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Thursday, May 30, 2024

June 2024; Summer solstice and the beautiful Cancer season!


This month the Sun will transit from Gemini into Cancer. Mercury will travel through 3 signs; Taurus, Gemini and then Cancer. Venus moves through Gemini and into Cancer and Mars completes its Aries cycle and enters Taurus. Both Saturn and Pluto turn retrograde and we experience a New Moon in Gemini and a full moon in Capricorn. Now, the details.

Mercury enters Gemini June 3rd-June 17th

The sign Gemini is all about communication and thought, and it is an Air sign ruled by Mercury. Mercury is considered ‘at home,’ in this sign, meaning Mercury works well in Gemini. Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo.

This will be a significant energy shift from grounded Mercury in Taurus. Gemini is about free flowing thought, communication, and weighing out different ideas and patterns of thinking. Mercury-Gemini may seem scattered at times, but that is because Gemini likes to take in so much information and is not interested in details like Mercury in Virgo; the planet’s other ruler is.

Air signs and Gemini are intellectual as opposed to emotional so communication may seem lacking in emotion, and more centered around facts, concepts and ideas. To some, this may come across as cold but Mercury in this sign is more concerned with facts and ideas as opposed to emotion. Emotionally driven thinking will come when Mercury enters Cancer.

Mercury will spend a great deal of time in Gemini so we will see much communication and many new ideas flowing for the next few weeks.

Mental energy will be abundant while Mercury is in Gemini and you may need to find positive ways to direct it. You could encounter someone, or you may find that you say whatever comes to your mind without thinking. If you can control this tendency, Mercury in Gemini should be a delightful time, full of mental energy and big ideas. Gemini is known for inspiring others and uncovering little nuggets of wisdom and that can move us forward in a positive direction.

Pluto retrogrades June 2-October 12th

For some, this retrograde could go unnoticed unless it is making a significant aspect in your own personal chart as its affects occur on a very subtle but deep level.

Issues relating to money, joint finances, investments, lawsuits, partnerships and sex will become more internalized during this period allowing us to look at things from a different viewpoint. Pluto is about making deep change over time that can alter our lives in significant ways. One way of looking at Pluto’s retrograde is the discovery of that which is no longer working, which will become obvious as the powerful planet retrogrades. Pluto wants to uncover things and bring them from the darkness and into the light so positive change may occur. This works on a collective as well as personal level. Pluto is about fixing all things that are worn out or have outlived their purpose in your life, or been left to decay. This can include projects, relationships, ideas and even real estate to name only a few. Pluto tears down to rebuild in a stronger way.

Issues involving control, money, sex or power may appear to lose steam during this time, but these issues are not really going away, they are just going beneath the surface, where activity is still occurring on an inner level. In a sense we are backing up so we may reconsider important ideas and new information.  We are being given an opportunity to delve into the deepest parts of our subconscious mind to understand how we really feel, and what we would like to change.

When Pluto turns direct again any issues we have failed to deal with will surface again both in our personal lives and on the world stage. But, as Pluto retrogrades we have the opportunity to look at things differently and effect transformative change that can be permanent and make our lives stronger than what they were. The part of your life that will be affected depends on where transiting Pluto is in your personal chart.

Pluto’s last dance in Capricorn September 3rd-November 20th

During Pluto’s retrograde this year it returns to the sign of Capricorn one more time where it will remain at the critical degree of 29 Capricorn. Critical degrees are significant as they usher in endings and the energy can be tense.

In the world, Pluto in Capricorn is about top heavy patriarchal systems of government. Capricorn rules big business, governments, power and control. Pluto in Capricorn has been a difficult transit for many since it began in 2008 coinciding with the Bank crash and the “Great Recession.”

Pluto in Sagittarius (1996-2008) was ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, and Pluto in Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of restriction so you can see the stark difference between these two signs, not to mention the years of Covid when Pluto conjuncted Saturn.

I will write more about this critical last period of Pluto in this sign in the future but suffice it to say when Pluto re-enters Aquarius in November it will usher in a new period globally and for all of us personally.

June’s New Moon in Gemini June 6th

This month’s New Moon falls in the sign ruled by Mercury and is all about communication and information. This New Moon will conjunct Venus which will focus on love and money, but unfortunately it also squares Saturn, along with Venus, Mercury and the Sun; the most powerful part of this being the Sun, Venus square to Saturn.

Venus square Saturn can relate to problems in love, money and values. For some in relationships tottering on the edge this aspect could bring an ending. Otherwise, Saturn can be heavy, tiring, negative and in some cases depressing. Mercury will square Saturn through June 8th along with Venus’s square to Saturn. This New moon is significant in the charts of the US, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Benjamin Netanyahu to name only a few.

Mercury enters Cancer June 17-July 11th

Mercury is the planet that rules all of our speech and communication whether it is writing, talking with others, making a sales pitch or talking with loved ones. Mercurial energy will change from fact oriented Gemini to the most emotional and sensitive of signs, and our communication will become much more emotionally driven.  Those who are born with Mercury in Cancer are typically able to sway others through their ability to emotionally inspire, convince or speak to another’s emotions.

When Mercury is in Cancer we intuit our feelings and conversation much more than during other times. The keyword for Mercury in Cancer is “I feel” as opposed to “I think.” Cancer is ruled by the Moon, the luminary that governs our inner emotions so while Mercury is in Cancer, it is in the Moon’s natural sign. During this time we will be more concerned with our emotional life and the emotions as well being of family members and those closest to us.

The emotionality of Mercury in Cancer will be something we will need to watch as this can lead to extreme emotional displays, reactions, and feelings that can get deeply hurt. The key with Mercury in this sign is to learn to think things through rather than react spontaneously and emotionally to what is said.

We may be concerned over issues regarding home and family members as well as our own emotional lives as we will delve deeply into what is working and what is not working in our inner lives and relationships with those closest to us.

Thoughts of the past and trips down memory lane may be common as Cancer is typically drawn to the past. Sometimes, Cancer never lets go of the past, but relives it many times, depending on what occurred. Mercury in Cancer is learning to let go of the past, especially if it was difficult and painful.

Otherwise, this is a beautiful time to get your head aligned with your heart and in touch with your true feelings.

June-8- July 20th Mars enters Taurus

Mars is the planet that rules our actions, sex lives and anger to name a few.

Mars in Taurus will be considerably different from Mars in Aries. Taurus is an earth sign ruled by the planet Venus, so our energies and action will change considerably but this does not mean we aren’t still going to see periods of anger and volatility. Taurus is ruled by Venus which not only rules love and money, but our values as well.

Typically, Mars in Taurus is a slow, determined and laid back, plodding kind of energy. During these times stubbornness and inability to bend may be a problem, and we could experience anger and frustration ourselves.

 Mars in Taurus will slow things down, which will be a relief for many after the hectic go-go-go energies of Mars in Aries. People may seem more determined, if not stubborn in their actions. Decisions made and actions taken during this period may be permanent in nature.

There can be an earthy type of sensuality to Mars in this sign. We will be more inclined to look for material and physical comfort. We will be attracted to beautiful things of lasting value as Taurus likes fine things and luxury as well as value for the money.

As Taurus rules the 2nd house of money, there will be a greater focus on making and keeping money, and will be focusing on practical matters as long as Mars is in this sign. Mars in Taurus is prone to determination and reaching goals in a slow but steady manner.

Holding on to anger can be a problem with Mars in Venus ruled Taurus. Many would rather try and keep the peace, holding onto things until it reaches a boiling point and then they explode.

Mars in Taurus will work best for the other earth signs-Virgo and Capricorn. It can work well for Cancer, and Pisces. This period will bring more stress to Scorpio, as Mars in Taurus will oppose Scorpio, or any Scorpio planets placed in the chart. Mars in this sign will also be more difficult for the other fixed signs: Leo and Aquarius as Taurus creates a challenge to these signs along with more obstacles and blocks. None of this however, will be anything that cannot be overcome with patience and fortitude.

Venus enters Cancer June 17-July 12th

When Venus enters Cancer relationships become much more emotional and intense. Cancer is a pleasant sign for Venus and we can become much more interested in the commonalities that bind us together rather than separate.

Cancer is a water sign and rules women in general. Cancer can provide powerful emotional support to those in need. She is like a vast ocean, constantly churning, revealing what’s underneath only when and if she is ready to do so. When a Cancer feels threatened by others she simply retreats and finds comfort beneath the waves buried in the sand. You could feel this way during Venus’s stay in Cancer if someone you prioritize is insensitive enough to make you feel unloved or insignificant.

If Cancer feels comfortable with you she will make you feel warm, happy and the sky is the limit in terms of how far she is willing to go to ensure your emotional happiness. As she is ruled by the moon however which is constantly changing, emotions can take some sharp turns and Cancer can retreat or even become irritable.  Cancer is deeply devoted but if triggered she can become irrational. If you are sensitive enough to other’s feelings you can avoid the emotional doldrums that can accompany this sign. Such is the way of love; no one said it would be easy.

Cancer rules the home, so this month many social activities will take place in, or will be centered around the home. Cancer is at her best in the home and has a deep love of family, food and the past.

This is a great time to spend time with family especially Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunts and sisters or any important women in your life. You could also improve the beauty and comfort of your home.

Mercury enters Cancer June 17-July 11th

Mercury is the planet that rules all of our speech and communication whether it is writing, talking with others, making a sales pitch or talking with loved ones. Mercurial energy will change from fact oriented Gemini to the most emotional and sensitive of signs, and our communication will become much more emotionally driven.  Those who are born with Mercury in Cancer are typically able to sway others through their ability to emotionally inspire, convince or speak to another’s emotions.

When Mercury is in Cancer we intuit our feelings and conversation much more than during other times. The keyword for Mercury in Cancer is “I feel” as opposed to “I think.” Cancer is ruled by the Moon, the luminary that governs our inner emotions so while Mercury is in Cancer, it is in the Moon’s natural sign. During this time we will be more concerned with our emotional life and the emotions as well being of family members and those closest to us.

The emotionality of Mercury in Cancer will be something we will need to watch as this can lead to extreme emotional displays, reactions, and feelings that can get deeply hurt. The key with Mercury in this sign is to learn to think things through rather than react spontaneously and emotionally to what is said.

We may be concerned over issues regarding home and family members as well as our own emotional lives as we will delve deeply into what is working and what is not working in our inner lives and relationships with those closest to us.

Thoughts of the past and trips down memory lane may be common as Cancer is typically drawn to the past. Sometimes, Cancer never lets go of the past, but relives it many times, depending on what occurred. Mercury in Cancer is learning to let go of the past, especially if it was difficult and painful.

Otherwise, this is a beautiful time to get your head aligned with your heart and in touch with your true feelings.

June 20th, the Sun enters Cancer and summer solstice occurs at 4:51PM, EDT

Summer is finally here! This is also the Summer Solstice, which is the longest day of the year, and celebrated by cultures around the world.

This marks the start of the short 3 month season of warm beaches, outdoor events and gatherings, sunshine and romantic moonlit summer nights.  Since summer and the Cancer season is the most romantic time of the year, get ready to focus on your feelings as well as those of others. Cancer is typically sensitive and emotional, laid back, home loving and focused on feelings above logic or intellect. Some will feel comfortable and content, and others will find the emotional energy difficult to deal with.

From June 20-July 22 Cancer will rule the skies and the focus will be on our emotional connections with others as well as home and family.  Cancer is ruled by the Moon which is the significator of women, our emotions, how we connect with others, family or those who are like family and what we need on an emotional level to thrive.  No matter what sign you were born under during this time we are focused on getting in touch with what we really need and want on an inner level to feel happy and secure. 

Look for a huge energetic shift as the Sun moves from Gemini to Cancer as Gemini is about intellect and ideas as opposed to emotional Cancer, who is deeply connected to the past and their roots and sentimentality. This is the most sensitive sign in the zodiac, and like the Moon, feelings are always shifting and changing at this time. The Moon changes signs every 2 and a half days and those born under Cancer are dramatically affected by the changes. The moon represents our instincts and feelings that are not bound up in logic or reason.

Cancer is part of the Water element and not only are Water signs more sensitive and emotional than others they are in touch for their deepest feelings and inner psyche. The Cancer season can seem moodier than other times but Cancer is also intuitive and perceptive.  Cancer is a caring and giving sign and you may find yourself feeling more protective and comforting toward loved ones or find yourself spending time with a friend over a cup of coffee in their kitchen talking about their concerns. 

Cancer can come across as having a hard edge at times, but you have to remember the crab is protected by a hard shell to fend off predators. Sometimes Cancer can put up a wall to protect themselves from being hurt. To get to the innermost feelings of a Cancer, trust has to be built and they seldom read like an open book unless you have earned their trust. Once you have earned their trust, Cancer opens up and usually has an off the wall zany since of humor and laugh when you get to know them.

While Cancer is a loving and warm sign, moodiness and too many ups and downs can sometimes get in the way of saying or accomplishing what you want to achieve. We will be operating more on emotion, and our feelings and judgment may be colored by our inner emotional reactions to things as well as conditioning.

In the end if you really connect there is no sign more loyal and protective than the crab, and their intuition about what is happening is generally spot on.

A Full Moon on June 21-22 at 1 degree of Capricorn

Capricorn is the natural ruler of the 10th house of career and business, and its ruling planet is Saturn. Saturn is all about work, structure and discipline.

The closest aspect this full Moon will make is its opposition to Venus at 5 degrees of Cancer and Mercury at 8 degrees of the same sign.

Moon-Venus oppositions can relate to stress in relationships or with women, values or money. Moon-Venus oppositions aren’t always difficult but they can result in hurt feelings or issues in love. The key is to not let anything get blown out of proportion. Moon-Mercury transits can involve communication, travel and arguments.

The Moon will sextile Mars which lends some stability.

Saturn turns retrograde June 29-November 15th

Saturn retrogrades this year at 19 degrees of Pisces and will go back to 12 degrees before turning direct.

Saturn's retrograde can be a pivotal time when many changes occur, especially if it is hitting something in your personal chart.

When you experience a Saturn transit, you generally get three passes and the retrograde pass is always the most challenging. Hard Saturn transits are associated with delays, slowdowns, endings and various difficulties depending on what it is aspecting in your personal chart. During its retrograde you may have to work harder to get what you want.

As Saturn deals with our structures in life we may be concerned with basic security issues while Saturn is retrograde both individually and collectively. Retrograde Saturn is a period where some things may slow down a bit and like any retrograde planet is time to reconsider and sometimes back up to take a good luck at what we are working on and where we are going in life. During this 5 month period we may receive new information about something significant or find a solution to a problem that has been plaguing us which is the benefit of the retrograde. Retrograde Saturn is a time of working out issues especially in terms of business but could include any area of life depending on where it is in your chart. During the retrograde period we often work through challenging issues so that when it turns direct we can approach things head on, minus any ongoing problems. This is a time of doing the hard work to accomplish what you want, and at times it can bring personal and spiritual growth as a result of dealing with hard to solve problems.

Other significant aspects in June:

Jupiter trines Pluto for basically the first half of the month. This is a positive aspect that can affect the world stage and our personal lives. Aquarius represents the power of the people and individuality and Pluto represents power. While this aspect is brief it can be powerful. The exact hit is on June 2nd.

On a personal level this can help us in terms of moving forward with projects and especially groups and organizations. Its energy can give us a positive boost depending on where it is located in your personal chart.

June 4th, Mercury trines Pluto and conjuncts Jupiter. This is positive for communication and Mercury-Jupiter is hopeful and upbeat. Also, the Sun conjunct Venus represents one of our better days especially for love, romance, money and socializing.

June 10th/11th, Mars squares Pluto at 0-1 degrees of Taurus/Aquarius setting off the Mars/Taurus transit with a bang. I use this word metaphorically but this is a fairly dangerous aspect in the world. Pluto rules power and Mars represents friction, guns, men and this is a volatile few days. On the world stage we will see many issues around the hot spots on the globe and it can bring additional stress and even violence.

In our personal lives this aspect can result in power struggles, arguments and frustration or even power grabs. It is best to keep calm and not engage in conversations or situations that are contentious or volatile. As with any Mars transit use caution since Mars can be related to accidents. This aspect is also prone to obsessive thinking and behavior if the individual is prone in this direction.

June 16th, Venus squares Neptune- This is a confusing transit especially relating to love and money. Feelings are often confused or confusing and new information can be revealed.

For some this time can manifest as magical and things can seem beyond the ordinary. Creativity, dreams and visions can be at an all time high. For others it is simply a confusing period with a lack of clarity. It is important during these times to remember that Neptune represents illusion, and this can include self illusion so it important to keep our feet on the ground now matter how perfect (or imperfect) things may seem. This could at worst represent a transit of theft that could involve money, possessions or even the heart. Now is the time to keep your feet on the ground and use common sense and good judgment.

June 17th-Mercury squares Neptune. This aspect actually is a combination of Venus and Mercury square Neptune. Typically this is a tiring transit, indicative of dreams, fantasies, misinformation, lies, lack of clarity and lack of information. Some may feel depressed. Anything that can be misunderstood probably will be.

Thinking will not be clear and this is a bad day for any kind of negotiation or to start a new project.

Daydreaming, and vivid imaginations may manifest, or creativity in some form as well as compassion for others or spiritual pursuits.

At its worst, it is depression, lies, and an absolute lack of clarity or direction.

If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Take in any new information with skepticism. Be sure you know what you are talking about-you might not. Be careful when you hit SEND, the email is going to the correct person.

If you are driving use caution as you or another driver could be tired or unaware of what's going on, or you could get lost.

June 20th-Before the Sun enters Cancer in the afternoon it will complete its square to Neptune which began the night before. This is a confusing aspect prone to misunderstanding(s), gas lighting or lies and deceit at the worst. Be careful about signing documents and make sure you have all the information. If something seems too good to be true…you know the rest.

You could experience vivid dreams, intuition or see a surge in creativity or spirituality. Neptune can at time relate to water related incidents.




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