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Tuesday, February 13, 2024

February 13-14th and Mars conjunct Pluto


Mars is conjunct Pluto February 13th-14th and exact Valentine ’s Day this year which may serve as an emotional trigger for some. We need to be aware of this energy even in the days before this date and a few days after, at least.  By February 16th, Venus joins the fray conjuncting Pluto and Mars as well.

This harsh combination falls in the sign of Aquarius which rules the 11th house of the collective, so this aspect has the potential to affect us all in some way. Aquarius is ruled by both Saturn and Uranus, the planet of sudden, unexpected and often explosive events.

Aquarius is the sign of brotherhood, equality and freedom. This aspect has the potential to end some relationships, especially if you have planets in your chart at 0-2 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius. Freedom can be a theme for some, especially those who feel they have been in repressive situations.

Personal relationships may become volatile and you may be quick to express your feelings in a powerful way. Strength or courage could be a strong point at this time but you must avoid manipulation and control to accomplish what you want.

Mars-Pluto can be disruptive and prone to obsessions and jealousy, especially for those who are predisposed to these types of feelings.

This transit will play out on the world stage and it is likely it will be in unexpected and explosive ways. The last time Pluto was conjunct Mars in Aquarius was February 18, 1789. 14 days earlier, George Washington became the first President of the United States.

This aspect returns to the same degree and station point as the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius at the end of 2020. Mars ‘sets off’ the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction which is known as one of the most powerful aspects that occurs every 20 years and relates to the advancement of the human race.

Time doesn’t permit me to look at all of the charts I might like to but from memory this affects the chart of President Joe Biden. It appears to affect the chart of the US Supreme court. It also affects the chart of the UK’s King Charles, Princess Anne, and William, Prince of Wales to name only a few.

The last Pluto-Mars conjunction was in Capricorn at 27 degrees and occurred February 1-2nd, 2022, just a few days after the start of the Russia-Ukrainian war.

Mars rules police, anger and war, young men and in some cases the military. The sign of Aquarius is often involved in war situations.

Uranus is associated with the internet and cyber-attacks, aircraft, explosions, coups and unexpected news and events.



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