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Thursday, August 29, 2024

September 1st Pluto enters Capricorn; The Grand Finale


Pluto re-enters Capricorn September 1st, one more time before leaving for Aquarius again November 19th where it will remain in this sign until January of 2044.

When Pluto changes signs, the world changes along with our personal lives since Pluto moves to a different segment of your personal chart. Remember all of the changes in 2008-09? Pluto moved from Sagittarius, an expansive sign, to Capricorn, which can be expansive for some and restrictive for many others as evidenced by the almost immediate banking crisis. During this time some lost almost everything while others profited.

Capricorn can represent great wealth or great privation. At this juncture you can see the mega wealth it has created for some such as Elon Musk. He acquired the greater part of his wealth at the age of 41 when he debuted on Forbes list of billionaires in 2012. According to the wealth of billionaires has increased 88% over the past 4 years. The wealth of average Americans between 2019-22 was up a modest 23%. So, you can see that Pluto/Capricorn has a top-down affect somewhat like ‘trickle down economics.’

 Pluto in Capricorn brought us the 2008 crash referred to as ‘the Great recession,’ Covid, mega companies that exert a great deal of control, various power imbalances, patriarchy, fewer women’s rights, the rise of autocratic groups around the world, hate groups, Donald Trump and the MAGA movement  to name only a few occurrences.

This is not to say everything in Capricorn has been negative because many people have experienced positive times especially if their chart aligns well with Capricorn. There is always the good and the bad, but many people have been deeply challenged in various ways especially those born under Cancer, Capricorn, Libra and Aries and the US is a Cancer country.  Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, and there is a reason Saturn is called the taskmaster.

When Pluto opposed the US Sun at 13 degrees it brought us Donald Trump, who was subsequently twice impeached. The Trump years have brought about more division and hatred in the US than any President in the lifetime of anyone reading this expects perhaps Herbert Hoover and you would have to be approaching 100 years old if you lived through this period. Pluto rules, among other things corruption, dictators, tyrants, villains and unabated power. Pluto is not inherently corrupt, but it is always associated with power. How the power is used is another story depending on the individual. Pluto/Capricorn has also brought geo-political changes in the Middle East and other countries and at the time of this post we are closely watching 2 major wars unfold.

The last time Pluto transited Capricorn was 1762-1778 and we know that period of time was difficult and eventually changed the course of history with the American Revolution. This transit of Pluto has changed the world as well, and as Pluto enters Aquarius we will see just how much our world has changed, and will change again with Pluto in Aquarius.

For the last few years we have been experiencing the US Pluto return (in the US chart) at 27 degrees of Capricorn. Pluto returns can only happen in the chart of a country or a long time entity because it takes Pluto 248 years to orbit the zodiac. It won’t return to this sign until 2272. Pluto in the US chart is about money, power, control and it can represent many different things, but it lies in the US 2nd house of money/income.

We have experienced the greater part of our Pluto return already and the results will continue to play out for better or worse. Pluto’s re-entrance into Capricorn will coincide with the last of the Pluto return.

It’s interesting the last pass of the Pluto return coincides with the US election. As a result, (partially attributed to Pluto but not entirely) I believe we can expect challenges to the election or elections across the country and the potential for fraud that will likely lie among certain states.  Unfortunately there is also a propensity toward violence on and around Election Day with Mars opposition to Pluto.

In the end, regardless of what this pass of Pluto brings us we are headed toward Aquarius. While Aquarius can be unpredictable at the end of the day we will see huge changes worldwide because Aquarius is about the people, not large corporations, billionaires, corrupt dictators or the Top 1%. It is going to be an interesting transformation and we are all invited to the party this time.

Following are the most significant dates involving the final pass of Pluto in Capricorn;

September 22/23-Venus squares Pluto-This can involve issues with money, scandals and trouble between the sexes and it can be obsessive.

October 13th/14th-Mercury squares Pluto-This is indicative of heavy news, obsessions and others trying to push their viewpoints.

October 17th-Full Moon squares Pluto-This aspect becomes more complex as all aspects at this time must be considered. In the end however, the moon rules women and our emotions and its square to Pluto can be extremely dramatic and reveal information that was previously hidden. It looks pretty wild at this time.

October 21st- Sun square Pluto-Power struggles, forced changes and total change in some way in some cases.

November 1-7th-Mars opposes Pluto-This is the worst of the transits and prone to upheaval and violence. Pluto rules sex and money as well as power struggles, bullies and corruption to name a few. Caution is needed especially if this aspects your personal chart.

If you were born under the last few degrees of the signs of Cancer, Aries, Libra or Capricorn Pluto will affect you on a personal level. Based on your Sun sign (or if your ascendant is in these degrees-signs you can expect the following.

Cancer-partner/relationship changes

Aries-career change, changes of priorities

Libra-changes in the home, family

Capricorn-personal changes/makeovers

Of course the above is all in a general sense depending on where Pluto lies from the ascendant and other aspects in your personal chart that I cannot be aware of.

Pluto will remain at 29 degrees of Capricorn this time, and this is considered a ‘critical degree.’ If you were born with your Sun sign at 29 degrees you should understand this well, because you have experienced many critical periods in your own lifetime.

When a planet is at 29 degrees is can indicate a crisis. It can also coincide with a feeling you only have so long to achieve something.

The last time Pluto was at 29 degrees of Capricorn was 1777/78. Even if you are not a student of history, you should recognize this was the American Revolution which changed the world. This gives you an understanding to how significant this period really is.



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