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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The very powerful astrology of August 2024


Augusts’  powerful astrology

Since we are in such historic times between now and January 2025, I will be writing about current events first and then the transits. If you don’t wish to read this part simply skip this and move on to the aspects below.

On July 21st, US President Joe Biden announced he would not seek re-election and would ‘pass the torch’ to Kamala Harris, the Vice President. On July 22, Harris announced her bid for the Presidency on the powerful Sun (in Leo) opposition to Pluto at 0 degrees of Aquarius. This aspect is bound to bring change on a global basis. Whether or not you like her she brought excitement, youthful voters, and a new approach; a woman of Black and Asian decent running for the US Presidency, which is a first. Mercury also squared Uranus which was bound to bring an unexpected event and unexpected news. This aspect will occur several more times in the next few months.

This event is indicative of the many changes we will experience when Pluto  re-enters Aquarius in November. First however, we will experience one more pass of Pluto in Capricorn September 3rd-November 19th.  August is the final month Pluto teases us with what it will bring when it enters Aquarius again in November for the next 20 years. But before that happens we will see what the final pass of Pluto Capricorn brings and we can rest assured it will be fraught with turmoil. This isn’t meant to scare anyone, it is simply indicative of the times we are in and Pluto is at 29 degrees, which is considered a critical degree, not to mention the end of a long cycle which some will resist and others will welcome.

There are always those who benefit and those who don’t do as well when Pluto changes signs. A lot of this depends on what Pluto does in your personal chart. Not only does Pluto affect us personally it rules the collective; all of us, everywhere, and significant world events and changes that as individuals we have little control over.

Personally, I view Pluto/Capricorn as having been for the most part a darker time in history since it entered Capricorn in 2008. Remember the banking crisis it kicked off when it squared Uranus? I won’t go into much but we have seen a global pandemic, right wing governments assuming leadership in other countries like Venezuela through questionable means and a push in the US toward autocracy, especially if you read the Project 2025 materials that are being pushed by the Republican Party at this time and its leader Donald Trump. Because of the unpopularity of this plan Trump has distanced himself from it but Wikipedia states, “Project 2025 was established in 2022 to provide the 2024 Republican presidential nominee with a personnel database and ideological framework.. Associate project director Spencer Chretien argued that it was "past time to lay the groundwork for a White House more friendly to the right.”

Regardless of who wins the US Presidential election ideas, ideologies and laws like this (Project 2025) will not stand in the long term. Pluto in Aquarius will be about freedom, autonomy, inclusiveness, brotherhood and the collective’s wishes as opposed to what a minority group wishes to promote taking away rights from everyone who is not like them, or those who choose to live differently. In this respect the world is ripe for change and it will change.

Let us not forget the last time Pluto entered Aquarius the world experienced the US Revolution, the French Revolution and the Haitian revolution occurred along with the Irish uprising. In all of these cases revolutions occurred because of freedoms being repressed; slavery in the case of Haiti. This didn’t happen overnight and the French Revolution didn’t officially begin until Pluto reached 19 degrees. So while none of this happened during the first month of Pluto in Aquarius, it happened, and these events all began over repression, repressive governments, and a desire for true freedom. American Democracy was born under the last transit of Pluto in Aquarius that we are now re-entering. Notice I said Democracy and not Autocracy.

Full Moon in August; Shocks

The full Moon this month will certainly make its presence known and shake things up even further. The lunar peak falls on August 19th at 27 degrees of Aquarius. Not only does this moon fall on the first day of the DNC, it conjuncts the Moon of the US natal chart. This moon will stir up the population and we can expect the unexpected. Things typically do not go as planned with a moon like this so it's hard to know everything that will happen.

Aquarius is about freedom, humanity and forward thinking as opposed to hanging on to the past. It is concerned with equality, inclusion and social groups or groups. Not that Aquarius is perfect, far from it. Little that happened during Pluto’s last transit was especially peaceful but major world change did occur.

There are other aspects that come into play with August's full moon. For instance;

-The planets form 2 t-squares or a stressful aspects that pull in the energy of all the planets involved. They include;

*Venus opposes Saturn-This aspect is not good for relationships and not especially good for social activities. Venus rules women and Saturn rules restrictions so it is a fairly negative aspect.

*Mars is conjunct Jupiter and these two planets square (stressful) Saturn on one end of the t-square and Venus on the other end forming what looks like a T in the sky.

Mars/Jupiter in Gemini is not a bad aspect, it can even denote bravery. But, Mars square Saturn is a transit that can be associated with valence, stress, police and a great deal of friction.

Mars/Jupiter square Venus will deal with issues concerning women and politics. It will get heated. 

Venus squares Jupiter-This can indicate social activity but can also be a transit of ‘too much.’ In other words in some cases, overindulgence but it is basically positive.

The 2nd t-square

The 2nd t-square involves the Moon’s opposition to the Sun and Mercury, and both the Sun and Moon’s square to Uranus. A t-square is an opposition and 2 squares.

*The Moon and Sun’s opposition to Uranus is prone toward unexpected events. The Moon rules women, the Sun rules men, possibly the US President. This will shake things up.

*Uranus squares the Sun/Mercury on one end and the Moon on the other end. Again this is prone to unexpected events, and Mercury’ s square to Uranus deals with unexpected news like it did on July 22nd.

August 19th Jupiter squares Saturn-a clash of morals and ideals.

This powerful transit is a part of the t-square but stands alone as a significant aspect in the world and becomes exact August 19th.  We will experience this again at the end of the year and next year. We have felt the energy of this transit for weeks now. Jupiter rules expansion and Saturn rules limitation. You can see how this could slow things down in many respects but more importantly this year it seems to represent a major clash of ideologies between the two political parties.

Jupiter can rule those things that are morally correct and right, religion, philosophy, and beliefs as well as education and Saturn can be like a boundary or a line in the sand. Jupiter can represent enthusiasm while Saturn is constriction. Isn’t that is what is happening right now, with the surge in enthusiasm in the Democratic Party? It is a question of the old versus the new, and which path will we choose to take. The last time Jupiter squared Saturn was in 2016. This aspect is indicative of major changes and the end of an era in preparation for a new one.

The above planets and aspects represent the T squares that are formed on this full moon and pull in all the above energies so you can now see how complex it really is.

How this affects the US chart

The US Moon falls at 27 degrees of Aquarius in the US Sibly chart in the 3rd house. The Moon rules women and the collective, which is partially the reason the US is a liberal Democracy and typically forward thinking. American Democracy came into being when Pluto was last in Aquarius 248 years ago.

So, what does all of this mean? Since this moon falls on the week of the DNC and rules woman, there is certain to be excitement for the 2nd woman who is running run for President and the first woman of color in US history. The population will be highly excitable at this time to put it lightly. I don’t think I have seen anything quite like this before.

Uranus is the planet of unpredictability and unexpected events. Uranus in the mix is a wild card and we could see many things happen at this time, not only in the US but around the globe. Aquarius is a sign that is typically associated with the unexpected and Uranus is indicative of explosive situations, events and circumstances. Will this all be peaceful: it’s doubtful, but on the other hand there will be plenty of excitement.

Outside of the DNC we will see many other events occurring in our lives and around the globe. Not only is this aspect unpredictable, it is about freedom. There will be certain things and relationships that end at this time, we could see events related to hackings, airlines, explosions and even the potential for war related events. On the positive side, some things need to end and others need freedom from something. You could experience certain ideas that may be quite brilliant but if this is the case, write them down because the idea will leave as quickly as it comes.

Kamala Harris

The full moon falls on Saturn in VP Harris’s chart which represents responsibilities but isn’t always the best placement. It does however, trine her Sun and sextile her Moon which is positive and in all likelihood she will be the DNC nominee. There may well be challenges though, especially since Saturn is opposing her Venus which is a difficult aspect no matter how you look at it. She should expect opposition from some quarters and this will not be an easy time. With Uranus in the mix things are potentially changeable in some way.

Donald Trump and Joe Biden

This moon also aspects the charts of Donald Trump and Joe Biden. In the case of Trump the full moon opposes his Mars in the 12th house and the Sun conjuncts his Mars, which represents anger, rage and the potential exists for new information to be revealed. Alternatively, this is another dangerous transit, especially since Saturn squares his Uranus which represents unexpected events, twists and turns and it is likely his ratings will drop at this point and/or things will not go as expected. Alternatively, something else that is not expected could occur.  Retrograde Mercury is also conjunct his Mars, so he may have to backtrack on some things, and again this is not a positive aspect, and the full moon also opposes retrograde Mercury which rules communication. It also rules young people and if you believe the polls the majority of them will vote for Harris.

In the case of Joe Biden, the moon falls in his 3rd house of communication which squares his Sun/Venus in the 12th house. If we add Uranus to the mix, it makes things more unpredictable than anything else and he will likely be affected in some way as well.

In a nutshell this is a changeable full moon in our personal lives and we can expect things we don’t anticipate happening. What happens depends on where this moon and the other aspects fall in your personal chart. Many things will be happening in the world at this time that will occur on a global basis. And while we are at it, let’s not forget Mercury is retrograde!

Mercury retrogrades

August 4th, Mercury turns retrograde at 4 degrees of Virgo and will transit back into Leo August 16th. It will turn direct again on August 27th at 21 degrees of Leo. Retrograde Mercury means the planet of communication appears to move backwards. While that is an optical illusion, the energy shift is not.

In the days before Mercury turns retrograde we start to feel differently. Sometimes this is brain fog or confusion, and often many things break down, delays occur and appointments are cancelled.

Retrograde Mercury is a time to correct things, re-do or re-organize. This 3 week period is part of the natural cycle of life because we can’t move full steam ahead 24/7 and this gives us a break-ready or not. If you aren’t familiar with this important cycle my advice is to read one of the many articles I have written in the past on this phenomenon.

Other important aspects this month:

August 2nd, Venus squares Uranus-This typically has to do with relationships and money, but no doubt will play out in the world as something unexpected.. Things can take a turn for better or worse, or simply change. If you meet someone new today, this may not be an aspect that lasts even if you get along great. Look for something to change today and it may not be monumental. It can also be a form of excitement. Look for this aspect to play out in both Donald Trump and Joe Biden’s chart in the news.

August 14th, Mars conjuncts Jupiter-This is typically positive and could be a boost or it could represent some form of bravery. Having seen this transit many times, it typically plays out in terms of politics on the world stage. It does however square Saturn, the planet of limitations and boundries.

Mercury re-enters Leo August 14th-September 9th

Mercury in Leo will liven things up and come in like a wild burst of new energy and you may find yourself thinking in bolder new directions and more interesting possibilities. Our passions become all-important and often front and center and this may come across like a deep breath of fresh air. We may feel more confident and determined to get our true feelings across. With Mercury in this sign we will speak our mind-no matter what the outcome.

Don’t let your ego interfere too much in your communication while Mercury is in Leo. As Leo is a fixed sign we can become too set in our ways or too stubborn or proud. At worst communication can lean toward emotional outbursts rather than a creative expression of what we want. Take care not to let your conversations become too demanding or provocative toward others. They same goes for being overly exuberant in your expression of emotions. Think about what you really want to convey before expressing it. We can also expect a certain amount of gas-lighting or attention grabbing maneuvers over these next few weeks.

Overall however, communication should tend toward being positive, upbeat and a little more playful if not enjoyable. If there is something we really want we may feel more determined as well as confident and direct in our manner of approaching it.

Leo helps us get in touch with our true inner selves and at this time we have the possibility of focusing on what we really need and want. This is the time to be your own supporter, as well as supporting others. The focus of Mercury in this sign will be on what brings us the most joy, happiness and fun.

The  next several weeks should be a brief respite from the mundane, everyday world so make the most of this short season that will connect us with friends, those we love and the beauty of summer at its peak as things will get more serious once again when Mercury enters Virgo in September.

August 15th-16th Mars squares Saturn- Mars-Saturn relates to frustration, blocked energy, aggravation, and potential arguments, accidents and disagreements as well as basic irritability. Mars is the God of War, and Saturn is the taskmaster, often acting like a brick wall stopping or slowing down our efforts. This aspect can involve police or military on the world stage.

Mars rules our energy and in some way it may seem restricted. This can be a period where we don't have the vigor we are accustomed to, and we may feel limited or slowed down in some way.

Mars-Saturn is often associated with cruelty in astrology or situations that seem this way.

The best way to deal with this transit is to proceed with caution, slowly and methodically as you go about your week. Used constructively, you may accomplish more than you think.

My advice is to use caution in your dealings with others as they can lash out if angered or irritated, and you could regret bringing up controversial subjects.

This transit will play out in the world as well as our personal lives and we can experience significant news-not that everyday isn’t significant at this time, but Mars-Saturn will be bigger than normal.

Saturn-Mars transits typically involve military and police affairs, and we can expect to see a great deal of upheaval over these few days. Unfortunately, violence would not be surprising.

The Sun enters Virgo August 22-September 22

Virgo is a mutable or changeable sign ruled by Mercury the planet of communication. This sign is the natural ruler of the sixth house of work and health and it signals to us that now is the time to get organized, focused and pay attention to our health and day to day activities.

Virgo energy is associated with healing and it is detailed and focused, intellectual, grounded, health conscious, stable, analytical, critical, conscientious, discriminating, fastidious, and modest so we should expect to see these characteristics and qualities play out in our world and with those around us during this time.

Virgo represents the mutable and final sign of summer when weather begins to shift toward fall. As the Sun enters Virgo our thoughts tend to be more about work, production, and overall accomplishment.  It is no surprise that school typically starts back up during the Virgo season. Stores are stocked full of notebooks, and all types of things to organize, and prepare for success. Everything has its season and this is the time for planning, implementing plans and moving forward in a more organized and fruitful way. Virgo teaches us to work smart, instead of just working hard.

While Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo, conversation and thought tend to be more detailed and focused while in Virgo. Gemini is more expansive, but can be scattered and not as detail oriented as Virgo, so each sign plays its role with Mercury in a different way.

Virgo has a natural and instinctive understanding of the connection between body, mind and soul so this is an auspicious time to kick start your own well being and treat your body with respect. Now is the time to make positive changes in diet, fitness, and explore natural remedies if this seems appropriate or visit a Dr. If you have any health concerns.

The downside of Virgo can be a desire for perfection which sometimes leads people to believe Virgo energy is about fault finding and being overly critical. This can be true at times but at the core, Virgo energy is concerned with facts and seeing all matters clearly. Virgo is in tune with doing things the correct way and getting down to the problem solving. In other words, Virgo simply wants to get things right and sometimes this can manifest in overly critical or perfectionist tendencies. While these intentions may be well meaning, not everyone takes criticism well, or considers it constructive, so this is an area that needs to be watched as we travel through the Virgo season each year.

August 22-Venus squares Mars- Venus and Mars pit the male and female planets against each other, but it can involve friction in other areas as well.

Typically we think of Venus transits involving relationships between men and women, but Venus also rules values, our social lives and money. It is in these realms the conflict will lie.

There can be a tendency to act in aggressive ways and without allowing for mutual consideration. Some involved in relationships may become jealous or overly demanding.

August 28th-Venus opposes Neptune-Venus rules love, money, women and social values. Its opposition to Neptune can confuse the issue and be prone to lies, deception and misinformation or confusion.

People may not show their true colors on this transit, or may be deliberately deceptive. Watch your belongings, as this is a transit of theft on many levels.

Some may experience this as melancholy, depression or feelings of discouragement. Don’t take things at face value and dig beneath the surface if you want true and correct answers. Use caution with money on this day.

The other side of this energy relates to healing, sacrifice and could be a true selfLESS love, or act of kindness.

Dreams may be vivid and creativity at a high.

August 29th-September 23rd, Venus enters Libra

The planet that rules money, values and love enters Libra this month where it is considered ‘at home,’ and very powerful. As a matter of fact, these two were meant to be together. Venus is actually ruled by two signs-Taurus and Libra. Taurus may be more about money but Libra is most definitely about relationships, partnerships and love.

While in Libra, Venus is in its ideal placement. Relationships of all types may seem lighter, happier and people will be more inclined to keep the peace rather than arguing, being critical, or bringing up deep seated issues. This sign is much more relationship and partner oriented. Rude, crude or abrasive behavior will be a real turn off for most people with Venus in Libra.

As this placement affect us all, social justice will likely become front and center with Venus in Libra, and we could see a little more compromise and desire to cooperate. Women’s issues may also be forefront with this placement.

Venus in Libra likes style and attractiveness. Now is the time to improve your wardrobe, hairstyle or anything else you feel is not up to par. Libra is drawn to beauty and it could be hard to stay on a budget if you see something that grabs your eye!

Venus in Libra is a Cardinal Air sign which predisposes a logical nature, and Cardinal signs don’t slack off. Being an Air sign, Libra likes conversation, intelligence and those who can communicate their feelings and aren’t afraid to do so. Venus in this sign is romantic, soft and likes situations that are pleasing to the senses and the intellect.

With Venus in Libra you could have a problem making up your mind about something. As this is a sign concerned with justice and fairness sometimes it may be hard to come to a concrete conclusion because of a tendency to look at all sides of the issue. This sign can also procrastinate. Equality between partners is forefront on the minds of those with Venus in Libra. At times you may compromise rather than rock the boat.











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