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Thursday, June 8, 2023

Pluto returns to Capricorn June 11th


Pluto is the planet that rules the collective and influences us on both a global and personal level depending on what it is doing in your personal chart. Since March 23rd, Pluto has been in the sign of Aquarius and we have seen many changes in our lives and on the global stage.  One of the biggest affects of Pluto in Aquarius is that we all know now how powerful AI is going to be and how it will transform the world for better or worse. Bear in mind, the last time Pluto was in Aquarius we experienced the Industrial revolution and we will see profound changes this time as well.

Pluto will re-enter Capricorn June 12th until January 21st, 2024 when it will enter Aquarius for the 2nd time.

If you have cardinal signs in your chart (Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn) at 27-29 degrees you will be especially affected by this transit of Pluto over the next 2 years and can expect difficult change depending on the part of your chart Pluto is affecting. If you have planets from 27-29 degrees of Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio or Pisces the change will be much easier. If you have planets at 29 degrees of Capricorn expect profound change over the next 2 years depending on where the aspect is in your chart.

In the world, Pluto in Capricorn is about top heavy patriarchal systems of government, and Plutocrats as we have seen for a number of years now. Capricorn rules big business, governments, power and control. Pluto in Capricorn has been a difficult transit for many since it began in 2008 coinciding with the Bank crash and the “Great Recession.” Pluto in Sagittarius (1996-2008) was ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, and Pluto in Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of restriction so you can see the stark difference between these two signs, not to mention the years of Covid when Pluto conjuncted Saturn.

In total we will experience two more periods of Pluto/Capricorn; June-December 2023 and finally September-November 2024 which will be the last pass of Pluto in this sign (Capricorn) for 248 years.

Pluto in Aquarius

Pluto in Aquarius is ruled by Saturn but also unpredictable Uranus. Aquarius is about the people and Capricorn is about Plutocrats so we can expect many things to clash and fade from the old into something new over the next several years and this will occur on a global level. The last time Pluto entered Aquarius we saw both the American and French Revolutions and the people demanding freedom from what they saw as repressive governments. With Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius over the past 3 months we have seen ‘the people’ across the globe demanding freedom and fighting restrictions. In Afghanistan women are fighting for their rights to be considered autonomous human beings, in the US woman are once again fighting for the right to bodily autonomy as opposed to those who desire ‘forced births’ since The Supreme Court gave this decision of abortion rights to the Sates. In France the people are opposing an arbitrary change in retirement age, and so it goes around the globe.

On November 20th, 2024 when Pluto finally enters Aquarius for the next 19 years we will truly be entering into a new world where the people will demand to not only be heard, but demand their needs are met on any number of subjects. This does not mean everything will simply fall into place because it never does and nothing is ever perfect. We have to fight for our freedoms but this time, the people have a far better chance of winning. While astrologers differ on the ‘Age of Aquarius,’ Pluto in Aquarius will take us there literally, metaphorically or however you want to look at it.

In the meantime, we can expect to go back to the concerns of December 2022-March of 2023 as Pluto retrogrades from 29- 27 degrees of Capricorn. Late September-October when Pluto is at 27 degrees we will experience one last pass of the Pluto return in the US chart so we can expect this to be an extremely intense time in the US with a great deal of struggle over power and control.  In many cases, the corrupt will be exposed for what and who they are.

Pluto or any other planet at 29 degrees is considered a ‘critical degree’ also known as the Anaretic degree. This means there can be issues with decision making, jumping into situations blindly, a sense of urgency and crisis situations that arise. The 29th degree is also considered fated.  Pluto will be at 29 degrees June 11-July 27th and again December 20th-January 21st, 2024.


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