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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Full Moon in Capricorn; At the crossroads


This month’s Full Moon falls at 29 degrees of Capricorn. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and is the ruler of the 10th house of work and business. This is the 2nd Capricorn full moon within a month which is unusual.

This will be an intense Full Moon since it is conjunct Pluto. Moon-Pluto aspects are heavy and often reveal previously unknown situations or information. Pluto deals with death, bullies, corruption and control and at times information that is previously hidden can become revealed.

Mercury squares Uranus becoming part of the Full Moon energy. This is indicative of sudden change and unexpected news and events. Use care in the car because this is a dangerous time to drive. With this aspect-and I have observed it many times on the road, people are just not paying attention. BTY, this aspect hits the chart of Donald Trump as the Mars-Uranus conjunct did over the past weekend. While it is doubtful it will be as dramatic as last week, it is still a powerful influence and with Uranus it is also unpredictable.  It also aspects the chart of US President Donald Trump.

Since a full moon in Capricorn falls on the 10th/4th house axis we will be dealing with security issues collectively. On a personal level this could include home, job and working to shore these areas up in some way.

You may feel very changeable mentally or the day may not go as planned. You could feel excited or more likely nervous and things tend to happen suddenly and unexpectedly.

This will be a significant full Moon in the US since it falls on the US natal chart Pluto in the 2nd house of money. Pluto represents crime, power struggles, corruption and we could hear of a significant death over the next few weeks. This is an intense transit and I would call the collective mood somber. This aspect can also coincide with endings.

This may deal with certain uncomfortable truths on a personal and collective level. You may search your psyche and realize there are issues that must be dealt with.

Any planet that falls at the 29th degree is called the ‘anaretic’ degree and is considered critical. It means we are about to complete a cycle of learning and will soon go on to the next step. It also represents a time that is often considered the ‘breaking point,’ and everything can become more extreme both in our lives and in the world.

Venus sextile Jupiter is an aspect that can give us some relief from the heaviness. This aspect can be good for social events and fun if something else doesn’t interfere so at least we have some support.

As we enter the early morning hours of July 22nd, the Sun begins its opposition to Pluto and this in essence becomes part of the Full moon energies. This is a difficult transit that is prone to power struggles, control issues and obsessions. Some things may end or have to be transformed completely and this will occur on both a personal and collective level. Sometimes we have to make significant changes with something.

This is a dangerous transit in the world and associated with power, threats, corruption, destruction and crime. No doubt at this precarious time, politics will enter the picture as well.

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