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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The very powerful astrology of October 2024


This month the Sun travels through Libra and enters Scorpio, the 2nd sign of fall. Mercury transits through Libra and Scorpio and Venus, transits through Scorpio and enters Sagittarius. Mars continues its long transit through Cancer and Jupiter retrogrades. We will experience a solar eclipse in Libra and a powerful full moon in Aries. Due to time constraints, this newsletter will be shorter than normal, but I will be back later in the month with more. Now, the details.

This month unfortunately will continue to be fraught with difficulty and turmoil which of course results in part because of the election in the US and war on several fronts that appear to be expanding at the time of this post. The powerful Libra eclipse squares Mars, the planet of war an aggression and anger. At this time Israel appears to be on the verge of a ground war in Lebanon as well as what appears to be imminent conflict with Iran.

In terms of politics, the conflict will continue in the US Presidential election, if not escalate. The Full Moon on October 17th looks harsh for Candidate Trump as it squares his Venus-Saturn, along with Mars’ square to the same a few days later, so we can look for him to face issues, and potentially more information is publically revealed.

The harshest transit of the month will be Mars’ opposition to Pluto. While this transit doesn’t peak until November 3rd, we will certainly feel the energy toward the last few days of the month, in particular.

This is an angry and volatile transit in our personal lives and on the world stage, where we can expect to see a great deal unfold. This aspect has to do with money, and in the case of the US it could unfold over a budget; but there will also be other concerns at the time. This will aspect the US 2nd house and Pluto, the planet of authority as well as corruption, crime and in some cases even death. Mars will hit Pluto in the US chart October 27-29, so we can expect this to be a volatile time in terms of politics, and we will see many events play out at this time especially in the known hot spots around the globe such as Ukraine/Russia and the Middle East.

The Libra Solar eclipse

October’s solar eclipse falls at 10 degrees of Libra on October 2nd, and the lunar peak is around 2:49PM, EDT.

Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, money and values, and it is here our attention will be focused.  That said, this Moon squares Mars making it a time fraught with conflict and the potential for more violence around the world. The moon’s square to Mars won’t help a lot of relationships, and there will be those tottering on the edge that will end.

The Full Moon in Aries on April 17th

Aries is ruled by Mars and Pluto the 2 planets associated with conflict, war, action and transformation. This will be a ‘hot’ full moon due to its square to Pluto and Mars.

This can certainly stir up conflicts in our personal lives and on the world stage. This Moon will square Mercury and Pluto in the US chart which will concern money and finances, important news, and the potential exists that we could hear of a significant death of someone well known.

Perhaps Venus’s sextile to Pluto can help some, giving us the strength of communication and negotiation. I wish I had better news, but this is a full moon to watch.

Jupiter turns retrograde October 9th

Jupiter turns retrograde October 9th-February 4th, 2025 at 21 degrees of Gemini for a period of about 4 months as it does every year.


Astrologers refer to Jupiter as the ‘greater benefic’. Jupiter bestows abundance and material success, luck and good fortune, joy and positivity. Some of its qualities include benevolence, a love of justice, kindness, gain and generosity. While Jupiter’s negative qualities are seldom mentioned they are typically associated with the belief luck and expansion can go on forever, expanding too fast, over indulging, overspending or blowing things out of proportion.


 Jupiter’s retrograde does not mean we will be without luck but during this time we will focus more on personal inner growth rather than those things that are outside of ourselves and material growth. Jupiter’s retrograde is not a negative aspect as it helps us work on issues concerning personal happiness, money and success which can be implemented when it turns direct again. Some may hardly notice the retrograde of Jupiter as it has a very subtle affect.

 If you have been working at accomplishing something with no real structure or plan for getting there this will be the time to step back and look at the bigger picture. It does not mean loss, but is more akin to working smartly instead of hard, and directing your actions along the most profitable and fortuitous lines.

You may encounter some type of detour or correction during the four month retrograde depending on where Jupiter is transiting in your personal chart. You may question many things philosophically and your viewpoint on some things could change as you seek deeper truths and greater meaning in all you do at this time.

In addition to money and finances Jupiter rules courts/judiciaries lawyers, foreigners, and foreign places, education, religion, medicine, and spirituality. All of these things can shift in some way and we will see these matters play out in the world and our personal lives.

Mercury enters Scorpio October 13-November 2nd

Mercury rules our communication and while in Scorpio we are typically searching, digging for truth and a little more suspicious in nature. Mercury in this sign can be intense and will leave no stone unturned if looking for an answer. Our thinking and communication will be deep and substantive, and Scorpio is known as being relentless; in other words, we don’t give up easily, if at all.

Mercury in Scorpio communication is more direct and forceful (Mars) as well as probing, inquisitive and prone to reading between the lines (Pluto). Sometimes this may be warranted, but often it is not.

You can use Scorpio’s perceptive and calculating approach to concentrate and focus on what you want to direct your energy toward as Scorpio is very focused. Mercury in Scorpio is frank to the point of being blunt; at times too blunt. During this period we tend to churn ideas around quite a bit before reaching a final conclusion. As Scorpio is a fixed sign, decisions made at this time are often irreversible. Mercury-Scorpio is passionate in speech and communication but we must be careful about lecturing others. Others will be equally passionate, and quite a few secrets will be exchanged at this time. Our judgment will be at its best when it is not personal. If this happens the emotional side of Scorpio may take over and we could lose our objectivity.

Venus enters Sagittarius October 17-November 11th

When the planet of love and money enters Sagittarius things can get a lot more fun and interesting. This energy will be far different from the Scorpio energy we have become used to over the last few weeks. While Scorpio is deep, intense and sometimes brooding, Sagittarius is lighter and buoyant and geared toward new experiences, good times and living life to the fullest.

Venus in Sagittarius has been known to gallop away quickly if things get too heavy or serious, especially if a new relationship is involved. Typically, Sagittarius can be the most restless of signs and cannot stand to be bored or held back. Venus-Sagittarius does not like confrontations or discord and sometimes likes to wear rose colored glasses. Sagittarius can settle down but with Venus in this sign things are geared more toward romance, excitement and pleasure as opposed to commitment.

Sagittarius is associated with freedom and experimentation, along with jovial and upbeat times. Serious minded lovers may find this hard to deal with along with those who a looking for a stable commitment. Emotional drama, possessiveness and heavy emotions do not go over very well with Venus in this sign. Sagittarius is about expanding our outlook and definition of what pleases. You may find yourself in a more idealistic mode over the next few weeks and expect your lover to keep up with any changes you experience. This may singe the wings of the more sensitive types as can the typical Sagittarius blunt honesty which can come across as indifferent and harsh although it is seldom intended this way. Sagittarius likes to consider himself or herself completely honest but is often lacking in sensitivity and the awareness of others moods and feelings which has caused many an unpleasant scene.

Sagittarius love begins with friendship and may seem more like a universal type of friendship/love. Sometimes it can be hard to define the difference between the two for those born with Venus in this sign.  Romantic adventures, truth and higher meaning are the qualities that will take priority during our nearly 4 week period with Venus in this sign. If you allow yourself the emotional freedom this can be a fun and liberating time full of new adventures, but you must remain flexible.

Pluto turns direct October 12th

When Pluto turns direct, we could say the energy of this powerful planet seems to “wake up.” It energizes any planets that are around it and intensifies their effect. Pluto is considered ‘stationary direct,’ until November 19th when it moves back into Aquarius. The stationary direct period is when the energy seems most intense. On a personal level you could go through some type of ‘rebirth’ process or change of circumstances but again this will be much more obvious is it is doing something in your own chart.

While Pluto is retrograde its energy is often internalized, as opposed to being out in the open. Often this seems to keep certain things hidden, and when it goes direct situations appear to suddenly be revealed. These situations were actually there all along, we were just not consciously aware of them or they were hidden from our psyche in some way. So, when Pluto goes direct it appears to bring many things out into the open.

While Pluto is retrograde we typically go through some kind of an awakening or healing process in many cases. Some individuals are put into situations where they look fear in the eye in some manner and are forced to deal with it whether they are willing or not. For others it is a process of gaining wisdom or insight into something depending on where Pluto is transiting through your chart and it varies from person to person.

Many partnerships and financial ventures that have been delayed will begin to move forward now that Pluto is direct. The retrograde demands that we internalize the energy for a while, and then externalize the changes we have incorporated during this time when Pluto turns direct.

Now is the time to appreciate and recognize your own personal growth that has occurred over the past 5 months, and move forward with a better picture of yourself, your partnerships and your own place in the world.

Pluto squares Mercury

When Pluto turns direct it does so in a square to Mercury at 28 degrees of Libra. Mercury-Pluto transits have to do with propaganda, news, arguments, accidents and obsessions. This can be an aspect that generates a great deal of news, and when Pluto turns direct it typically coincides with major world events.

At the same time, the Sun squares Mars. While this can generate a great deal of action, it is also prone to conflict, aggression and Mars is the God of war.

The Sun enters Scorpio October 22-November 22nd

When the Sun enters Scorpio on October 22, it begins its yearly trek through the sign that rules money and sex as well as change and transformation.

Scorpio is a water sign like Cancer and Pisces with several big differences. Scorpio is considered the most intense sign of the zodiac and can be overly sensitive, brooding, mysterious, emotional and sexual. You have heard of Scorpio’s sting if he or she is unhappy and Scorpio is not afraid to use it. Scorpio can suffer from fits of jealousy at times unless they are highly evolved. Even if they are evolved they can still struggle with the green eyed monster. On the other hand, Scorpio can be a loyal friend and trusted companion if you can ever break down their barriers get to know them well enough.

Words that describe Scorpio are brooding, self-contained, secretive, ambitious, deep, dark, determined, loyal, jealous, resentful, stubborn, controlling and transformative. Some Scorpios are evolved and highly enlightened.

Each sign is connected to a planet or planets, and in this case Scorpio is connected to both Mars and Pluto. Mars is considered the planet of action and sex, and sex is something that Scorpio tends to be focused on with a laser like focus. Pluto is the planet of change and transformation or rebirth, and in a lifetime Scorpio can typically reinvent themselves many times. If you are looking to reinvent something; say your makeup, hair, reputation, career choice, or anything else, there will be no time like the Scorpio season. No one likes a comeback better than Scorpio and no one can do a comeback better than Scorpio.

Scorpio is the detective or investigator of the zodiac and turning up facts or unknown information is something that Scorpio can excel at. Scorpio takes little at face value and is always digging and searching for the truth and deeper meaning.

During the Scorpio season we must guard against paranoia, and very little will seem shallow at this time. Scorpio’s best qualities can become their worst qualities when it comes to trust and openness. Trust must be something earned for Scorpio and only after trust has been established can openness become a priority. Once trust is established however, you can have a friend for life, or until you do something to prove you are not worthy of the friendship. If this becomes the case you will be a persona non grata for life.

We all have Scorpio somewhere in our chart even if we were not born under this sign.  Now will be the time to discover, find out and act on what our true desires really are.  The greatest thing Scorpio can teach us is that sometimes we must overcome fearfulness to reach a state of truth and honesty. It is not the superficial feelings and situations that bring us the greatest happiness in life but those with depth and complexity that can bring us the greatest challenge, and in the end the greatest happiness.



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