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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

June astrology; Pluto re-enters Capricorn


This month Pluto leaves Aquarius and returns to Capricorn for the rest of the year. Neptune and Saturn turn retrograde, Venus enters Leo and Mercury leaves Taurus for Leo. The Sun enters Cancer, and we have a full Moon in the sign of Sagittarius, and a New Moon in Gemini. Now, the details.

Pluto returns to Capricorn

Pluto is the planet of the collective and influences us on both a global and personal level depending on what it is doing in your personal chart. Since March 23rd, Pluto has been in the sign of Aquarius and we have seen many changes in our lives and on the global stage. Pluto will re-enter Capricorn June 12th until January 21st, 2024 when it will enter Aquarius for the 2nd time.

Pluto in Capricorn is about top heavy patriarchal systems of government, and Plutocrats as we have seen for a number of years now. Capricorn rules big business, governments, power and control. Pluto in Capricorn has been a difficult transit for many since it began in 2008. Pluto in Sagittarius (1996-2008) was ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and Pluto in Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of restriction so you can see the stark difference between these two signs.

In total we will experience two more periods of Pluto/Capricorn; June-December 2023 and finally September-November 2024 which will be the last pass of Pluto in this sign (Capricorn) for 248 years.

Pluto in Aquarius is ruled by Saturn but also unpredictable Uranus. Aquarius is about the people and Capricorn is about the Plutocrats so we can expect many things to clash and fade from the old into something new over the next several years and this will occur on a global level. The last time Pluto entered Aquarius we saw both the American and French Revolutions and the people demanding freedom from what they saw as repressive governments.

On November 20th, 2024 when Pluto finally enters Aquarius for the next 20 years we will truly be entering into a new world where the people will demand to not only be heard, but demand their needs are met on any number of subjects. This does not mean everything will simply fall into place because it never does. We have to fight for our freedoms but this time, the people will win. While astrologers differ on the ‘Age of Aquarius,’ Pluto in Aquarius will take us there literally, metaphorically or however you want to look at it..

In the meantime, we can expect to go back to the concerns of December 2022-March of 2023 as Pluto retrogrades from 29- 27 degrees of Capricorn. Late September-October when Pluto is at 27 degrees we will experience one last pass of the Pluto return in the US chart so we can expect this to be an extremely intense time in the US.

Full Moon in Sagittarius

June 3rd-4th, we will have a full moon in the sign of Sagittarius at 13 degrees. Sagittarius is the natural ruler of the 9th house which rules courts, laws, travel and education. The planetary ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter, the planet of gain and expansion. Most Sagittarius full moons are on the positive side, but of course it depends on what it hits in your personal chart. Now is a time to expand your thinking and approach things with an open mind.

Mercury conjuncts Uranus at 20 degrees of Taurus. A transit like this is typically associated with unexpected news or unexpected change of some kind. You could feel nervous and jittery, have problems with communication or at best feel exhilarated. Mercury-Uranus transits can also coincide with new ideas and approaches to things. You may get a brilliant idea and if you do write it down since ideas come and go quickly with an aspect like this. Expect a great deal of talk and conversation with ideas that may change quickly.

This moon forms a t-square with the Sun and Saturn. A Sun-moon opposition occurs on every full moon, amping up our emotions and often creating conflict. Moon-Saturn aspects lean toward feeling drained, tired, and somewhat on the depressive side for some, but fortunately this occurs with a wide orb.

June 5th, Venus opposes Pluto so this becomes part of the full moon energy. Venus-Pluto aspects are typically related to finance, money and our emotions along with personal and collective values. This aspect is prone toward obsessive feelings, and some relationships will end at this time if they are tottering on the edge. Pluto tends to reveal things and goes beneath the surface when it comes to emotions and feelings. This aspect can bring up old, buried and traumatic feelings from the past. It can also bring back old lovers and relate to arguments, domestic abuse at worst, and we may hear of scandals. Collectively, our values will be put to the test.

Lastly, use care if you are on the road at this time since an aspect like this (Mercury-Uranus) tends to create distractions or erratic driving so be aware of this especially if you are driving.

Venus enters Leo; Summer of love?

June 5th, Venus leaves Cancer to enter fun loving Leo where it will remain for the next 4 months due to its retrograde in July. The ‘shadow period’ of retrograde Venus starts on June 12th because Venus will retrograde on July 23rd.

When Venus transits through Leo our thoughts turn to love, desire, passion and fun. Leo loves to indulge, eat, drink, buy beautiful things, socialize and be merry! The best and highest manifestation of Venus in Leo is childlike joy, fun and happiness along with mutual respect for yourself and others.

When Shakespeare wrote “All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts,” he must have surely been thinking of Venus in Leo.

Leo is entertaining, bold and dramatic and many will play out their dramas in real life between now and October. We will experience a great deal of acting out and people will speak their minds, hopes, desires and needs in a bigger way.  Some will come across as flashier and make large gestures toward those they are romantically or physically attracted to. Now is the time to take a chance and extend the excitement of summer and the possibility of summer romance just a little longer.

With Venus in Leo love, affection and attraction are all center stage. Even those who are normally shy come out of their shells a little more at this time. Leo can make us feel love is grand, and isn’t this what most of us are really looking for?

The downside of Venus- Leo occurs when things go sideways in love or someone doesn’t feel as though they are being treated with enough deference. The green eyed monster can make an appearance if things don’t go just right, or if enough attention isn’t being paid to the significant other.  Personal drama can be extreme, over-stated or egotistical, and actions or even conversations can occur simply for the dramatic effect they will cause. Leo does not like to be turned down or criticized and can take great offence when this occurs, or simply walk away never to be heard from again.

Venus joins Mars in the same sign and when these two team up sparks can really fly. Venus and Mars are the two planets of love and when they are together opportunities exist to meet someone special. Mars will remain in the same sign until July 9th, so make the most of this.

This combination could really work well for Leo, Aries in particular and Sagittarius. It is not limited to these signs however and can aspect other planets in your chart if favorable. This may be the most fun loving and exciting time of the year so enjoy!

Mercury enters Gemini

Mercury enters Gemini June 11-27th. Gemini is all about communication and thought, and it is an Air sign ruled by Mercury. Mercury is considered ‘at home,’ in this sign, meaning Mercury works well in Gemini. Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo.

This will be a significant energy shift from grounded Mercury in Taurus. Gemini is about free flowing thought, communication, and weighing out different ideas and patterns of thinking. Mercury-Gemini may seem scattered at times, but that is because Gemini likes to take in so much information and is not interested in details like Mercury in Virgo is.

Air signs and Gemini are intellectual as opposed to emotional so communication may seem lacking in emotion, and more centered around facts, concepts and ideas. To some, this may come across as cold but Mercury in this sign is more concerned with facts and ideas as opposed to emotion. Emotionally driven thinking will come when Mercury enters Cancer.

We will see much communication and many new ideas flowing for the next 3 weeks.

Mental energy will be abundant while Mercury is in Gemini and you may need to find positive ways to direct it. You may find that you say whatever comes to your mind without thinking. If you can control this tendency, Mercury in Gemini should be a delightful time, full of mental energy and big ideas. Gemini is known for inspiring others and uncovering little nuggets of wisdom and that can move us forward in a positive direction.

Saturn retrogrades

June 17th, Saturn turns retrograde until November 4th, when it will turn direct again at 0 degrees of Pisces.

Saturn is retrograde about 5 months every year and this is part of the normal cycle. Saturn's retrograde can be a pivotal time when many changes occur, especially if it is hitting something in your personal chart.

When you experience a Saturn transit, you generally get three passes and the retrograde pass is always the most challenging. Hard Saturn transits are associated with delays, slowdowns, endings and various difficulties depending on what it is aspecting in your personal chart. During its retrograde you may have to work harder to get what you want.

As Saturn deals with our structures in life we may be concerned with basic security issues while Saturn is retrograde both individually and collectively. Retrograde Saturn is a period where some things may slow down a bit and like any retrograde planet is time to reconsider and sometimes back up to take a good luck at what we are working on and where we are going in life. During this 5 month period we may receive new information about something significant or find a solution to a problem that has been plaguing us which is the benefit of the retrograde. Retrograde Saturn is a time of working out issues especially in terms of business but could include any area of life depending on where it is in your chart. During the retrograde period we often work through challenging issues so that when it turns direct we can approach things head on, minus any ongoing problems. This is a time of doing the hard work to accomplish what you want, and at times it can bring personal and spiritual growth as a result of dealing with hard to solve problems.

A New Moon June 18th

This month’s New Moon falls at 26 degrees in the sign of Gemini. Gemini is ruled by Mercury the planet of communication. Gemini is all about all things Mercury; communication, information travel, thinking , young people and commerce.

Both the Sun and the New Moon square Neptune, the planet of illusion, delusion and confusion. This can confuse matters and leave you tired or drained. Neptune transits are not the time to make important decisions and at times this can be melancholy energy or it can be creative for some. You could experience vivid dreams.

A New Moon like this is typically associated with unusual water related weather patterns.

Mercury enters Cancer

June 27th, Mercury enters the second sign of the month; Cancer. Mercurial energy will change from fact oriented Gemini to the most emotional and sensitive of signs, and our communication will become much more emotionally driven.  Those who are born with Mercury in Cancer are typically able to sway others through their ability to emotionally inspire, convince or speak to another’s emotions.

When Mercury is in Cancer we intuit our feelings and conversation much more than during other times. The keyword for Mercury in Cancer is “I feel” as opposed to “I think.” Cancer is ruled by the Moon, the luminary that governs our inner emotions so while Mercury is in Cancer, it is in the Moon’s natural sign. During this time we will be more concerned with our emotional life and the emotions as well being of family members and those closest to us.

The emotionality of Mercury in Cancer will be something we will need to watch as this can lead to extreme emotional displays, reactions, and feelings that can get deeply hurt. The key with Mercury in this sign is to learn to think things through rather than react spontaneously and emotionally to what is said.

We may be concerned over issues regarding home and family members as well as our own emotional lives as we will delve deeply into what is working and what is not working in our inner lives and relationships with those closest to us.

Thoughts of the past and trips down memory lane may be common as Cancer is typically drawn to the past. Sometimes, Cancer never lets go of the past, but relives it many times, depending on what occurred. Mercury in Cancer is learning to let go of the past, especially if it was difficult and painful.

Otherwise, this is a beautiful time to get your head aligned with your heart and in touch with your true feelings.

Jupiter sextiles Saturn

Jupiter sextiles Saturn the week of June 18th, and this transit is exact on June 19th.Thes positive energies of this aspect however, will play out both before and after the aspect is exact.

Jupiter is the planet of gain and expansion and Saturn rules our structure, responsibilities and slow growth through hard work. The two planets don't meet up often and when they do great things can occur.

Between now and then you may see many projects come together, situations complete, or you could even see some long held dream find a concrete solution.

You can expect that educational, business and career opportunities can present themselves, and progress in long range goals can occur. Some things may reach a conclusion and be finalized.

You could feel a greater sense of responsibility, integrity and responsibility at this time, and you may find these qualities to be important in your dealings with others.

Since Saturn rules the Democratic Party and Jupiter the Republican Party we could see some type of bipartisan activity at this time in the US.

The Sun enters Cancer

June 21st the Sun enters Cancer and the summer solstice occurs at 10:58AM, EDT. This marks the longest day of the year in the Western Hemisphere.

Cancer rules the 4th house of home and family and its ruling planet is the Moon which governs women and our emotional lives.  The Cancer season is all about families, family get-togethers and family vacations. The United States is a Cancer country with the Sun falling at 13 degrees of Cancer, hence the ‘birthday’ of the United States on July 4.

Whatever your age, this marks the start of the short 3 month season of warm beaches, outdoor events and gatherings, sunshine and romantic summer nights.

The Cancer season is all about getting in touch with what we really need on an inner level to feel happy and secure. 

Look for a huge energetic shift as the Sun in Cancer is much more about our feelings and what really lies in our hearts as opposed to our intellect and ideas when it was in Gemini. Cancer is the most sensitive sign in the zodiac, and like the Moon, feelings are always shifting and changing. The Moon changes signs every 2 and a half days and those born under Cancer are dramatically affected by the changes. The moon represents our instincts and feelings that are not bound up in logic or reason.

Cancer is part of the water element and not only are water signs more sensitive and emotional than others they are typically in touch for their deepest feelings and inner psyche. Cancer can come across as moodier than others but they are also intuitive and perceptive.  Cancer is a caring and giving sign typically, and you may find yourself feeling more protective and comforting toward loved ones during this time, or spending time with a friend over a cup of coffee talking about their concerns. 

Cancer can come across as having a hard edge at times, but you have to remember that the crab is protected by a hard shell to fend off predators. Sometimes Cancer can put up a wall to protect themselves. To get to the innermost feelings of a Cancer, trust has to be built and they seldom read like an open book unless you have earned their trust.

Cancer does not let others close until they feel a sense of trust toward the other person so don’t be surprised if some seem to back off a bit this month. In the end however, if you really connect there is no sign more loyal and protective than the crab, and their intuition about what is happening is generally spot on.

Neptune turns retrograde

The planet ruling psychic ability, religion, compassion, creativity and spirituality turns stationary retrograde June 30th-December 6th. Neptune is typically retrograde about half of the time and this is part of the natural cycle of life.

Neptune’s retrograde will bring about more acute sensitivity on an inner level and we may be able to pick up on those things we don't perceive when Neptune is direct. We are more likely to be listening to our own inner voice during this time and creativity and psychic or intuitive abilities may be increased along with any interest we have in spirituality. When Neptune retrogrades we can often have some profound inner awakenings.

Retrograde planets internalize our feelings and especially with Neptune we focus more on those things we cannot see than the ones we can. It is time to focus on the more ethereal matters as opposed to the material ones.

Neptune retrograde is often a good time for any type of creative work. If this is the case, breathe in the enhanced creativity over these next 6 months and then release the results to the world toward the end of the year. Compassionate and charitable causes can take up time and come to our attention during Neptune’s retrograde as well. We often see compassion play out in a grand scale on the world stage during these times.

If transiting Neptune aspects a personal planet in your chart when it retrogrades we tend to become more self deluding, depressed, or overly idealistic. Others may deceive us as well if we are not alert and think with our feet on the ground. It is important to be as grounded as possible if you are experiencing a hard Neptune transit. Neptune transits can go on for several years and if ever your feet need to be planted on firm soil it is now if you have such an aspect. If this is the case you will have mutable planets (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces) at 23-26 degrees.

Hard Neptune transits often coincide with over idealized relationships, or relationships with those who are really not available or married to others. We may feel we have met our soul mate or the most perfect partner in the world to wake up and find things were not as we had believed which leads to discouragement, depression and disenchantment. Often when Neptune retrogrades we find out that our dreams are not based on reality and this generally occurs during the retrograde of a harsh transit in our charts. This can not only affect relationships but many other areas of our lives depending on what area of the chart Neptune is transiting.

Human life involves all of the experiences we have and the internalization of them which is what the retrograde motion of Neptune implies. Having thoroughly thought through and refined our thoughts about our personal experiences, we will then incorporate any new information or corrections and release this knowledge into the world when Neptune turns direct again.

Other transits of interest:

June 2nd, Venus trines Neptune-This is pleasant and creative. Dreams may be vivid.

June 11th, Venus squares Jupiter-This aspect does not lean toward feeling very ambitious and you may prefer to spend the day relaxing if possible. While it can be tiring it is not negative in nature, and for some it brings a pleasurable day.

June 15th, Mercury squares Saturn-This leans toward feeling tired, negative and at best serious. Many important things can be discussed with this aspect.

June 17th, Venus sextiles Mercury. This is a pleasant aspect and leans toward positive feelings about relationships and money. A good transit for expressing feelings.

June 18th, the Sun squares Neptune-This is prone to feeling confused and disoriented. This is not a good day for making important decisions as you may not have all of the facts. If something seems too good to be true…it probably is.

June 25th, Mercury squares Neptune-Another aspect prone toward confusion, misinformation and at worst lies. Neptune rules water and water related weather conditions. This is not a day to make important decisions.

June 26th, Mars squares Uranus-This is potentially an explosive aspect on the world stage and our lives and prone toward unexpected events.

June 28th , The Sun trines Saturn. This is a serious day, prone toward serious activities and accomplishment.

June 29th, Mercury trines Saturn. This is another aspect for accomplishment and getting things done.

June 30th, the Sun conjuncts Mercury and this combination is generally considered willful. Egos may come into the picture today so be aware of who and what you communicate.




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