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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Sun squares Uranus July 16

The Sun squares Uranus, becoming exact July 16, at 9:31 AM, EST. This energy will be potent the day before and after.

Sun-Uranus transits have to do with the theme of freedom, unpredictability and unexpected situations. Uranus rules revolts, coups, sudden change, aircraft and unpredictable and changeable situations. Sometimes we get shocking news.

For many, this will be a changeable day where plans change or situations alter. Don't set things in stone, they may work out differently than you expect.

Some things may change or end.

In the past days, Mercury squared Uranus on July 11, and Venus squared Uranus July 7. If these transits affected you, this one will likely do the same.
If you have a major Uranus transit at 23-25 degrees affecting your chart, events can be large.

This events will play out in our lives and the world. Uranus often relates to explosions and explosive situations we don't expect. We have seen police shootings that sparked major protests on the previously mentioned Uranus transits.

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