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Thursday, December 1, 2022

December astrology; Jupiter returns to Aries, Mercury and Mars retrograde!


As we approach the New Year, the Saturn-Uranus square that has dominated the skies is finally beginning to wane. So, what has this powerful transit been about? According to astrologer Andre Barbualt, Saturn and Uranus in hard aspect are prone toward, ‘enlisting ambition, a thirst for conquest, extremist aspirations, ventures that go to the limits and authoritarian power. Without going into the events of the past several years, Barbualt’s interpretation is not hard to see to anyone who has been paying close attention. While these two planets are currently separating, the energy of this aspect will continue to play out until at least mid-January and the results will last even longer. According to Barbualt regimes that take power at this time are not easily gotten rid of or changed.

That said however, I can’t say how glad I am that we will finally see the end of Saturn-Uranus. Most people have been affected in some way and it hasn’t been an easy two years for many. I would like to say this is the end of the harsh energy, but this would not be true.

Jupiter is conjunct Neptune during the rest of Jupiter’s stay in Pisces. While this can be creative and intuitive, it also has to do with an increase in Covid cases, just as it did earlier in the year, and Covid cases are up again. While this transit is short, it is nevertheless powerful, and health officials are looking at a “tridemic” this winter that includes Covid, the flu and RSV.

Lastly, the US will experience another Pluto return in December and January. Pluto rules power, control and ugly politics (based on the last several times) to say the least. Some astrologers believe the Pluto return is bringing corruption to the top so it can be seen for what it is, and I don’t disagree. Pluto transforms, but this does not mean it is easy. We have observed the patriarchal and dark nature of Pluto in Capricorn for some years now. When Pluto enters into Aquarius in March of 2023, the world will change significantly once again and this time it will be about the desires of the people, and what they want not individuals and small groups. This will be only the first step but by the time Pluto leaves Aquarius in 2044 the world will be far different from the way it is today.

In December, the Sun transits through lucky Sagittarius and then Capricorn. Mercury, the planet of communication leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn and then turns retrograde December 29th joining retrograde Mars in Gemini. We will see a significant change as the planets switch from mutable or changeable signs to Cardinal signs. The difference between the two modalities is significant as Cardinal signs demand action.

Jupiter returns to Aries again, leaving Pisces behind for another 12 years. We will experience a full moon in Gemini and a New Moon in Capricorn.  

The holidays and New Year are just around the corner, so here is wishing you and yours the best of holiday seasons and a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year!

Mercury enters Capricorn

Mercury enters Capricorn December 6th, and will remain in this sign until February 11th, due to its retrograde.

Mercury in Capricorn will bring us down to earth in terms of our thinking, speaking and all communications. While Mercury was in Sagittarius our planning and communication was big, grand and bold. Now, we can take the ideas and plans we came up with over the past three weeks and turn them into reality. We can expect to be operating from a place of being goal-oriented and much more grounded.

While Mercury in Capricorn may not be the most exciting of transits it can enable us to turn the ideas and plans we have into practical reality. There is a time to dream big, and a time to be grounded and practical and now is the time to be a little more conservative in our thinking and communications and see what benefits we can actually reap as they may be more than you expect.

Capricorn rules business and leans toward a goal of success through efficiency and hard work. With Mercury in this sign our thoughts are clear and our communication is direct. Now is the time to access your business and professional life and plan for the future. This transit can help provide you focus on the practical nuts and bolts issues of life and work. Results will matter most with Mercury placed in Capricorn.

As Capricorn is ruled by Saturn which is serious in nature we must use care not to become too serious, tiresome or authoritative while Mercury is in this sign. At worse we can come across as pessimistic and have a difficult time with taking leaps of faith as Capricorn wants concrete results which are not always possible to predict.

We typically end the year with the Sun and Mercury in Capricorn. This gives us the ability to plan for the New Year and follow through with our plans and New Year’s resolutions. You can do it!

Mercury retrogrades

The last retrograde of the year starts on December 29th and will go through January 18th.

When Mercury retrogrades equipment tends to break down whether it is a coffee pot or a car. Meetings get cancelled, changed or placed on hold. People frequently misunderstand each other, confusion or lack of clarity occurs and in some instances it can become maddening.

This is all especially true during the ‘stationary retrograde’ period December 29-31st before Mercury begins its apparent backward motion. Mercury retrograde is a 3 week cycle of re-doing, re-considering and readjusting our actions and expectations for the time. It is not the time to get married or engaged, buy high ticket items or begin important undertakings or projects if it can be avoided. It is time however, to clean out the closets both literally and metaphorically, wrap up old projects, and reconsider what we are doing and where we are going. When Mercury retrogrades occur we often uncover new information we need to move forward in the most competent manner. This is all just part of the natural cycle, and by understanding its true purpose it becomes much easier to deal with and avoid confusion.

Retrograde Mercury relates to the past along with things and people that we have known or been involved with. We often re-connect with friends, clients or even romantic partners. We can experience many trips down memory lane during this 3 week cycle.

Double check for errors in writing and emailing especially when it comes to detailed subjects, and check the email address before you hit send. Caution is also required while driving as Mercury rules travel as well.

Mercury turns ‘stationary direct,’ January 19-22nd but we really aren’t out of the woods yet. It is at this point that things can change course once again as the stationary direct phase is much like the stationary retrograde phase, and many glitches can occur. Mercury begins to move forward January 23rd, but the ‘shadow period’ will continue until February 7th, at which point things return to normal.

From December 29-January 13th, both Mercury and Mars are retrograde, so this may be a confusing but brief period where we need to check and double check all important matters!

The ‘shadow period’ of the retrograde will begin on December 12th and my advice is to have your holiday plans and shopping finished by then.

The Sun enters Capricorn

The 2021 winter solstice occurs on December 21st at 4:48 PM, EST and the Capricorn season is on. Winter solstice is seen as a significant time in many cultures and countries, and it marks the day the Sun enters Capricorn and winter officially begins. The Sun will remain in this sign until January 19th.

During this time we will focus on important matters, perhaps a little (or a lot) more serious than when the Sun was in Sagittarius, which we have now left behind for another year. Capricorn energy is more down to earth, focused and committed to accomplishment. After all, Capricorn is known as the workaholic of the zodiac for a good reason. Capricorn people are usually, stable, responsible, business oriented and driven to achieve. Cappy is the natural ruler of the 10th house of work and business. We can save the ethereal energies for the Pisces season in about 2 months because now it is time to focus on what we want to create for ourselves! There is a time and season for everything, and Capricorn likes reaching for and attaining goals in a tangible sense.

Expect to find yourself more concerned with practical matters and success in the material world we all live in. Of course this does not mean Capricorn can’t have fun, but it is usually more restrained and work often comes first.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn which represents both privation as well as great wealth. Saturn is restrictive in nature, so unless your ruling planet is Saturn (Capricorn and Aquarius) you may feel more reserved under a Saturn transit, or at least like reigning things in somewhat. On the other hand, Capricorn represents extreme wealth and is the sign that rules big business.

Under Capricorn transits we get down to the basics that allow personal achievement to occur. Now is the time to figure out what you really need, as opposed to what you want.  What is the most important; taking off for a 2 week cruise or saving to buy that house you have been dreaming of? Chances are, the house will win out during the Capricorn season.

Capricorn is an Earth sign along with Taurus and Virgo. These are the signs that are considered reliable, stable and connected to the physical/material world and all it encompasses. Saturn/Capricorn rules land, buildings, marshes, the earth, teeth and bone structures.  It rules the knees, and Capricorn is known to have trouble in this area. Capricorn also rules authority, work, and quality of work and honors.

Capricorn isn’t just all about work though; it is about dedication, success, knowledge and understanding of how things can actually work, allowing us to get to where we really want to be.. Capricorn takes action which leads to concrete results so we may actually manifest our dreams.

. Famous Capricorns include Michelle Obama, Diane Sawyer,Sissy Spacek, Denzel Washington, Seth Meyers, Lebron James, and Kate Middleton and Dolly Parton. These are people who reach for the stars and get things done!

While Capricorn is about dedication, mastery and achievement, there is also a sensual side as it is tuned in to the Earth and the material world. Capricorn can be deeply attuned to the body’s desires and mastery of those desires so Capricorn is not a totally stodgy sign focused on all work and no play. Capricorn can enjoy life like everyone else but part of their pleasure in life is connected to achievement.

Celebrate the Capricorn season by getting down to business and discovering just how you can actually accomplish what you want in the material world. This is not limited to work or going to an office building; maybe you want to climb Mt. Everest, do volunteer work or explore another culture. Whatever the case the Capricorn season is a chance to make your hopes and dreams come true irrespective of how wild they may seem. In the end Capricorn is not really about work and toil, but mastery and success in the tangible world, whatever your personal idea of success entails. Whatever your dreams may be Capricorn can help you get there.

December’s full Moon in Gemini on December 7th

This month’s Full Moon falls at 16 degrees of Gemini and it is conjunct Mars (retrograde). Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of speech, communication, ideas, travel and young people.

The focus of this moon will be ideas, but since it is conjunct Mars there will likely be arguments, fights and we may feel our ideas are correct, but with the Moon conjunct retrograde Mars it is possible we are not and our thinking may change. This is a good time for debate and brainstorming as long as things don’t get blown out of proportion which is likely to happen if we are not aware of the energy. Fortunately Gemini is an intellectual Air sign, so logic may kick in and we can step back and perhaps take an objective approach to our ideas and those of others.

The Moon also rules the home, family and women. It is likely we will see issues that come up affecting these areas of life, and this aspect does not really bode extremely well for women at this time.

The Sun always opposes the Full Moon stirring up emotions, but in this case it opposes Mars as well. Sun-Mars transits can be bold and dynamic, but they can also be frustrating and prone to accidents and anger so use care at this time.

Since Mercury rules travel the potential exists for issues concerning mass travel and transportation and at the time of this post, it looks likely.

Unfortunately, in the collective Mars rules to police and military action and this Moon falls in the US chart’s house of “open enemies” conjunct natal Mars. This points to the potential for violence, which we will hopefully avoid.

Venus enters Capricorn

Venus enters Capricorn December 10th-January 3rd, leaving Sagittarius behind for another year. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of structure, work and responsibility and this will set the tone with our love interests as well as our values and the way we approach money matters and work as well.

Venus in Capricorn gives love and social activities a more traditional, enduring and committed flavor. The focus will shift from fun and good times (Sagittarius) to the more practical side of love, which is of course necessary if there is to be a future together.  For example, rather than spending on a 10 day cruise with your significant other, you may decide to save for a home or something else significant and lasting.

Sometimes there can be a desire for social prestige and attraction to those in positions of authority with Venus in this sign. Venus in Capricorn is attracted to wealth, security and status and if you are currently not in a relationship you may be attracted to someone in connection with work or in places of commerce. With Venus in Capricorn, ambition and work are front and center.

Love and friendships may take on a more committed or serious tone during this period. Many will be looking for ways to make our lives and loves more real in a tangible sense.

Venus in Capricorn is interested in the practical side of love and romance. Our focus may shift to a more traditional outlook and concerns with questions like where would we live and how do we pay for it?

 Venus in Capricorn likes financial security and a successful partner will sweeten the deal. Romance can be overshadowed by responsibility which will generally come first while Venus transits this sign. Since Capricorn can be known as a workaholic, we may have to slow down a bit to smell the roses. Venus-Capricorn takes a more mature approach to relationships and love which must be earned while Venus is in this sign. Relationships will be built on a willingness to work together through difficult times, as Saturn understands the true meaning and value of commitment. Venus will reward hard work in relationships by defining obstacles and making the commitment together to solve them.

Venus in a Saturn ruled sign may not sound appealing to some, but it projects its own type of warmth, stability and security in an Earthy type of way. If you meet someone new practical concerns and stability will have a place if the relationship is to endure. Now is the time to focus on this part of your relationship and make it more substantive, lasting and real.

Jupiter re-enters Aries

December 20th, Jupiter re-enters Aries for the second time this year and will remain in this sign until May 16th, 2023 when it will enter Taurus. Jupiter dipped its toes into Aries May 10th, and remained in the sign ruled by Mars through October 28th when it retrograded back into Pisces to finish its cycle here.

Jupiter is considered the ‘greater benefic’ and typically during any given year, Jupiter dips its toes into the next sign for a few months so we can get a feel for what each  sign will bring before it begins its complete transit through that sign. The last time Jupiter was in Aries was June 2010-September 10th, 2010 and late January 2011-June 2011.

Aries is a Cardinal Fire sign. Cardinal signs are leaders and things can change quickly. Cardinal signs like to make things happen as do the Fire signs.

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) in particular will benefit with Jupiter in this sign since it only enters each sign once every 12 years. While Jupiter in Pisces rules the 12th house of the zodiac and things that are hidden from view such as spirituality and intuition, Aries rules the first house of self and is very expansive in nature so expect a huge energy shift! This will be all about you, personally.

Jupiter in Aries is fast paced, exuberant and we may feel a surge of confidence and desire to lead and take action. Jupiter always widens our perspective and this will occur on a deep level as the planet of luck transits through the sign ruled by Mars, the planet of action. Get ready to move forward in a bigger and bolder way.

Jupiter-Aries is considered an assertive and pioneering combination. We will be more focused on ourselves, our goals and may feel more energized than when Jupiter was in Pisces. Jupiter-Aries can inspire a type of bravery and more energy to take and accept risk. This is a positive goal oriented sign and we will be working on our own personal interests while Jupiter is in Aries. Aries does not like restriction or limitation and does not let grass grow under its feet.

The downside of Jupiter-Aries is reaching too far, too fast, and as it rules the first house of self it is important to remember other people have their own goals just as we do. Aries can be rash, impulsive and brash at times, but this is seldom the intent.

Aries can generate a type of playfulness and idealism that’s enjoys being free and unfettered. You can be your own best cheerleader while Jupiter transits through this sign and it is quite possible your optimism and confidence will take you beyond any self imposed limitations. With this placement we can put our plans into action, dream bigger and our own ideas and confidence can take where we want to go. Everything we do and experience will be felt in a bigger way and this is how we will approach life. Get ready to work, dream and play with greater confidence and enthusiasm. Faith in ourselves may in turn seem to generate more luck and we will do best when we initiate, take the lead and try to inspire others.

We can expect to see some advances in the US as Jupiter sextiles Uranus in the US chart during January and February. This can relate to job growth, and advances in healthcare and public health. Uranus represents cutting edge technology, air and spacecraft along with all technological advances.

December 23rd New Moon in Capricorn

The final New Moon of the year falls at 1 degree of Capricorn just before Christmas Eve.  It is not unusual to experience planets or even a New or full moon in Capricorn around this time of year. Saturn is the planetary ruler of Capricorn and during this time we tend to gather with family, and those from out past, which is represented by Capricorn. The New Moon squares Jupiter, the planet of gain and expansion. While this is not a negative aspect we tend to overdo things.


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