development and be convinced they are right in many matters. In other words, power struggles are a major possibility. Sometimes with transits like this situations reach conclusions and matters end or come together. This is an important period in many ways. At times a transit like this works to bring together a certain project or bring a certain project to its conclusion.

There will be increased needs in the world to recognize various collective problems and concerns. Reform will likely become a theme, but there will be clashes over reform and what it means. There may also be an issue with knowing who or what is capable of discerning and implementing reform as opposed to individuals who view themselves as demigods who hold all the answers. This transit creates the necessity of the highest level of ethical performance which may not come about easily and people can be swayed and mislead by powerful and manipulative messages both on the world stage and in our personal lives. Jupiter-Pluto aspects also tend to deal with terrorism on a worldwide scale.

Mars enters Leo and the powerful May t-square

Mars is the planet that rules our action, passions, war, sex, and ability to assert ourselves in astrology. Mars moves from emotional Cancer to Leo May 20th-July 10th.

At this time Mars will oppose Pluto and square Jupiter. When Mars enters the picture, this creates a t-square which combines the energies of all three planets. Mars opposing Pluto is a volatile transit that is sometimes connected to arguments, unyielding attitudes and at worst violence. Mars square Jupiter leans toward things becoming blown out of proportion on some level. It is important to not be reactionary during this time and let the energies level out before making and significant decisions about your life. Staying calm will be the key. Sometimes under Mars-Pluto old buried issues come up and must be dealt with and Pluto leans toward obsessive behaviors.

The peak of this powerful aspect will be from May 20th-24th.

There is little doubt this aspect will play out in significant terms on the world stage and issues will be global. At the time of this aspect we can expect issues concerning money, ideological and political conflicts, and Mars-Pluto holds the potential for violence. Taurus is an earth sign which means earth related disasters are possible including earthquakes. It is important to be aware of the volatility of this aspect and leave contentious problems, issues and reactionary behaviors on the back seat until this powerful aspect passes.


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