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Monday, February 6, 2017

Jupiter retrogrades February 6

Jupiter turned stationary retrograde in the early morning hours February 6. Jupiter is the planet of gain and expansion and it is currently at 23 degrees of Libra.
Jupiter here rules marriage and partnerships, laws, governments and relationships of all types.

All the planets have been direct in recent weeks, and Jupiter will be the first one to turn retrograde. As Jupiter retrogrades matters pertaining to law, governments, justice, and partnerships of all types may be delayed to further access the situation, and we are seeing this play out now in the news.

In some instances, money matters can be delayed when Jupiter retrogrades, but it does not totally take away the beneficial affect.

Sometimes however, with Jupiter retrograde if a positive aspect is being made, whatever is being shown may not be delivered at this time. If so, Jupiter will return again to this degree later in the year, and positive results may occur then.

Jupiter is part of a t-square at this time involving Pluto and Uranus. This is a clash, and we will be concerned with many different matters, and change in the world and our personal lives is at hand. You will experience more change if you have cardinal planets (Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, Libra) at 18-22 degrees.

As Jupiter is opposing Uranus we will see sudden, erratic an unpredictable change. In our personal lives, some relationships may end, but especially if they are tottering on the brink anyway.

Jupiter retrogrades every year for about 4 months. This year it will go direct again  June 9th, at 13 degrees of Libra. If this aspects a planet in your chart, you may expect some type of positive energy or events depending on what it is aspecting. As Jupiter retrogrades, this is a good time to enlarge your internal dialogue to see where you can expend your personal perspective.

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