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Thursday, August 15, 2024

The August 19th Full Moon; Shocks and awakenings (updated)


On August 19th the full Moon  will certainly make its presence known and shake things up even further than we have seen, and a lot has been shaken up this year. The lunar peak falls on August 19th at 27 degrees of Aquarius. Not only does this moon fall on the first day of the DNC, it conjuncts the Moon of the US natal chart. This moon will stir up the population and we can expect the unexpected. Things typically do not go as planned with a moon like this so we may be in for surprises. Bear in mind, with a full moon events often occur before it's peak as well as for at least 2 weeks afterward, up until the next New moon which is on September 3rd. Look for events to begin escalating this weekend.

Aquarius is about freedom, humanity and forward thinking as opposed to hanging on to the past. It rules the collective and is concerned with equality, inclusion and social groups or groups of all types. There are other aspects that come into play at this time with the full moon. For instance;

-The planets form 2 T-squares or a stressful aspects that pull in the energy of all the planets involved. They include;

*Venus opposes Saturn-This aspect is not good for relationships and not especially good for social activities. Venus rules women and Saturn rules restrictions so we could hear some type of news about women. It is a fairly negative aspect.

*Mars is conjuncts Jupiter and these two planets square (stressful) Saturn on one end of the T-square and Venus on the other end forming what looks like a T in the sky.

Mars/Jupiter in Gemini is not a bad aspect, it can even denote bravery. But, Mars square Saturn is a transit that can be associated with valence, stress, police and a great deal of friction.

Mars/Jupiter square Venus will deal with issues concerning women and politics. It will get heated at some point.

Venus squares Jupiter-This can indicate social activity but can also be a transit of ‘too much.’ In other words in some cases, overindulgence but it is basically positive.

The 2nd T-square

The 2nd T-square involves the Moon’s opposition to the Sun and Mercury, and both the Sun and Moon’s square to Uranus that is also conjunct Fixed star Algol. A T-square is an opposition and 2 squares. Algol is associated with female empowerment and ‘losing one’s head.’ This can be figurative or literal. For example on July 21st, a day that I predicted would be shocking, Donald Trump came close to losing his head-no pun intended, since the attempted assassin almost shot him in the head, had he not turned at that exact moment. Since Mercury is in the same position it was on that day, we are likely to hear more shocking news.

*The Moon and Sun’s opposition to Uranus is prone toward unexpected events. The Moon rules women, the Sun rules men.

*Uranus squares the Sun/Mercury on one end and the Moon on the other end. Again this is prone to unexpected events, and Mercury’ s square to Uranus deals with unexpected news like it did on July 22nd. If you recall this was a powerful day in the US.

 August 19th Jupiter squares Saturn-a clash of morals and ideals.

This powerful transit is a part of the T-square but stands alone as a significant aspect and becomes exact August 19th.  We will experience this again at the end of the year and next year. We have felt the energy of this for weeks. Jupiter rules expansion and Saturn rules limitation. You can see how this could slow things down in many respects but more importantly this year it seems to represent a clash of ideologies between the two political parties, and a recent stock market dip.

Jupiter can rule those things that are morally correct and right, religion, philosophy, and beliefs as well as education and Saturn can be like a boundary or a line in the sand. Jupiter can represent enthusiasm while Saturn is constriction. Isn’t that is what is happening right now? It is a question of the old versus the new, and which path will we choose to take. The last time Jupiter squared Saturn was in 2016. This aspect is indicative of major changes and the end of an era in preparation for a new one.

The above planets and aspects represent the T square that is formed on this full moon and pull in all the above energies so you can now see how complex it really is.

After July 19thJupiter will begin to separate from Saturn. While we will experience this aspect again, Jupiter will no longer be restricted by Saturn and we can expect much more forward movement in our lives and the collective, at least until Jupiter retrogrades in September.

How this affects the US chart

The US Moon falls at 27 degrees of Aquarius in the US Sibly chart in the 3rd house. The Moon rules women and the collective, which is partially the reason the US is a liberal Democracy and typically forward thinking. American Democracy came into being when Pluto was last in Aquarius 248 years ago.

So, what does all of this mean? Since this moon falls on the week of the DNC and rules woman, there is certain to be excitement for the 2nd woman who is running run for President and the first woman of color in US history. The population will be highly excitable at this time to put it lightly. 

Uranus is the planet of unpredictability and unexpected events. Uranus in the mix is a wild card and we could see many things happen at this time, not only in the US but around the globe. Aquarius is a sign that is typically associated with the unexpected and Uranus is indicative of explosive situations, events and circumstances. Will this all be peaceful? It’s doubtful, but on the other hand there will be plenty of excitement and futuristic ideas that can prove beneficial in the future.

 Mars in the US chart

Mars returns to its natal placement in the US chart, otherwise known as a Mars return along with the full moon in Aquarius. The US natal Mars falls at 21 degrees of Gemini, and this aspect will play out over the next few days during and after the full moon in Aquarius.

A Mars return typically begins a new 2 year cycle and brings a great deal of energy to existing or current matters. The Mars return signifies a turning point or a new cycle, especially in politics in the US with this one, and thinking/ideas (in this case). I recently wrote that around this time Presidential candidate Donald Trump would see his ratings drop significantly, and they have. The Mars return will certainly involve him in some way since it opposes his natal moon which rules women.

Gemini is about innovation, communication and conversation, broadcasting and writing. In the US natal chart Mars squares natal Neptune so this powerful square will be set off.

I’m not really sure what the Founding Fathers thought when they saw this placement because it is a confusing transit. It can represent glamour and religious or philosophical ideals, but also intrigue and scandal. Natal Mars falls in the US 7th house which represents ‘open enemies,’ and Neptune falls in the 9th house of the US Sibly chart. The 9th house is connected with courts, legal matters and foreign entities.

Personally I have always associated Mars-Neptune with same sex relationships among other things. While this is not the typical definition of the transit I have seen this combination play out in some form in this way many times. While the US wasn’t the first country to legalize same sex marriage it was among the first. Protecting Gay and LGBTQ rights is part of the Harris-Waltz platform.

When Mars begins its square from the 7th house (open enemies) to the 9th house (approx. August 19-24th) it is likely we will see significant events even around the globe that will occur along with it. While this may in some respects be a glamorous time with the DNC which many Americans enjoy there will be other factors to consider as well. 

Mars-Neptune can be associated with chemicals and gasses, religious fanaticism (don’t forget the Pilgrims who first came to America were not just coming here for religious freedom, but to form a society based on their specific Biblical interpretations) lies, deception and propaganda especially. With Neptune’s 9th house placement this could be associated with issues concerning foreign entities, wars or military concerns. We could see concerning incidents abroad or affecting courts/laws, hackings and other significant news. When this aspect last occurred in March of 2023 we saw the failure of three US banks among armed conflicts abroad and many other extreme situations around the world.  What happens in the US chart does not necessarily stay in the US!

Fortunately Jupiter is involved in this configuration and I frequently tell my clients, ‘never underestimate the healing power of Jupiter.’ Jupiter is the most beneficial and protective of all planets, especially when it is direct. Jupiter in Gemini is about forward thinking and ideas as opposed to regressive and stuffy ideals. We can expect a great deal of forward movement with Jupiter in this position.

What is most interesting is how the US Mars return is playing out at the same time as the Full moon falling exact on the US natal Moon. I’m not sure the last time this planetary set up occurred, if ever and unfortunately I have not had the time to research it.

Outside of the DNC we will see many other events occurring in our lives and around the globe. Not only is Moon-Uranus unpredictable, it is about freedom. There will be certain things and relationships that end at this time, we could see events related to the internet , airlines, explosions, extreme weather and even the potential for war related events. On the positive side, some things need to end and others need freedom from something. You could experience certain ideas that may be quite brilliant but if this is the case, write them down because the idea will leave as quickly as it comes. 

The best way to deal with this energy is to let go of anything that is no longer working and make room for the new. Unfortunately, I believe many relationships will end at this time   Uranus is about the future as opposed to the past, so now is perhaps the time to view some things in a different light. Not all will be negative and it’s quite possible that Uranus can bring something that is positive, especially if it involves a change.  Most of the time events connected to the Full moon begin before the Full moon gets here. With retrograde Mercury events might be delayed by a few days.  If this is the case, it is the quiet before the storm.

While this energy is explosive it is also prone to major change which is sometimes needed. While some of the events we will see may be somewhat negative in nature, the bigger picture is far better. This full moon will serve as a type of re-set on a personal and national if not global level. It will bring a surge of exciting and electric energy that will generate awakenings in many different ways. As a society we make huge leaps forward, and we will certainly not stay stuck in a rut. Let’s not forget that Aquarius/Uranus is also associated with invention and sometimes quantum leaps forward.

While we can expect the unexpected, in the end the Full Moon and the accompanying set of planets will propel us forward into a new age and a re-set; The age of Pluto in Aquarius, which is about the collective, the people, and equality for all. Maybe it's time to embrace this.


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