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Monday, December 1, 2014

December 2014: A new era: Saturn enters Sagittarius

Major changes occur this month as the planet of responsibility, restriction and karma enters the sign ruled by Jupiter. The last time Saturn entered Sagittarius was November 18, 1985-November 12, 1988. Saturn enters Sagittarius December 23,  and makes its first pass through this sign, retrograding back into Scorpio on June 16, 2015 where it will remain until September 18, 2015. On September 19, it moves back into Sagittarius until December 20, 2017.

If you are a Sagittarius and your Sun or ascendant is 0-8 degrees this will be a significant year for you as Saturn will conjunct your Sun for the first time in 30 years. This is seldom easy and often deals with issues connected to males, or the male side of the family-especially in the case of a woman. When Saturn conjuncts your Sun endings can occur, but so can new beginnings. At times Saturn can bring great rewards, but if this is the case it will be accomplished with a lot of hard work. As Saturn crosses your Sun, an individual often re-creates himself in some way.

If you are an Aries or Leo at the same degree as mentioned above, Saturn will trine your Sun.  Saturn trine Sun periods are connected with stability, and it is important you use this period to build yourself-career or anything else up during this time. Things will flow smoothly, overall but the more effort you put in, the greater your stability will be in the future.

If you are a Libra or Aquarius (same degree) Saturn will sextile your Sun and this too is a positive transit, but not without hard work. Saturn always requires work!

If you are a Gemini (0-8 degrees) Saturn will oppose your Sun this year. Look for problems that come from other people, probably connected to those you consider partners, and watch your health. Some things may come to an end.

If you are a 0-8 degree Virgo or Pisces Saturn will square your Sun this year and squares relate to difficulties, endings or delays. You may find yourself unusually tired. The best course of action is to wait for this transit to pass and know the dawn will come, and things will once again change. Your obstacles could involve matters connected with home or career.

If you are a Capricorn, Cancer or Taurus, Saturn makes no major aspects to your Sun this year.  


 If you remember or studied anything about finance, you will remember this date: October 19, 1987, otherwise known as Black Monday. On this day stock markets around the world crashed shedding a huge value in a short time-the DJIA dropped 508 points. Saturn was at 17 degrees of Sagittarius-halfway through the cycle- and the Sun opposed Jupiter on this day, while Venus was conjunct Pluto. Jupiter and Venus are the significators of money and Saturn in Jupiter's sign does not bode well for the stocks. Astrologer Mitch Lewis wrote, "As I said in last month’s newsletter: Saturn in Sagittarius is a very bearish marker for the equities. This doesn’t imply another crash is coming, rather a slow sideways movement. It isn’t as dramatic as Saturn opposite Uranus that we had when the markets crashed in 2008. This just usually means a slow down in world growth and a limit to new markets and expansion of all sorts."


This however is only one probability of Saturn, as it transits through this sign over the next two and a half years.  While Saturn is in Sagittarius we will be concerned with and review all ninth house matters: our basic view of the world, education, medicine, and our foreign partners and connections. The planet Jupiter rules growth and expansion, governments, religion, laws and money and wealth, and young men.

By February 2015, Saturn will be within orb of its first square to Neptune, the planet of illusion, confusion and delusion. I have written about this transit and will write more in the future. I think of this square as dissolving realities, and see this as a transit that will dissolve or change many things in the world and in our lives, especially if it is aspecting your personal chart.

If you have mutable planets at 2-5 degrees of Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo or Gemini, you will be affected by this transit. Otherwise you will see events play out in the world, but will be affected to a lesser degree.

Neptune aspecting a personal planet dissolves situations, and can confuse the matter. I often see Neptune transit in very confusing relationships. Saturn, on the other hand can delay, destroy, end the situation or cause it to view a situation with reality-which isn't all bad! This is quite a transit, and the end result can be looking at many situations involved with new eyes. One thing is for sure-some situations we have know as personal realities, as well as our societal structures  will dissolve into something else. Certain things will fade to make room for the new.

Neptune rules religion, drugs/alcohol, theatre, psychics, the ocean, illusion, delusion and confusion among other things. As Saturn squares this planet some of the situations we could see during this cycle include:

-the dissolving of old structures in our lives and the world that can lead to a period of uncertainty before enlightenment. On a personal level this can take the disappearance of things, situations and even people.

-Clashes over practical issues versus ideologies

 -Issues around irresponsible sex, and or disease

-A rise in religion, especially fundamentalist types of religion. This will be met with resistance from others.

-A rise in agnostic believers.

-changes in governments and laws

-changes in the British royal family

-depression, a rise in alcoholic behaviors or drugs

-changes in pot laws and other drugs

-changes in the medical and educational arenas

-problems with water and the oceans

- groups of disenfranchised people around the world

-changes in disease such as Ebola and potential cures/other diseases can emerge

-changes-news about oil/gas, nuclear and chemical weapons and governments that use them

-changes in basic societal thinking that will affect the collective

-disenchantment in US

By the end of 2015 Neptune is exact in its square to Saturn at 7 degrees Sagittarius/Pisces. In June of 2016 we will once again have a Grand Square in mutable signs involving Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter that works off the energies of all three planets, somewhat similar to the Grand Cross of 2014.

Now, back to the other major transit in December, the Uranus-Pluto square. Uranus and Pluto are in a square at 12 degrees Aries-Capricorn. This is the 6th such square since this configuration began several years ago. The most recent such configuration was in April with the Grand Cross that involved 3 planets. Many events occurred at that time, including the rise of ISIS and Russia-Ukraine situation.

This is an angry, disruptive energy in many respects and we will see many changes occur similar to April and this transit occurred in 1934 and again in a conjunction the mid-1960's. Pluto is the planet of absolute change and regeneration and Uranus is the planet of freedom, rebellion and sudden unexpected changes. We are living in historic times as society and our lives (if this aspects your personal chart) continue to changing. Events that began during April's Grand Cross may well come back again, and at the time of this post the Ukraine is once again in the spotlight, for example.

The square between Uranus and Pluto becomes exact on December 15. Some astrologers consider this the moment of crisis, but in my experience the outer planets do not have to be exact to bring on a crisis. Take for example the destruction in Ferguson, MO on November 25-26 and protests that spread throughout the country.  In this case the protests are about more than Michael Brown, but the inordinate number of black males that are arrested nationwide.

Situations and events will amp up in our lives and the world further as Uranus turns direct on December 21, the winter solstice. This will set off the energy of the Uranus-Pluto square, and we will likely see an increase in the volatility around the world. Uranus rules rebellions, and is connected with freedom and explosive situations. It also rules technology, lightening and aircraft. Pluto rules bullies, plutonium, and power structures. No doubt we will hear more news relating to the Iranian nuclear situation.

On this same day, we also have a new moon in Capricorn and the Sun enters Capricorn. By December 22, the new moon will conjunct Pluto and square Uranus and this could be a significant time as the NM sets off the Uranus-Pluto square.

Of course this square will also bring about many events and change in our personal lives. As this square comes together those individuals most affected will have Cardinal signs-Aires, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn at 11-14 degrees. Eventually each Cardinal sign will experience an aspect from both Pluto and Uranus. Change is in the air for the cardinal signs no matter what. Not only will there be change, the change will come in the most pivotal areas of life: work, home relationships and personal changes involving ourselves and our purpose in life.

As the slower moving planets enter Capricorn this month, we will see each one eventually set off this powerful square, so the end of the year going into early 2015 is quite significant.

Other transits of interest include:

December 1, Mars sextiles Saturn and this is a positive aspect, especially for any type of work. Much may be accomplished on this day.

December 4, Venus trines Jupiter and the Sun trines Uranus and this is a positive pair of transits. This is great for romance, socializing and over-indulging, although you may have to pay the piper later.

Also on December 4, Mars enters Aquarius through January 12. Aquarius rules the 11th house of the collective and the planetary rulers are Saturn and Uranus. In the world Mars in Aquarius can bring war and clashes and is prone toward revolutionary sentiments. On a personal level Mars in this sign may bring about a desire for more freedom and a desire to socialize more. This will be far different than Mars in the conservative Capricorn cycle, which we have just finished.

December's full moon falls on December 6, at 7:27 A.M., at 14 degrees of Gemini. Gemini rules communication of all sorts, and the intensity of the full moon may push you toward things you have been wanting to say. As with all full moons, emotions are heightened, so use caution in what you communicate, and more importantly how you communicate.

December 8, the Sun conjuncts Mercury which heightens communication, but can seem 'willful,' and Jupiter turns stationary retrograde.

Jupiter retrogrades for about four months every year. during the retrograde period Jupiter's beneficial rays are not as powerful. Growth does not generally occur as rapidly as during the period Jupiter is direct, but there can be more personal growth on the inside during this time. Jupiter will turn direct again on April 8, 2015.

December 10, Venus enters Capricorn. Love energy changes again, and while Venus in Sagittarius is about freedom, Venus in Capricorn leans toward more serious matters, and commitments. This will be great for Capricorn and works well for all earth signs.

December 12, Mercury trines Jupiter and this is positive for communication and expanding ideas.

December 14, the Sun trines Jupiter and this is a positive, upbeat transit. Venus sextiles Mercury also and this can be creative or romantic, but keep your communication clear, and don't let your imagination run away with you.

December 15, the Uranus-Pluto square is exact, amping up the energy of this powerful transit. We will likely see events relating to this transit playing out in the world, in or around this day.

December 16, Mercury enters Capricorn, changing Mercurial energy once again. Communication will take on a more serious tone, and a little more restrictive.

December 20, Venus squares Uranus and conjuncts Pluto. This is one of the most pivotal days of the month as Venus sets off the Uranus-Pluto square. Relationship/money issues can emerge if this aspects your personal chart. Venus-Pluto is obsessive and prone to jealousy. Venus-Uranus relates to changes in relationships, and some relationships will end. Issue previously hidden can emerge, and there can be a 'fated' quality to this. In the world this will relate to potential money issues, news of violence and this is prone to violence toward women, issues of domestic abuse and issues concerning sex, and the financial markets.

December 21, December's new moon occurs at 0 degrees of Capricorn, and the Sun enters Capricorn at 6: 36 P.M.. EST.  Capricorn is ruled by Saturn the planet of business and responsibility. Welcome to official winter. We are now in the Capricorn season!

Also on December 21, Uranus turns stationary direct. This will be a significant transit, amping up the energy of the Uranus-Pluto square and we will see significant events in the world around this time, and in our lives if we have cardinal signs at 12-14 degrees. (Libra, Aries, Cancer and Capricorn) Uranus is the planet of revolts, revolutionary sentiments and freedom.

December 23, Saturn enters Sagittarius at 11:33 A.M.,  for the first time in 30 years.

December 24, Mercury squares Uranus setting off the Uranus-Pluto square. Events in the world will be large and unexpected. Use caution while traveling with this transit and expect to hear unexpected news that could concern transportation or relatives. Plans could change.

December 25, Mercury conjuncts Pluto setting off the Uranus-Pluto square, and events that began a day or two ago will continue in the collective. Mercury-Pluto involves media, arguments, and trying to get to the bottom of a given situation. We could hear news involving transportation or travel and use caution. Arguments will abound and this is an obsessive transit. Mercury rules travel and communication, young people and relatives. This Christmas season could prove to be a significant if not dangerous time in the world. Use caution.

December 26, the Sun sextiles Neptune. This is a transit that could inspire compassion and creativity. Look at things clearly, not as you wish them to be.

Happy Holidays!
















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