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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

July 2019 upcoming solar eclipse and you

A solar eclipse will occur July 2, at 10 degrees of Cancer. The peak of the eclipse is at 3:16 PM, EST but it cannot be seen from the US. It will be visible from parts of Chile, Argentina and regions of Ecuador, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay, weather permitting.
As we approach an eclipse energy start to build at least a month before, new information is often revealed, and events relating to the eclipse begin to occur both before and after the eclipse. Eclipses typically have long shelf lives. The energy is present for at least a month before/after and often much longer depending on the strength and duration of the eclipse.
Eclipses can bring positive or negative events depending on what it aspects in your personal chart. Things can be eclipsed in or out of your life, and eclipses frequently bring important life changes and surprises. All eclipses serve as signposts showing us what the focus of your life will be throughout any given year.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and it rules the 4th house of the zodiac. This includes home, and our basic foundation in life which can include our job, and significant others as well as family members. As it opposes the 10th house, matters related to work, career and priorities can come into the picture, and the companion lunar eclipse in Capricorn two weeks later rules the 10th house. This lunar eclipse will be far more stressful than the solar eclipse in Cancer.
A solar eclipse is like a super-charged New Moon and is often associated with new starts of some type. It represents the end of one cycle and the start of a new one.
Solar eclipses tend to repeat themselves every 19 years. The last time we experienced an eclipse in this sign and degree was July 1, 2000. If you are old enough to remember what happened at this time, you may have a clue as to what this eclipse will hold for you.
The Moon is conjunct the Sun at the time of the eclipse. As Cancer is the most emotional of signs emotions will build and some can become overly emotional at this time, but you can also put yourself at the forefront of new plans and question old behaviors and habits in searching for ways to make progress.
This eclipse is sextile Uranus which is a mild but positive influence and tends to direct us toward new projects and new ways of doing things.
This eclipse is conjunct fixed star Alhena which is said to bring good health, honor, riches, pleasure, society and domestic benefits. But, it is said to cause accidents to the feet according to expert Vivian Robson.
Planets at 0 degrees often act in an extreme manner and Mars is at 0 degrees of Leo at the time of the eclipse. As Mars rules our actions they may be flamboyant, attention seeking or overly dramatic at this time, or we could experience this through others. Mars is conjunct Mercury at 3 degrees of Leo and this could add to extreme actions or even irritation.
Saturn is sextile Neptune and this is positive for combining the earthly with the other worldly or looking at things from a positive but realistic viewpoint. Compassion on an individual level and in the population will be present at this time of the eclipse and the entire month.
As this eclipse will set off the Saturn-Pluto conjunction we will see major events play out in the world and it can represent a turning point of some type for some. In the Unites States it will affect the President and the structures of government that constitute the democracy.
The eclipse will have a greater affect on those born under cardinal signs: Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra. Below is a list that shows the area of life this will affect. If you know your rising sign use this, otherwise use your Sun sign.
Aries-4th house-home, family, basic foundation
Taurus-3rd house-immediate family, neighbors and co-workers, short trips, communication.
Gemini-2nd house-money, resources
Cancer-1st house-self and partnerships.
Leo-12th house-secrets, places of seclusion, hospitals, the subconscious mind.
Virgo-11th house-hopes and wishes, friends, groups.
Libra-10th house-career and priorities
Scorpio-9th house-education, travel, world view
Sagattarius-8th house-Other people's money, debt,  major life transformation, lawsuits, sex, death
Capricorn-7th house-partners, courts
Aquarius-6th house-work and health, pets
Pisces-5th house-friends, children, love affairs

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