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Friday, January 24, 2025

February 2025; Jupiter and Mars turn direct!


This month the Sun transits through Aquarius and then into Pisces; the last sign of winter. Mercury follows suit and Venus leaves Pisces for Aries. Mars stations direct just in time to prepare for Venus’s retrograde in March. Jupiter, the planet of luck and gain turns direct, which is always great news and we will experience a very changeable full moon in the sign of Leo and a new moon in Pisces. Now, the details.

The US and Donald Trump’s first full month as US President

This is the first full month since the inauguration of Donald Trump for the 2nd time in US history.  What we can expect to see in the US is enormous pushback to his plans, and nothing will go as expected with Saturn square Uranus, his Sun and Moon in his birth chart.

Mars stations in a square to Trump’s Jupiter beginning February 11th. Jupiter is the planet of money and legal matters and rules foreign connections and people. Mars will square his Jupiter for a total of 21 days making this a significant period. If he imposes tariffs and mass deportations as he has stated this will not get the support he expects, nor does it bode well financially. Expect legal pushback on many issues. Health events could occur or become apparent over the next months.

Since Elon Musk appears to be a big part of Trump’s inner circle even though he has never been elected to any political position, nor was he born in the US, his astrology is worth mentioning as well. During February Saturn squares Musk’s Venus. Typically in a politician’s chart this would represent unpopularity and potential defeat.

Neptune continues its opposition to Musk’s natal Pluto which denotes worry coming from abroad or concerning legal and foreign relationships. Musk will face legal consequences for interfering with elections even if not in the US at this time. A great deal more will be revealed this year.

The Full moon on February 12th opposes Musk’s 8th house Mars denoting anger, frustration and conflicts especially concerning money and financial relationships with others

 The full moon creates a marked affect in Trump’s chart as well since it falls on his 12th house Mars. The 12th house rules enemies, the subconscious and things done in secret. Mars is a dangerous planet for a full moon to fall on, especially with unpredictable Uranus in the mix.

Jupiter turns direct February 4th!

The planet of gain and expansion turns direct February 4th at 11 degrees of Gemini amping up its beneficial rays to expand many different areas of our lives depending on what if anything it is doing in your personal chart. In some cases finances could increase, and this will help all of us.

Jupiter is also the planet of luck and optimism and many things that have been delayed will start to move forward again in the days to come. If you've been planning a business or new project it will be easier to get started now.

While Jupiter is retrograde we grow more in an inner way and when the 'great benefic' moves forward the growth occurs in a more outward manner in the world. We can take what we have learned and discovered and project it outward.

If Jupiter turns direct on a personal planet in your chart this can be a positively significant time, depending on what it is aspecting.

If Jupiter turns direct in a positive aspect in your chart you can expect gain. This will be especially positive for Gemini as well as other Fire and Air signs or anyone with Fire or Air in their personal charts.

Jupiter transits each sign for about a year and will remain in Gemini until June 9th when it leaves for Cancer. Make the most of this Gemini; Jupiter won’t be in your sign again for another 12 years.

Mars turns direct February 23rd

Mars has been stirring up the pot slowing things down, creating frustration and anger and changing relationships since its retrograde which began December 6th. On February 23rd Mars turns stationary direct.

When a planet stations it is at its most powerful. If it makes a harsh aspect in your chart you can expect a challenge and if it makes a positive aspect you can expect some kind of forward movement.

The station of Mars means the energy is changing or ‘waking up.’ As this occurs things that have been delayed can pick back up but many things are still changeable. It is at this point the Martian energy is the most potent for better or worse. Mars will remain in its ‘station’ until March 9th. So, while its great Mars turns direct, we aren’t 100% out of the woods for a few more weeks yet.

Venus is in its ‘retrograde station’ during February and enters Aries

Mars rules men and Venus rules women and the retrograde of both planets affects many things including relationships, values and finances. Venus leaves Pisces for Aries February 4th and slows down to a crawl by month’s end only moving to 10 degrees before it turns retrograde March 1st. During the shadow period Venusian energy begins to shift becoming more obvious by month’s end. This is not the best time to start a new relationship or invest although the planet isn’t fully retrograde yet. I will write more about this next month.

Mercury enters Pisces February 14th-March 3rd.

The image of Pisces is two fish swimming in opposite directions and there is a good reason for this as this sign is a double edged sword. You can soar to the clouds under a Pisces transit or sink to the lowest depths. Pisces ruler Neptune is associated with faith, creativity, intuition, art and cinema, as well as drugs and drug addicts, lies, deception misunderstandings, propaganda, and the seamy side of life.

While Mercury is in Pisces we can expect communication to become flakier, and miscommunication to be a common theme. Rather than being focused on facts, we may be swayed more by the mood and tone of thinking and conversations. We tend to operate more on intuition, and spend time reflecting on the past.  Our instincts often drive thinking and communication, dreams and fantasies can become more vivid and remain on our minds.

Pisces is a mutable water sign. While all water signs are sensitive and emotional, a mutable sign is changeable, so our thoughts and feelings will be constantly shifting and changing over the few weeks just like the ocean which Pisces/Neptune has dominion over.

With Mercury in Pisces we can become more attuned to idealism, fantasy, creativity, art and particularly our feelings. We often reach deep into the recesses of our subconscious mind to find creativity and find fresh and new ideas. At times we may discover or understand things to a greater depth than we have before, and we could even feel a certain illumination. Dreams typically become more vivid while Mercury is in this sign as well as more frequent. During Mercury’s transit through Pisces we will sense and feel things we don’t normally pay attention to, and sometimes know things that cannot be explained because our subconscious mind is being triggered. Pisces is after all the sign that rules psychics. It also rules religion and faith, and some will find this a more spiritual time, and focus on their inner life more than material. With Mercury in this sign we may be much more inclined to take a ‘leap of faith’ in some direction we have not previously tried. Many time we think about the bigger questions in life such as ‘what is my true purpose,’ ‘what is God,’ or ‘does life go on after death?’ None of these questions are trivial and topics like these will likely come up more frequently.

The downside of this transit is that we may find that we are more forgetful, experience brain fog, or show up late at work or meetings as we are not so focused on details at this time. It is important to pay attention to communication because we can mishear something we thought was said or others may misspeak. Lack of clarity and understanding is common at this time and it is important to remember that if we don’t understand something, ask questions! We could be tempted to believe the unbelievable at some point, so before reaching any important decision make sure you get the facts straight.

February 18th the Sun enters Pisces until March 20th

Pisces is the final sign in the zodiac that rules the 12th house or the part of the chart that represents endings, places of seclusion and the unconscious mind. This part of the zodiac is considered the realm of the unknown that also relates to things like secrets, dreams and magic.  At times this house can represent secret enemies or clandestine affairs or relationships that remain secret and hidden. It represents the place where anxieties and fears are formed as well as where they can be overcome, changed or transformed into something far more positive and productive. Pisces is the most ethereal sign of the zodiac.

Expect a major energetic change as we move from Aquarius to Pisces which is a sensitive water sign, whose planetary rulers are Jupiter and Neptune. Jupiter is the planet of gain and expansion and Neptune rules the oceans, intuition, psychics, dreams, drugs or alcohol, spirituality, and lies or deception along with self-deception. Neptune can represent beautiful dreams and inspiration or misinformation. This is represented by the Pisces image which depicts two fish swimming in opposite directions.

When we enter the Pisces season get ready to feel more, be more emotional, and dream bigger. You may feel more intuitive, creative and tuned in to others. You become more interested in movies and art, or anything that can allow you to escape reality for the moment. Now will be the time to go with the flow and perhaps not follow a rigid schedule because like water, Pisces likes to flow at its own pace.

Compassion is a Pisces trait and you may feel more of this for others, or you could even become engaged in a cause you feel strongly about over the next month. Pisces typically have a way of calming and helping others in moments of crisis, and these individuals have a tender and helpful spirit. You will likely feel more in tune with those around you or your significant other than you have in a long time. Dreams may be very intense and vivid this month.

With the Pisces connection to the last part of the zodiac or the twelfth house some things may end during this time, or you could be wrapping up certain projects in preparation of new ones. Pisces is also the final sign of the winter months just before we enter Aries and spring.

Full Moon in Leo February 12th

This month’s full moon falls at 24 degrees of Leo. Leo is a proud and charismatic sign and the ruler of royalty and entertainment.

Leo rules the 5th house of love, friends and children so it is likely this is a very social time especially just a few days before Valentine’s Day.

That said, this moon squares Uranus, the planet of unexpected events and disruptions so change is likely and in some cases, breakups. For this however, there would have to be something more significant in your chart.

If there is something that you have wanted to break away from now will be the time. This can include relationships, jobs or anything else.

Uranus is a disruptive planet prone toward separation, change and explosive circumstances. This does not always mean something difficult will occur and I would advise against anticipating major upheaval; it depends on what else is in your chart. For some this can be as simple as changeability or feeling your mind is all over the board for a short time.

The Sun squares Uranus February 11th, and this energy becomes part of the Full moon and we likely see events play out concerning the Full moon at this time. Sun/Uranus aspects are prone toward changeability, separation and sudden unexpected events in the world and our lives.

In the world however this moon presents a different story. We are likely to see major unexpected events and news. In the US chart this Moon falls in the 9th house which rules courts/laws and foreign affairs. It opposes the US moon which rules the people. An opposition brings problems and upsets among the people

The New Moon February 28th in Pisces

The New moon falls in the sign of Pisces which rules the 12th house of endings. Some things will end at this time but it doesn’t mean this is negative as some things need to end.

Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune and is the most spiritual of signs along with being creative and generally humanitarian.

This moon conjuncts Saturn, the planet of responsibility. It also trines Mars the planet of action and conjuncts Mercury, the planet of communication. For the most part this should be a fairly peaceful moon.

Other transits of interest;

February 1st, Venus conjuncts Neptune-This is prone toward idealism. While this can be a romantic or beautiful time it is important to remember the dual nature of Neptune. While it can be creative, spiritual and humanitarian in nature, it can also represent confusion, lies and lack of clarity. Enjoy, but keep your feet on the ground.

February 10th, Mercury squares Uranus-This is prone toward unexpected news and changeability. If you get an idea that seems unique and important make a note of it because it will disappear as quickly as it came. Use caution on the road because some people will be erratic and unpredictable. This can be prone toward sudden arguments and falls close to the Full moon.

February 25th, Mercury conjuncts Saturn-This can be prone toward tiredness and depression or alternatively it can represent serious thinking. It’s possible something may be delayed but this is a fleeting transit. Use caution driving.




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