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Friday, October 11, 2024

October's combative full moon


This month’s full moon falls at 24 degrees of Aries and will prove to be one of the most combative full moons of the year. This is also a Super Moon known to be associated with weather and earth related events.

Aries is ruled by Mars and Pluto the 2 planets associated with conflict, war, action and transformation. This will be a ‘hot’ full moon due to its square to Pluto and Mars. This moon actually forms a grand cross which is an aspect that looks like an X or cross pulling in the energy of all 4 planets which are The Sun, Moon, Pluto and Mars. These planets are all in Cardinal signs which means action or movement.

This can and will certainly stir up conflicts in our personal lives and on the world stage. This Moon will square Mercury and Pluto, the 2nd/8th houses in the US chart which will concern money and finances, important news, and the potential exists that we could hear of a significant death of someone well known, or deaths in some other way.

Perhaps Venus’s sextile to Pluto can help some, giving us the strength of communication and negotiation. I wouldn’t bet on it too much though though because it also opposes Uranus contributing to more unpredictability, especially in terms of relationships and finances.

Moon-Mars aspects contribute to upset or anger and attacks that could be toward you or vice versa. Moon-Pluto attacks deal with the deeper and often darker things that lie in our subconscious mind, obsession and paranoia, new information revealed, and sometimes endings.

This full moon basically sets off the next transit which is Mars opposing Pluto. This is a harsh combination and is associated with cruelty, friction, arguments, attacks and the like. As Mars approaches Pluto the energy will build up until we get to the end of the month, especially the last 3 days when Mars is within a few degrees. The peak of this transit is November 3rd. At that time Mars enters Leo but it is still opposing Pluto in a tight orb until about the 10th of November when it separates further.

This too will affect the US chart and a great deal will be happening in the world.

While the energy at that time may lighten up some Mars and Pluto will remain in an orb of influence the rest of the year. They will tightly oppose each other again the first 10 days of January, due to Mars’ retrograde in December.

On a deeper level, taking a look at some of the fixed stars in play on this full moon and subsequent transit may be trying to teach us something leading to better times collectively. We do not have to give in to the angry energies and be reactive. Sometimes the best reaction is no reaction.


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