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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The 2024 Democratic National Convention


2024’s Democratic National Convention is August 19-22 in Chicago. This year it looks like a wild ride, so let’s look at the transits and the affects they will have.

First of all, on the 19th the Full moon in Aquarius reaches its peak and Aquarius is the sign of freedom, inclusivity, and the people or the collective. It is no mistake that every 4 years an American President is inaugurated on January 20th, the day the Sun enters Aquarius.

Let’s begin with the very powerful and unpredictable full moon.

- Not only does this moon fall on the first day of the DNC, it conjuncts the Moon of the US natal chart. This moon will stir up the population and we can expect the unexpected. Things typically do not go as planned with a moon like this.

Let’s look at the aspects that come into play at this time with the full moon.

-The planets form 2 t-squares or very stressful aspects that pull in the energy of all the planets involved. They include;

*Venus opposes Saturn-This aspect is not good for relationships and not especially good for social activities. Venus rules women and Saturn rules restrictions so we could hear some type of news about women. It is a negative aspect.

*Mars is conjuncts Jupiter and these two planets square (stressful) Saturn on one end of the t-square and Venus on the other end forming what looks like a T in the sky.

Mars/Jupiter in Gemini is not a bad aspect, it can even denote bravery. But, Mars square Saturn is a transit that can be associated with violence, stress, police and a great deal of friction.

Mars/Jupiter square Venus will deal with issues concerning women and politics. It will get heated at some point.

Venus squares Jupiter-This can indicate social activity but can also be a transit of ‘too much.’ In other words in some cases, overindulgence but it is basically positive.


The 2nd t-square

The 2nd t-square involves the Moon’s opposition to the Sun and Mercury, and both the Sun and Moon’s square to Uranus. A t-square is an opposition and 2 squares. This aspect matters the most.

*The Moon and Sun’s opposition to Uranus is prone toward unexpected events. The Moon rules women, the Sun rules men, possibly the US President. This will shake things up in more ways than one and probably around the globe.

*Uranus squares the Sun/Mercury on one end and the Moon on the other end. Again this is prone to unexpected events, and Mercury’ s square to Uranus deals with unexpected news like it did on July 22nd. If you can’t remember, within a day of this aspect President Joe Biden resigned for the race, and Donald Trump was the victim of an assassination attempt at a rally.


August 19th Jupiter squares Saturn-a clash of morals and ideals.

This powerful transit is a part of the t-square but stands alone as a significant aspect and becomes exact August 19th.  We will experience this again at the end of the year and next year. We have felt the energy of this for weeks. Jupiter rules expansion and Saturn rules limitation. You can see how this could slow things down in many respects but more importantly this year it seems to represent a clash of ideologies between the two political parties. It is also the reason we have seen a global market selloff and this occurred the last time we experienced this aspect in 2015-15.

Jupiter can rule those things that are morally correct and right, religion, philosophy, and beliefs as well as education and Saturn can be like a boundary or a line in the sand. Jupiter can represent enthusiasm while Saturn is constriction. Isn’t that is what is happening right now? It is a question of the old versus the new, and which path will we choose to take. Now,  can now see how complex this full moon really is.


How this affects the US chart

The US Moon falls at 27 degrees of Aquarius in the US Sibly chart in the 3rd house. The Moon rules women and the collective, which is partially the reason the US is a liberal Democracy and typically forward thinking.

So, what does all of this mean? Since this moon falls on the week of the DNC and rules woman, there is certain to be excitement for the 2nd woman who is running run for President and the first woman of color in US history. The population will be highly excitable at this time to put it lightly. I don’t think I have seen anything quite like this before.

Uranus is the planet of unpredictability and unexpected events however. Uranus in the mix is a wild card and we could see many things happen at this time, not only in the US but around the globe. Aquarius is a sign that is typically associated with the unexpected and Uranus is indicative of explosive situations, events and circumstances. Will this all be peaceful: it’s doubtful, but on the other hand there will be plenty of excitement, but I doubt its limited to the DNC..

There will be certain things and relationships that end at this time, we could see events related to hackings, airlines, explosions and even the potential for war related events. On the positive side, some things need to end and others need freedom from something.


Kamala Harris

The full moon falls on Saturn in VP Harris’s chart which represents responsibilities but isn’t always the best placement. It does however, trine her Sun and sextile her Moon which is positive and Saturn is the planet in her 9th house of politics so this makes a difference. She certainly must be getting physically tired, however. With Saturn opposing her Venus this is a difficult aspect no matter how you look at it. She should expect opposition from some quarters and this will not be an easy time. Add to the mix Venus opposing Saturn and there will be some hardship, personal or otherwise regardless of how things appear. Both of these aspects fall dead on her Venus on August 19th. Jupiter squares her Venus however and this gives her at least some boost. The harsh transits will play out. If it is something personal we may or may not be privy to what is going on.

She ends the convention with energetic Mars in Gemini sextile Mars, so it looks like things will improve over the next few days.


Donald Trump and Joe Biden

This moon also aspects the charts of Donald Trump and Joe Biden. In the case of Trump it (full moon) opposes his Mars in the 12th house and the Sun conjuncts his Mars, which represents anger, rage and the potential exists for new information to come out. Alternatively, this is another dangerous transit, especially since Saturn squares his Uranus which represents unexpected events, twists and turns and it is likely his ratings will drop at this point and/or things will not go as expected.

Retrograde Mercury is also conjunct his Mars, so he may have to backtrack on some things, and again this is not a positive aspect, and the full moon also opposes retrograde Mercury which rules communication. It also rules young people and if you believe the polls the majority of them will vote for Harris.

In the case of Joe Biden, the moon falls in his 3rd house of communication which squares his Sun/Venus in the 12th house. If we add Uranus to the mix, it makes things more unpredictable than anything else and he will likely be affected in some unexpected way as well.

Tim Waltz

Tim Waltz, Harris’s VP pick was born April 6, 1964-time unknown which puts us at somewhat of a disadvantage but we can still see a great deal.

The Aquarius moon does not hit him like the others because he does not have Fixed planets at 27 degrees like all of those mentioned above do. In fact, it sextiles his Jupiter so this is a time of success and optimism.

With the information I have, it does not appear he is negatively affected transit wise during the Convention. Of course, he is Harris’s running mate so what affects her will of course affect him but it is a positive indication nothing appears to be hitting him at the moment in an adverse manner like all of the others.

In summary, we can expect the unexpected, and there will certainly be some twists and turns among those mentioned. It will be an exciting time for many, but the possibility of violence or some type of serious mishap exists especially since Mercury is retrograde.

This powerful full moon will set the tone for the next 2 weeks, and it is extremely probable this could also turn out to be a very serious period in the world as well and we could see events like attacks, war, extreme weather conditions, hacking and internet issues or plane crashes. Uranus hits like a bolt of lightning and this is what we will see for better or worse.

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