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Friday, April 26, 2024

May 2024; Jupiter enters Gemini!


This month the Sun transits through Taurus and enters Gemini, Mars starts it’s cycle through Aries, and Mercury transits through the last half of Aries again, due to its retrograde in April and Venus completes a cycle in Aries and enters Taurus. Pluto turns retrograde and the most significant aspect this month is Jupiter’s entrance into the sign of Gemini. May’s new moon is in Scorpio and the full moon is in Gemini Now, the details.

Jupiter enters Gemini May 25-June 8th, 2025

Jupiter is the planet of gain and expansion and wherever it goes in your chart is where you will see the greatest gain and luck.

Jupiter is called ‘the greater benefic’ and Venus is the ‘lesser benefic.’ Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, commerce and young people. Our luck during this transit will come in the form of ideas, communication, travel, education and it will be a great time for publishing, speaking, writing, singing and the like. It will necessitate a broad minded approach and you may want to leave your comfort zone behind when it comes to new ideas.  The last time Jupiter was in this sign was June 11, 2012-June 26, 2013.

Jupiter in Gemini is considered to be debilitated in the sign of Gemini which simply means it is not as comfortable in this sign as others. Nevertheless, we can expect gain and expansion wherever it falls in your chart.

Jupiter in Gemini is chatty, expansive, optimistic, broad minded, and prone toward big ideas, plans and education.

 Where and how it helps you depends not only on where it falls in your chart but the aspects it makes to other planets. Let’s take a look at what Jupiter will do over the next year;

May 25, Jupiter enters Gemini

May 31-June 2nd Jupiter sextiles Pluto

August 17-22, Jupiter squares Saturn

October 9th, Jupiter turns retrograde until February 4th, 2025

December 24-25th, Jupiter squares Saturn

Jupiter’s sextile to Pluto is brief but positive. This is a good time to present ideas, work with groups, kick off new projects or enter into financial agreements.

Jupiter’s square to Saturn is not as positive. Jupiter square Saturn can often relate to business deals or opportunities, but it is also a time of financial reckoning, or looking at financial matters from a more conservative viewpoint.

Saturn forces us to look at reality and our limitations while Jupiter is about expansion. When the two clash it can bring to reality the fact we have to re-look at something in some way.

Of course transits like this always play out in the world in a significant way and in this case we can expect more significant clashes between the 2 political parties in the US, and this aspect could affect money and the financial markets as well.

When Jupiter retrogrades its energy often turns inward and we have to back up and re-consider some of our plans. This is often a time of planning and reorganizing in some way. Jupiter’s retrograde can be compared to a racehorse; there is a time to run and compete and there is a time to train for the upcoming race. The retrograde would be the latter. Jupiter’s benefic rays are not as powerful when the planet of gain is retrograde. While you should not anticipate it, there are times the retrograde can work in reverse.

Jupiter in Gemini will affect the signs in the following ways. If you know your ascendant use that.

-Aries-immediate family, short trips, learning, communication

-Taurus-money, earned income

-Gemini-When Jupiter is in your sign you can gain personally in many different ways. This occurs only every 12 years.

-Cancer-Jupiter in the 12th can be a subtle type of spiritual healing. You may spend more time alone and help comes at the last minute.

-Leo-Jupiter in the 11th house means you do well with friends, groups and have a higher chance of attaining your hopes and wishes.

-Virgo-This year should be great for your career as Jupiter transits your career house.

-Libra-Jupiter in the 9th house can expand your education, travel and world view. Great for publishing.

-Scorpio-Jupiter in the 8th house increases your potential financially as it rules ‘other people’s money,’ partner’s money or corporate money.

-Sagittarius-Jupiter transits your 7th house of partners and committed relationships.

-Capricorn-Jupiter transits through your house of work and health

-Aquarius-Jupiter transits through your 5th house of children, friends, and love

-Pisces-Jupiter transits through your 1st house of home. Your family could expand or you could move, redecorate or enjoy your home.

April 30, Mars enters Aries through June 9th

Mars is the planet of action that rules the way we approach things, take action and go after what we want. It also rules men and sex. For the past six weeks Mars has been in gentle laid back Pisces. We will experience quite an energetic shift when Mars enters Aries.

Mars is at home in this sign which means it operates well and is extremely powerful.  Aries rules the first house of self, so we will be interested in furthering our own interests most of all during this 6 week cycle of Mars. We will evaluate what we want and go after it whether it is a job, an idea, or even a romantic partner.

This begins a new Mars cycle as Mars once again hits the ‘world point’ or 0 degrees of Aries and starts its two year trip through the zodiac once again. The ‘world point’ is associated with events on the world stage than can affect us all and give us an extra dose of get-up-and-go.

Mars in Aries likes to take control of things and can increase our personal drive and ambition. Expect this to be a spontaneous, forward looking and action oriented period. Winning may become more important and Aries can be quite competitive. We will pursue things in a more straight forward manner, which is the opposite of Mars in Pisces that often approaches things from a sideways and intuitive perspective. Aries is typically confident, optimistic and does not let grass grow under their feet.

The downside of Aries is impatience, arrogance and self-centeredness. While we pursue our goals in a very direct manner, we can express anger in the same manner which can turn many more sensitive people off or create hard feelings.

Aries is considered a pioneering sign not afraid of trying out new ideas and concepts and approaches life head on. Some famous people with Mars in Aries include Steve Jobs, Stephen Hawking, Bernie Sanders, Nicolas Sarkozy, Monica Lewinsky, Queen Victoria, Caroline Princess of Hanover, Martha Stewart, David Letterman and Priscilla Presley.

Independence, confidence and courage are all Aries qualities that we can embrace during this period. As Aries rules the first house of the zodiac this can be a time for new beginnings, new experiences and new and greater confidence in our own abilities to inspire others and lead. We will have plenty of opportunities to put our ideas and plans to the test when Mars enters Taurus.

May 2nd, Pluto retrogrades until October 12th

Pluto retrograde is not anything like Mercury retrograde when things can go off the rails, and many times may go unnoticed unless it is making a significant aspect in your own personal chart. Pluto retrogrades every year for approximately half of the year and its affects occur on a very subtle level.

This year Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn one more time from September 3rd-November 19th. At this point it will return to Aquarius for the next 20 years! We have been dealing with Pluto in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto’s square to Uranus kicked off the worldwide banking crisis.

To say Pluto in this sign has been difficult in the world is an understatement. In 2020 when Pluto was conjunct Saturn we experienced the worldwide spread of Covid.

During Pluto’s two and a half month final swing it will remain at 29 degrees of Capricorn and the 29th degree is considered critical. We are wrapping up old things in preparation for something new but this often brings a crisis.

Never in our lifetimes have we seen the level of political turmoil, disarray and corruption in the US. There is a leaning toward authoritarian governments not only in the US but around the world. Democracy has never been stretched so thin, at least not in the 19th –early 20th centuries. Unfortunately this will be more of the same for this period of time.  Corruption, patriarchy, control, hierarchical systems and power grabs are all words that can describe Pluto in this sign.

While Pluto Aquarius is far from perfect the difference is that over the next 20 year period the shift will be toward the people as opposed those who are at the top as a result of corruption, control and power grabbing. Then again, the world will never be perfect and in all reality we will probably never see a time where this is completely stamped out but Aquarius is the sign of the humanitarian. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius the world experienced both the American and French Revolutions, resulting in change, although those times were not particularly peaceful. By the time Pluto enters Pisces in 2044 the world will be an entirely different place.

Issues relating to money, joint finances, investments, lawsuits, partnerships and sex will become more internalized during Pluto’s retrograde, allowing us to look at things from a different viewpoint. Pluto is about making deep change that goes beneath the surface slowly. One way of looking at Pluto’s retrograde is destruction of that which is no longer working, which will become obvious to us over time. Pluto wants to uncover things and bring them from the darkness and into the light so positive change may occur. This works on a collective as well as personal level.

Issues involving control, money, sex or power may appear to lose steam during this time, but these issues are not really going away, they are just going underneath the surface, where activity is still occurring on a subconscious level. In a sense we are backing up, to reconsider important ideas and new information. In essence we are being given an opportunity to delve into the deepest parts of our subconscious mind to understand how we really feel, and what we would like to change.

When Pluto turns direct again any issues we have failed to deal with will surface again both in our personal lives and on the world stage. But, as Pluto retrogrades we have the opportunity to look at things from a different perspective and effect a slow transformative change that can be permanent and make our lives stronger.

During Pluto’s retrograde it is often a good time to consider your deeper thoughts, feelings and instincts about where you are going. If you are not happy with things this period can be used to make change that will be obvious on a more significant level when Pluto turns direct in October.

May 7th the New Moon falls in Taurus

This month’s New Moon falls at 18 degrees of Taurus. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and money so most of us can expect these things to be on our mind. Venus also rules beauty and loves luxurious items, settings and great food.

What sets this New Moon apart is its conjunction with Uranus. A new or full moon conjunct Uranus often brings the unexpected and unpredictable circumstances. You could experience this time as electric and exciting or alternatively it could be irritating and full of disruptions, depending on how you approach things. Moon/Uranus is an aspect that deals with women and our emotions or even family members.

Fortunately the Sun and Moon’s sextile to Saturn will help keep us grounded and give us a better basis for stability at this time.

May 15th Mercury enters Taurus until June 3rd

Mercury is the planet that is associated with speech, thinking and all types of communication, and as it changes signs our thinking and style of communication change along with it. Mercury also rules our intellect, ability to analyze, pets, travel, siblings and immediate family members.  Get ready for communication to go from direct, bold and straightforward, to a more laid back and relaxed style.

While Mercury was in Aries we felt inspired and full of new ideas, and now is the time to turn these ideas into concrete reality. Mercury in Taurus can give our communication and thinking a practical type of style and determination.

Taurus rules the 2nd house in astrology or income and possessions. Venus is the ruler of the sign Taurus and Venus represents money, values, love and our social lives so our thoughts will turn to these matters as well. Taurus is a rich and sensual sign and we will be more interested in material possessions, land and perhaps the earth itself. Our interests could turn to investments, property, food, art and jewelry, beauty products, clothes and items that beautify our surroundings. As Venus is the ruler of Taurus she becomes the star of the show, and of course, Venus rules love. Expect to feel more expressive and expansive in your feelings and communication, and others will be the same. Now is the time to communicate with your partner and those you love and express the way you truly feel. This type of communication will come easier, and be much more natural during this time.

Taurus also rules the voice. Mercury in Taurus is a great time for those who are musically inclined and sing, do podcasts or anything involving the voice. Mercury in Taurus could indicate sales, trade, and profit as well.

The downside of Mercury/Taurus can have to do with a stubborn unwillingness toward creative change. As Taurus is a fixed sign, change comes slowly with Mercury in this sign, and once a decision is made it is often irrevocable.

May 20th the Sun enters Gemini until June 20th

May 20th the Sun enters Gemini and the Gemini season is on! Gemini is the mutable sign of spring when the weather begins to change and shift toward summer. Like the weather, we too are under the influence of a mutable sign which means we are more changeable at this time than others. We may change our minds, and even direction during the next four weeks sometimes more than once.

 If the Taurus season is about being grounded and luxuriating in sensuality and connectedness with the earth, The Gemini season is more intellectual, loquacious, upbeat, free spirited and open to change. 

Gemini is an intellectual Air sign ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, travel, young people and pets. The Gemini season will inspire social activity, conversation, new ideas and a focus of our energies outwardly and into the world.

Air signs are typically full of ideas and plans and while the Sun is in Gemini our energies will be directed much more toward others. Air signs are full of mental energy that can sometimes seem to move at the speed of light, activities and communication pick up and you may feel that ideas come so rapidly you can hardly remember everything. This will be especially true while Mercury retrogrades in Gemini.

Gemini is observant of the world and all surroundings. At times this sign can be considered ‘airheaded’ or duplicitous but much of the time this can be attributed to the fact that Gemini is changeable and always looking for the better solution and all sides of the problem. Gemini can often take a neutral approach to problems as they search for a logical as opposed to emotional answer. Never underestimate Gemini’s remarkable ability to see all sides of an equation.

Sometimes this energy can seem unpredictable and restless. You may find your time is split in many different directions and your curiosity piqued on different levels. Enjoy the natural curiosity and desire to interact with others during the Gemini season. Use this time to express all sides of yourself and enjoy things that are a little offbeat rest assured, it won’t be boring!

May 23rd, Venus enters Gemini until June 17th

When Venus enters Gemini love energies change once again and this will be completely different from Venus in Taurus as we have recently experienced. Venus will find herself in Mercury’s sign so communication and your social life will be prioritized at this time. Don’t be surprised if you don’t find yourself contemplating writing that novel you have always dreamed of, as Mercury rules all communication and the written word. Of course, the drive to communicate may take many different forms and you don’t have to write a novel to make the most of this placement.

Venus in Gemini is concerned with conversation, ideas, truths, and she does like to be bored in this sign. Venus in Gemini can be as sensual as any other sign, but you must bring conversation, adventure and fun to the picture to make this work. Manners count as does intelligence and ideas, most of all.

Venus in Gemini enjoys many different types of people and can flit from one group to another with little notice, and often expect their partner to be able to travel with them at the speed of light if necessary. Routine situations can be quite dull and boring, as are dogmatic, predictable people and routines.

Venus in Gemini is light and airy, and there is no greater turn off for those with Venus in this sign than people who are emotionally heavy and limiting, or jealous and possessive so check these feelings at the front door if you want this energy of this sign to work well for you.

Gemini is associated with the third house of the zodiac which rules communications, sales, writing ability, media, advertising, publicity, short journeys, neighbors, and siblings. The third house is also associated with the active search for knowledge, mental energy and telepathy.

Venus in Gemini is drawn to charismatic people who have interesting things to say and do. Gemini likes someone who can suggest interesting, if not adventuresome dates and places to go, and always has their own thoughts about what is going on.

Typically Venus-Gemini looks for friends first, and isn’t going to jump into an exclusive relationship overnight. Gemini is a mutable sign, so it's subject to changeability at the drop of a hat.

Venus in Gemini has a bad rap astrologically for being fickle. As Gemini is a changeable sign, she (or he) can change her mind if things aren’t working. The dark side of Venus in Gemini has the potential to leave lovers in the lurch suddenly, but is there any Venus that could be exempt from this if there is a good reason? Gemini can be more unpredictable than some, especially if things become too intense or dull. This could of course leave some people feeling duped, which again contributes to Venus's placement here being considered fickle. Venus in Gemini is actually looking for their ideal partner they can communicate and have fun with. Should they be lucky enough to find him or her, there is little chance they will leave.

May’s Full Moon on May 23rd

This month’s Full moon falls at 2 degrees of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of gain and expansion. This Moon is conjunct Venus and Venus is conjunct Jupiter so this should overall be a positive and upbeat time unless it aspects something negatively in your personal chart.

Sagittarius rules the 9th house of travel, education and world view. It also rules the courts and legal issues. Sagittarius is by nature an expansive sign so now is the time to stretch your mind, imagination and perhaps take a step toward your closely held hopes and dreams.

This Moon sextiles Neptune brings imagination, spirituality and creativity to the fore. This may be one of the most positive full moons of the year so make the most of it!

Overall, May looks like a far easier month than April.

Other aspects of significance:

May 1st, Venus squares Pluto-This can bring up issues in relationships regarding sex or money. It can be obsessive in nature, and Pluto likes to delve beneath the surface. If you fall into this type of energy be prepared for a response from the other party as we are all under this transit.

Some could break up at this time, and we will hear scandalous news in all likelihood. Those (or skeletons) from the past may pop back up. This is overall negative and domestic issues may surface if you are in a situation prone toward this.

May 13th, the Sun conjuncts Uranus-This can be an unpredictable day full of changes. On the other hand Uranus can be associated with brilliance and you could suddenly figure out a solution to a long standing problem, or have a great idea. Venus’s sextile to Saturn is positive and will give us some stability.

May 17th, Mercury squares Pluto-This day is prone to over thinking, digging beneath the surface and trying to convince others of your viewpoint or vice versa. Basically, it is a transit of propaganda and arguments can erupt. Use extreme caution driving.

May 18th, Venus conjuncts Uranus-This can be an exciting day and you can do something different or meet new people. While it is changeable, many will experience this day as exciting in some way, but it is not prone to things that last. The Sun also conjuncts Jupiter lending more positivity to the day.

May 30-31-Mercury conjuncts Uranus-This day is changeable and prone to many unexpected things that may happen. You may even find it difficult to keep up, and it will make some nervous. You could hear unexpected news and be careful on the road. As with any Uranus transit, you could come up with an unexpected idea or way to manage something. You may find your mood very changeable.






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