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Friday, June 30, 2023

July: The Goddess of Love retrogrades


Happy 4th of July! This month the planet of love, money and values turns retrograde joining Neptune and Saturn, which may spice things up. Mercury travels through 3 signs and the Sun leaves Cancer for Leo. Mars moves from Leo into the sign Virgo and we will experience a powerful Capricorn Full moon and a New Moon in Cancer. The nodes of fate move into Aries-Libra changing our collective destiny. We can expect some turbulence the last third of the month. Now, the details.

The month begins with a Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn July 3rd. Capricorn is the Natural ruler of the 10th house of business and career. The ruling planet of Capricorn is Saturn; the planet astrologers call the ‘taskmaster.’ Capricorn-Saturn is all about work, responsibilities and obligations. Capricorn is also about reality, and for some this may be a wakeup call; either way it’s doubtful many of us will be wearing rose colored glasses, not that you should expect to be depressed.

July 2nd, Venus squares Uranus and this energy tends to linger becoming part of the full moon energy. This may shake things up a bit and you may feel a desire for freedom or to try something novel or different. In many ways this aspect can be exciting or point to unexpected events. You may meet people you feel you are getting along famously with, but if this is the case Venus-Uranus is not an indication of longevity. In some cases if this transit hits something significant in your chart it could relate to money issues or relationships that are tottering on the edge could end.

Mars enters Virgo

July 10th, Mars, the action planet leaves Leo for another 2 years to transit through Virgo until August 27th.

Virgo is the sign that rules the 6th house of work and health so it is here much of our attention will be focused over the next 2 months. Now will be the time to start new health regimes, work out or exercise plans or to get any health issue of concern checked by a Dr. as Virgo is a sign that is strongly connected to healing, medicine and natural medicine. As the 6th house also rules work, we will be much more focused on this area of our life than we were with Mars in energetic, freewheeling and fiery Leo, so expect a major energy shift as Mars changes signs.

For the past 6 weeks Mars in Leo has stirred up drama and a lot of grandstanding, passion and desire for fun. Things will change in a significant way as Mars enters the more subdued and stable earth sign Virgo. Virgo is one of the mutable signs along with Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces. When a planet enters a mutable sign we are subject to change and our actions and approach toward what we are doing will alter with Mars in this sign.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication so while in Virgo our action will be connected to our minds, thinking and speaking.  In other words, we will use our brains to a greater degree and be much more determined to get things done, and done correctly.

Mars is a hot, fiery and aggressive, passionate planet by nature. While it is in Virgo these qualities will be tempered and Mars becomes a fact seeking, detail oriented and sometimes perfectionist, albeit hard working and concentrated type of energy to work with.

Now is the time to get all the things you have put off this year done. Not only will you get them done, they will in all likelihood be done correctly, perhaps even the first time.

Virgo is the most detail oriented sign of the zodiac and when planets go into Virgo they mean business. With Mars in this sign you will be determined to be productive, take care of you affairs, and not make mistakes. Now is the time to get your act together and move forward in a logical and tangible way that can bring about true accomplishment and success.

Virgo is known for being efficient, thoughtful, adaptable, competent and attentive. If you can harness the energy of Mars you can accomplish more than you thought possible.

The downside of Virgo is its tendency toward perfectionism. Virgo doesn’t mean to be overly critical although it can come across that way. Actually, Virgo just likes to get things right the first time so you don’t have to repeat anything again. Virgo’s critical tendency can extend toward other people or even yourself. This can cause breakdowns in relationships as no one likes being unduly criticized. Constructive criticism is one thing, an overtly critical attitude toward others in another. At times Virgo can come across as restless, strict and agitated. If you can be aware of these qualities this can be a period of time of accomplishment whether it involves losing weight, getting fit and in shape, or getting your business in order.

Mercury enters Leo

July 10th, along with Mars, Mercury changes signs as well and enters Leo where it will remain until July 28th.

When Mercury changes signs, our style of communication and thinking take on subtle but significant changes. The way we think and communicate with ourselves and others will change dramatically from Mercury in Cancer which we have just experienced.

While Cancer can be overly emotional and focused on our security and foundation in life, Leo rules the Sun and the fifth house of the zodiac so we will be thinking more about friends, entertainment, and (especially) romance over the next few weeks.

Mercury in Leo will liven things up and come in like a wild burst of new energy and you may find yourself thinking in far bolder new directions and more interesting possibilities. Our passions become all-important and often front and center and this may come across like a deep breath of fresh air. We may feel more confident and determined to get our true feelings across. With Mercury in this sign we will speak our mind-no matter what the outcome.

Don’t let your ego interfere too much in your communication while Mercury is in Leo as this is part of the downside of the sign. As Leo is a fixed sign we can become too set in our ways or too stubborn or proud. At worst communication can lean toward emotional outbursts rather than a creative expression of what we want. Take care not to let your conversations become too demanding or provocative toward others. They same goes for being overly exuberant in your expression of emotions. Think about what you really want to convey before expressing it. We can also expect a certain amount of gas-lighting or attention grabbing maneuvers over these next few weeks.

Overall however, communication should tend toward being positive, upbeat and a little more playful if not enjoyable. If there is something we really want we may feel more determined as well as confident and direct in our manner of approaching it.

Leo helps us get in touch with our true inner selves and at this time we have the possibility of focusing on what we really need and want. This is the time to be your own supporter, as well as supporting others. The focus of Mercury in this sign will be on what brings us the most joy, happiness and fun.

Leo is expressive, playful and more dramatic than any other sign. The way we speak or even write can be designed to get others attention or even get a rise out of someone else. Our communication and the way we present ourselves and our ideas will be far more expressive and direct and we aren’t so afraid to take chances. At best self expression can manifest in a creative and dramatic manner meant to draw in those who are most significant whether in love, friendship or business.

New Moon in Cancer

This month’s New Moon falls on July 17th at 24 degrees of Cancer. Cancer is the natural ruler of the 4th house of home and family and the Cancer ruled Moon will concern those closest to us and our emotions. This is the most sensitive and emotional of signs, and its trine to Neptune creates a compassionate and creative energy.

Mercury’s square to Jupiter is typically pleasant but some things may get blown out of proportion.

The downside to this Moon is its opposition to Pluto. This can bring up deep seated emotional issues and anger, especially toward women or family members.  Don’t dwell on situations you cannot change just take action regarding those things that are within your control. Moon-Pluto aspects also relate to past situations that can come back in the form of emotional discontent. Sometimes with a transit like this situations are revealed to be different than what you thought.

July 18th the North and South Nodes change signs

The North and south Nodes are not planets but points in the chart. The change signs every 18 months and affect our collective destiny. These are otherwise known as the lunar nodes and they oppose each other.

July 18th, the lunar nodes change from the axis of Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra for the next 18 months.

Our collective as well as personal destiny is shown in the North and South Nodes. These are not planets but calculated points in the chart. Everyone is born with both a North and South node, which show us where we are headed as a collective. Both nodes tell a story regarding our fate and destiny; the North node is where we are headed and the South node shows us what we need to leave behind or release. While the North Node is the ideal of what we hope to achieve, the South Node is what can hold us back.

When the North Node enters Aires (South node in Libra) we will be called to balance our own personal interests versus the interests of others in society as well as partnership issues. We will be asked to find a new direction between ourselves as individuals versus our relationships and personal/social networks.

Anyone born over the next 18 months will be born with their North and South Node in Libra/Aries which will point to their personal destiny. The last time the lunar nodes transited through Aries-Libra was December 27, 2004-June 22, 2006.

Venus retrogrades!

July 22, at 9:33 PM, EDT the planet of love reverses course and retrogrades until September 4th in the sign of Leo, ruler of the 5th house of love.

As Venus retrogrades we have an opportunity to rethink and re-access our relationships with others and those closest to us. Love energy may be harder to come by during this period, but we may compensate for this by loving ourselves more. Feelings and intellect may become more defined giving clear ideas, originality and intuition, and an appreciation for all that is light and airy in relationships

If you begin a new relationship on a retrograde Venus it is said the love energy is never fully expressed. If this is the case, things could also change after Venus turns direct again and energy shifts. Venus retrograde is sometimes associated with those we have known in the past. At times we can reconnect, or take many trips down memory lane.

Venus retrogrades repeat by sign every 8 years

Venus retrogrades every 18 months and the retrograde period lasts about 42 days. Venus repeats it’s retrograde in the same sign every 8 years. You could experience something similar to the Venus retrograde summer of 2015.

Venus retrograde and its karmic affect

Venus retrograde affects love, money and our social lives. When it is retrograde all of these things can become more difficult in some way, but at the same time we can gain more clarity as to where we are going and who we are going there with. Venus retrograde is a karmic period and at times our love lives can take dramatic shifts one way or another.  The karma of relationships sometimes plays out and relationships can end, or come back together. If a relationship comes back together it was meant to, and if one ends at this time, it is granting you the freedom to find someone more appropriate.

Love, money and values

Venus retrograde will affect our personal lives and it will play out in the world as well. Venus retrograde will be followed by Jupiter’s retrograde on September 4th, the same day Venus turns direct

The collective will be affected by Venus retrograde. During this time we will be forced to re-evaluate what is working, what is not, and what we value as individuals as well as a collective, and make changes toward those ideas that do not serve the majority well.

The Sun enters Leo

July 22, the Sun enters Leo for the next month. While Cancer rules home and family, Leo rules the 5th house of love and entertainment. While Cancer is about family get togethers and vacations, Leo is geared toward singles, fun and romance. Now is the time to dip your toes into the water and enjoy it as the season is so fleeting. This time can be a much welcome break from the stress and seriousness of the world so grab your fun in the sun while you can.

Leo is ruled by the Sun which gives us life and warmth and at this time of the year is impossible to ignore. Leo energy is confident and bold and this can be the best time of the year for friendship, fun and summer romance.

Leo is a fire sign and fire signs are prone to action, movement and creation, and they seldom let grass grow under their feet. When the Sun is in Leo we often want to shine, be in the spotlight and receive attention, or even come across as dramatic. Leo energy is not afraid to be front and center or larger than normal life and extraordinary. Now is your time to shine in whatever endeavor you choose so the plunge and be bold! You will be your best own cheerleader so make the most of it.

Even those who like to typically remain behind the scenes could start to desire more recognition and praise for what they do. Shy people may come out of their shell a little more during the Sun’s time in Leo.

Leo is a regal sign that rules royalty, theatre and acting. With the Sun (and Mercury) in a fire element this becomes a take charge kind of energy. At best this energy can help you take command of your life, express yourself your way in an adventurous and striking manner and inspire more confidence. At worst its worst, Leo can be overly dramatic and too demanding of attention. Watch these traits and enjoy the inner child within. One of Leo’s best qualities is the ability to get in touch with the child within. In this way they never grow old.

Mercury enters Virgo

July 28th Mercury enters the 3rd sign of the month; Virgo where it will remain until October 5th due to its retrograde in august. Mercury will transit through Virgo August 11-28 where it is considered by astrologers to be ‘at home,’ so this will be a major energetic switch from Mercury in Leo. Mercury is the planetary ruler of both Gemini and Virgo. While Mercury in Gemini is associated with quick responses, intelligence, and communication about a many different ideas, when Mercury is in Virgo communication and thinking is geared more toward facilitating ideas, analyzing information and presenting facts in a straight forward and factual manner.

Gemini may reach out for information of all types and go in different directions but Virgo hones in on what is most important and puts that information to practical use. While both signs rule Mercury, they each have a very different approach and purpose.

Virgo is very discerning and is often considered lazar focused. The downside to Mercury in Virgo is that at times it can be so discerning one can become lost in details, overly critical or picky, and this can be misinterpreted (or not). It is important to remember that while constructive criticism is one thing, Virgo can get caught up in being so overly critical, others are turned off. Most of the time however, Virgo’s true intent is just to get things right.

Mercury is in Virgo for 16 days, just over two weeks. Use this time to work on projects that require organization, study, timing and important communication and you should do well. Details should end up being flawless.

Other transits of significance;

July 10th, Mercury opposes Pluto-This can be considered a transit of propaganda when others try and sway your opinion or vice versa. You could get some type of unwanted news, and arguments are possible. Be careful if you travel, especially in terms of driving. This will be a heavy news day.

July 20th-21st-Two oppositions occur over these several days including the Sun’s opposition to Pluto and Mars opposing Saturn. Sun-Pluto aspects can coincide with endings of some type or they can relate to power struggles. Pluto likes to dig beneath the surface in terms of all things including our emotions and subconscious mind. This aspect is prone toward feelings of forced change and something or someone could reach the tipping point. This is a day to remain cool, and if you push, expect push back. This aspect hits Pluto in the US chart the day before and we can expect to see political arguments and those who vie for control. Media and publishing may come to the fore in some way.


Mars opposition to Saturn is prone to tiredness and a feeling of blocked energy. Mars-Saturn energy can be cold and associated with feelings of cruelty. Arguments may be prominent at this time, so use care. This transit is associated with military and police action and we can expect a significant news cycle.

July 23rd, Mercury squares Uranus. This is prone toward nervousness and unexpected news and or change. Use care while driving as this is prone to unexpected accidents.




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