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Wednesday, March 27, 2024

April astrology; A major solar eclipse, retrograde Mercury and Jupiter conjuncts Uranus!


This month we will experience a total solar eclipse at 19 degrees of Aries. The eclipse will cross much of the US and this is the last total solar eclipse we will experience for 20 years. Jupiter conjuncts  Uranus in April and Mercury is retrograde most of the month. The Sun transits from Aries to Taurus and Venus moves from Pisces into Aries. Mars remains in Pisces and Saturn in Pisces hits the halfway mark. We will experience a new moon in Aries and a full moon in Scorpio. Now the details.

Mercury retrogrades

The planet of communication turns retrograde April 1st-25th in Aries.

The next three weeks may be a period where things seem at a standstill, especially our outward action. On an inner level however, we can accomplish a great deal.

Mercury turns retrograde 3 or 4 times a year, and generally has a bad name.  To an extent this is perfectly understandable, as retrograde Mercury is the planet that causes delays, glitches, breakdowns in computers and equipment, relationships, slowdowns and brings hidden factors to the surface. Plans can be put on hold, miscommunication can occur, relationships can end or change, and any kind of machinery can break down at the most inopportune moment.

When planets retrograde, their effects on humans are different than when in direct motion. Thinking is deeper, situations often appear to go underground for a time, or change altogether, and sometimes our focus shifts.

The first phase of retrograde Mercury is the pre-retrograde shadow period which began March 19th. This period is when Mercurial energy starts to shift and is typically noticeable in terms of being forgetful.

The second phase of retrograde Mercury is the stationary retrograde period, when Mercury starts to shift into apparent backward motion. This happens April 1-3rd, when Mercury begins its retrograde. This is when most glitches start to become evident, and thinking may become extra foggy. Stay alert!

Mercury continues to retrograde through April 25th, when it turns stationary direct for the next several days. This is the second period when glitches, breakdowns and changes in direction may well occur. It can get worse before it gets better!

Mercury begins to move forward again on April 27th, but remains in the post direct shadow phase phase until May 13th. Mercurial energy does not pick up its normal pace until completion of the second shadow period.

 The total solar eclipse in Aries April 8th

This eclipse may seem positive or negative depending on what it aspects in your personal chart.  Eclipses can be especially dramatic if it aspects a significant point in your chart and often bring news pertaining to some of life's biggest events as well as significant events that affect the world. Unexpected information can come to light and something may be eclipsed into or completely out of your life. It can be a time of new beginnings.

Eclipses affect the charts of countries just as they do people. The last total eclipse we experienced was in Leo August 2017 and was referred to as the ‘Great American eclipse.’ That eclipse literally divided the country as it crossed the USA. Some astrologers believe that events can occur along the eclipse path and places where the eclipse can be viewed from are ripe for change in society, overall culture or leadership. 2017 certainly was the year the US became ‘divided’ politically and it was a period of drastic change and the beginning of 7 years of political upheaval in the US that continues.

This month’s total solar eclipse can be seen in much of the US and is also considered a Super Moon. While the 2017 eclipse began on the West Coast, the 2024 eclipse begins on the East Coast. The 2 eclipse paths (2017 and 2024) cross each other around San Antonio Texas. The key spot however seems to be Carbondale, Ill.

Once again the eclipse divides the country as it crosses the US. Can we expect the political and social divisions to continue? Absolutely. Could this further divide the country into even more factions?  Good chance. If you look at a map of the 2 eclipse paths (there are many on the internet) you will see the majority of the South in a section of it's own. These are the same states that are banning abortion, trying to take away IVS from women who want to use it and are fighting against LGBTQ rights.

The eclipse in Aries is ruled by Mars the planet of action, change and in some cases fighting, aggression and even war. Mars rules the military, police and ‘warrior’ types of people.

On the other hand Mars can confer courage and action, and with the eclipse in the sign of Aries we can expect to see a surge of innovation and new ideas this year.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and in astrology the focus of Aries is the 1st house or the self. We will see many different factions fighting for their personal beliefs and agendas at this time.

Solar eclipses repeat themselves every 19 years. We experienced a solar eclipse at 19 degrees of Aries on April 8, 2005 and April 9, 1986. In April 2005 Pope John Paul II passed away, the conflict/war in Iraq was going on, and the year saw more than one natural disaster including Hurricane Katrina. In 1986 138 FDIC banks failed and the 4th reactor at Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded. These are just a sampling of events that occurred around these last 2 solar eclipses in Aries at 19 degrees.

Let’s take a look at the aspects that will affect the April 8th eclipse in the US and what we can expect;

-The Aries eclipse falls in the US Sibly chart 4th house which rules general and political stability, natural disasters and housing as well as the homeland/homeland security. It opposes Saturn which rules the government, leadership and Congress. The opposition shows a conflict potentially between branches of government and the President. The Moon also rules popular sentiment and its opposition to Saturn in the US chart is not light hearted in any sense.

Coming to terms with partnerships of all types will be important on a collective level.

-This Moon is a Super Moon which means it will appear bigger, brighter and closer to the Earth. Super moons are known to be associated with major earth related events such as tsunamis, earthquakes and other disasters.

-This Moon/eclipse is conjunct Chiron, known as the wounded healer along with the North Node. When Chiron is aspected it brings up deep seated wounds that need to be healed; there is a wounding of the people in the US that needs to be dealt with. In other words, people who are hurt tend to hurt others in return and the cycle continues. Transiting Chiron conjunct the Moon is square both Mercury and Pluto in the US (Sibly) natal chart 8th and 2nd houses. This shows us that a transformation is needed in terms of both communication between the government, people and even some media outlets (or social media) and who receives financial benefits versus who does not. Pluto is also connected to the very powerful, systems of power such as Congress and other bodies, and unhappiness among the population concerning some of those in power and making the rules. Chiron is conjunct the Moon which rules women. Women have suffered a loss of reproductive rights in the US with a continued threat of the further erosion of more rights.

The North Node represents Karmic or fated events as it does with every eclipse.

-Saturn and Mars are conjunct at 13/14 degrees of Pisces and this aspect is exact April 10th. This is a harsh aspect that can lean toward volatility and even violence. This aspect has the potential to bring about war or war like circumstances or situations that involve police or military.

-With Mars sextile Jupiter the possibility of compassion is possible both at home and abroad.

-Mercury is retrograde at 24 degrees of Aries. Retrograde Mercury is known for revealing previously unknown information. When an eclipse occurs with retrograde Mercury, events connected to the eclipse may be delayed, usually by a matter of days. Mercury rules all communication so with its retrograde the information we receive may not be correct or accurate in some way or we may not get all of the information. Mercury also involves commerce, travel and young people.

Mercury’s square to Pluto in the US chart represents power struggles between those in authority, important news and financial decisions. It is an aspect of propaganda and those who try and push their beliefs on others.

-Jupiter is conjunct Uranus and this is one of the most significant astrological events of 2024. This aspect is connected with events related to Taurus; money, women, food/farming and beauty. Taurus is connected to the Earth so we could see an increase in climate changes or weather related events this year. This can represent innovations as well as unexpected issues.

In conclusion, this is a fiery powerful eclipse ruled by Mars the planet of warrior energy, wars and innovation that will affect the US for months to come. We can expect political bickering and important news and debate that could include a prominent death or relate to death in some other way as well as lawsuits and legal issues. Aries is the sign of pioneering innovation and doesn’t let grass grow under its feet. While this eclipse points to many contentious issues it will also be a catalyst for new ideas and change in many areas. In some respects this will be an exciting time with many new developments and ideas that will come to light in the near future.

Venus enters Aries

Venus enters Mars’ sign on April 5th and will remain in this sign until April 29th, when it enters Taurus.

Venus in Aries will bring about a bolder, more assertive and active approach to the things Venus rules; love, beauty and art, money and values.

While it transits through Aries, Venus is in action planet Mar’s sign and will signal greater passions, energy and action directed toward Venusian pursuits; especially love. We may feel more assertive in connecting with those we are most attracted to and want to get to know better, and seek a fresher, more exciting approach with those we are already involved with. Confidence is a trait associated with Aries so we could see our confidence soar along with our passions.

As Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, Venus in Aries offers us a fresh start in terms of relationships, money and determining where our true values really lie. We will yearn for new experiences and desire to be more spontaneous in terms of our social lives and those we may be interested in. Often this transit brings out a longing for new and exciting adventures and experiences.

Venus in Aries will work especially well for Fire and Air signs. Aries energy is enthusiastic and upbeat, and Aries loves the chase to the point of sometimes being more interested in the chase than a relationship once a connection is established.


Venus is considered at its detriment in Aries so the energies don’t operate as smoothly as Venus in Pisces that we have just left behind for another year.

The downside of Venus-Aries is impatience, immaturity, brashness and self centeredness.  For a relationship to last longer than the chase there must be plenty of new stimulation and excitement on a regular basis. Competition is a familiar concept to Aries, but this is not something that turns everyone on. Aries often operates on whims without thinking things through completely. If it comes down to putting self or the feelings of their partner first, Aries-Venus is prone to protect their own feelings and interests first.


Now is the time to embrace your ability to be bold, adventurous, sexy and confident. You may be surprised at how fearless and undaunted you feel over this next month and you may surprise others as well. Above all else, Venus in Aries loves fun, playfulness and adventure so enjoy the feelings of confidence and the childlike spontaneity this transit of Venus can confer.

 Jupiter conjuncts Uranus

Jupiter is conjunct Uranus and this aspect lasts all month. The peak of this unpredictable transit is on April 20th but we will feel the energy all month and into early May.

Jupiter is the planet of gain and expansion and Uranus is the transit of the unexpected. While this aspect can go either way, I do lean toward the positive, especially if this aspects something in your chart in a positive manner. If it is squaring or opposing something it could go the other way, unless other strong aspects are present.

Uranus is the planet of unexpected events. This occurs about every 14 years and in 2011 we experienced this aspect in Pisces and here is what I wrote; “Jupiter conjunct Uranus (January 1-22) has coincided with major flooding in the world each time the two planets have joined together during the past year.  Whatever Jupiter touches it expands, and Pisces rules water.  Australia is bearing the brunt of this transit as this post is written as floodwaters reach historic proportions the first week of January. In Arkansas thousands of birds have dropped from the sky, and dead fish are washing ashore, with the cause unknown at this time.  Other areas around the world are at risk of escalated weather conditions as well, as the energy of the January 4 eclipse in Capricorn continues to play out.”

This time the aspect occurs at 21 degrees of Taurus. Taurus is another Earth sign so we may well experience earth related events once again such as earthquakes. The ruler of Taurus is Venus and Venus rules money, women, beauty, finances and values so we may see some shakeups in these areas.

I would not expect the negative in your personal life but I would also not take big chances with things that are not likely to pay off or speculation. That said, Jupiter and Uranus are sometimes called ‘gambler’s transits.”

Uranus is all about freedom. People may leave jobs, relationships or anything else they find oppressive. In past periods this transit has been tied to the Moon landing (July 20th, 1969) and the French revolution. Many things will happen around the world, and many people will try and break free from oppressive restrictions. If this is the case, breaking away will be experienced in a positive way. Unexpected opportunities may come your way so be aware of what is happening around you.

April 23’s Full Moon in Scorpio

The spring eclipses are now over and we will experience a Full Moon at 4 degrees of Scorpio. Scorpio rules the 8th house of taxes/debt, other people’s money, change/transformation and death and renewal. Its planetary ruler is Mars the planet of action and the ‘God of War.’

This full moon will be intense due to its square to Pluto. Moon-Pluto transits deal with issues concerning women, home, the emotional life, unexpected revelations and feelings of an obsessive nature. Its best to avoid feelings of jealousy and control as it could blow up in your face.

This can bring up deep seated issues from the past, especially since Mercury is still retrograde. There may be issues at home or with the family and feelings may be on edge at this time.

Some relationships can end as well as other matters that have outlived their time. This can be a time of intense emotional turmoil or alternatively it can be a time of personal regeneration or transformation with a great deal of effort. Pluto aspects tend to dig beneath the surface which can be good or bad. It will be up to you whether to let sleeping dogs lie or bring up deep seated issues that have the potential of creating far reaching emotional responses.

This could also be an aspect of propaganda or others trying to force their feelings and reactions on you or others.

The Sun enters Taurus April 19-May 20th

This is the Taurus season when the seeds we planted with the Sun in Aries begin to grow just like the plants in our gardens.

The Sun in Taurus is a time to get steady on our feet, grounded, and turn our attention to the more material concerns of life. Taurus is typically a relaxed, sociable period as Venus is the ruler of the sign. Venus rules love, money and our values and this is where our attention will be focused over the next month.

With Venus as the star of the show, we tend to become more social, relaxed and interested in the more material joys and concerns of life such as beautiful objects and surroundings, clothes and perhaps a new hair style and what might be considered the finer things in life. This includes all things pleasant to our senses; sensuality, art, beauty and often rich foods. Now is the time to treat ourselves to things like spas, flowers even binge watching our favorite shows and just kicking back for a while. Taurus is the time to cultivate and develop a sense of deep security and personal comfort.

While Aries is all about new beginnings, Taurus is a far more relaxed period when we can enjoy a more slow paced time and all the newness and beauty that spring typically brings. We are often drawn to the outdoors during the Taurus season and can enjoy hikes or long walks as Taurus is connected with the Earth which can be a grounding and pleasant experience.

Taurus may take a while to make up its mind but once that happens it can be one of the most steadfast and loyal of all signs. This is the time to think things through carefully and make no rush to judgment. People will be far less impetuous and go through all of their options more carefully when making decisions.

Since Taurus does rule the 2nd house of money in astrology many will be focused on financial concerns at this time. Now is the time to think through investments or anything that relates to your financial life and make changes where necessary.

The downside of Taurus can be a stubborn unwillingness to make changes or stay stuck on something that is not working. Taurus is a fixed sign that moves slowly and does not make fast decisions. Keep an open mind and chill out this month. If you do this, there is no reason you should not enjoy and prosper from the richness, joy and beauty of the Taurus season.

Venus enters Taurus April 29th-May 24th


Venus is considered at home in Taurus which is one of the signs it rules; the other one is Libra.

Venus in Taurus will be a significant change from self oriented Venus in Aries. Over the next few weeks there will be a greater focus on love, money, luxury items or beauty, beautiful things, relationships and personal as well as collective values. Venus is happy and lavish in this sign and you may feel a desire to surround yourself with richness on many different levels whether it is art, clothes, jewelry, calming music or rich food. Go ahead and enjoy the most basic of comforts: touch, smell, sensuality, beauty, comfort, relaxation and food. Venus in Taurus takes us back to the basics of life and we can indulge and luxuriate in the simpler things that make us the happiest on an inner level.

Now is the time to focus on relationships, and putting your emotions and feelings first, ahead of work or other heavy demands. This can be a relaxed time where we are focused most of all on the physical, the beautiful, and we can connected to the earth and outdoors and the beauty of spring as Taurus is an Earth sign. Plan a walk or hike, and get grounded by Mother Earth. Typically this is a great time for planting and getting your garden under control if you are inclined in this way. Taurus is typically considered fruitful and the best sign for planting whether it is a large country or urban garden or houseplants on a balcony or in a window.

By seeking pleasure in all of its most basic forms and with others this period typically embodies harmony and can be a beautiful, chilled out and relaxed period that won’t return again for another year.

April 30th, Mars enters Aries

Last but not least the action planet leaves Pisces for Aries on the last day of the month.

Mars has been in gentle laid back Pisces since March 22nd and we will experience quite an energetic shift when Mars enters Aries.

Mars is at home in this sign which means it operates well and is extremely powerful.  Aries rules the first house of self, so we will be interested in furthering our own interests most of all during this 6 week cycle of Mars. We will evaluate what we want and go after it whether it is a job, an idea, or even a romantic partner.

This begins a new Mars cycle as Mars once again crosses the ‘world point’ or 0 degrees of Aries and starts its two year trip through the zodiac once again. The ‘world point’ is associated with events on the world stage than can affect us all and give us an extra dose of get-up-and-go.

Mars in Aries likes to take control of things and can increase our personal drive and ambition. Expect this to be a spontaneous, forward looking and action oriented period. Winning may become more important and Aries can be quite competitive. We will pursue things in a more straight forward manner, which is the opposite of Mars in Pisces that often approaches things from a sideways and intuitive perspective. Aries is typically confident, optimistic and does not let grass grow under their feet.

The downside of Aries is impatience, arrogance and self-centeredness. While we pursue our goals in a very direct manner, we can express anger in the same manner which can turn many more sensitive people off or create hard feelings.

Aries is considered a pioneering sign not afraid of trying out new ideas and concepts and approaches life head on. Some famous people with Mars in Aries include Steve Jobs, Stephen Hawking, Bernie Sanders, Nicolas Sarkozy, Monica Lewinsky, Queen Victoria, Caroline Princess of Hanover, Martha Stewart, David Letterman and Priscilla Presley.

Independence, confidence and courage are all Aries qualities that we can embrace during this period. As Aries rules the first house of the zodiac this can be a time for new beginnings, new experiences and new and greater confidence in our own abilities to inspire others and lead.

Other aspects of significance

April 3rd, Venus conjuncts Neptune-This can seem dreamy or it can be a day fraught with confusion concerning love, values or money. Neptune obscures the real facts so this is not the best day for important decisions.

April 10th, Mars conjuncts Saturn-This is a frustrating and trying aspect that leans toward frustration, aggravation and anger.  This becomes part of the eclipse energy the day before. It is prone to the above mentioned situations but it does give the energy to focus and narrow in on certain things if necessary for a few days.

April 21st the Sun squares Pluto This is a powerful aspect prone toward power struggles, change and endings. This can become a day filled with stress and its best to just flow with the change if possible. Others may seem combative today and it’s best to avoid contentious issues if you want to avoid an argument.  Pluto is obsessive in nature so this day could entail these types of feelings as well as actions. This is generally a significant day in the world.

April 28th, Mars conjuncts Neptune-This can be a period of low energy and confusion. Mars-Neptune aspects are sometimes associated with weird or unusual things happening and at worst it can be a transit of theft and lies. You may feel intuitive and while this is possible it can also lean toward paranoia.

April 30th Venus squares Pluto-This can be a tough day concerning finances, feelings and love. This aspect leans toward obssessiveness, jealousy and not getting along well with the opposite and sometimes same sex. Feelings can run deep and be hurt easily. At best we can experience change and transformation in a situation involving love or money but if so, it won’t be easy.



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