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Tuesday, August 9, 2022

48 years ago we had Waterdate


US President Richard Nixon resigned August 9, 1974, 48 years ago. To this day, it is a pivotal point in US history, as Nixon was the only President thus far, to leave office under threat of impeachment. He resigned to avoid being impeached and removed from office.

His resignation stemmed from the Watergate burglary of the Democratic headquarters that took place June 17,1972 and his subsequent attempts at cover ups and obstruction.

The Watergate Scandal and details of it unfolded to the public over a two year period during which there was an investigation and many unexpected twists and turns.

Many planetary aspects came into play over the period while Nixon was investigated.  In the interest of brevity I am only going to talk about the most important ones, and key points in the Nixon investigation.

I think it is significant to point out the corruption of the Nixon administration started before the Watergate burglary in 1972.

July 1, 1971, there was a memo written suggesting the formation of the White House plumbers a covert special investigations unit whose task was to stop or respond to the leaking of classified documents.

In August of that year 'Nixon's enemies list' was started by White House aides to use Federal resources to harm or discredit Nixon's political enemies.

At this time, Saturn had entered Gemini and began its opposition to Neptune in Sagittarius. Saturn seeks structure, control, regulations, law and order but Neptune is the planet of illusion, delusion, confusion and lies. It can encourage devious, underhanded and subversive and depressing tactics. Religious views can become important especially those of a material and paternalistic nature. As these planets clash it produces an effect and is associated with certain ideologies, lies, confusion and dishonesty that can occur in the collective, as well as major changes on a grand scale.

By early 1972, the Plumbers, were assigned to the Committee to Re-Elect the President, The Plumbers wanted more projects and apparently this started the train of events that led to the Watergate break-ins a few months later. This narrative was confirmed in the famous "Cancer on the Presidency" conversation between Nixon and White House Counsel John Dean on March 21, 1973.

By the time of the actual Watergate break in Saturn was still within an 8 degree orb of Neptune. Major transits like this influence events in the world over a large span of time, often years.

In 1973 Richard Nixon was a highly regarded president and won reelection in the largest landside in American history. The “Saturday Night Massacre” would change his popularity.

Saturn moved into the sign Cancer and was was square Pluto in Libra by July of 1973. This is the most significant transit of the time. Pluto represents power and control, abuse of power as well as the power of the masses, forces of elimination, totalitarian politics, fanaticism. "It can indicate a need to purge the body politic of old, deep rooted problems. Constellated in a leader it can awaken compulsive instincts for power and dominance."-Nicholas Champion  Saturn represents the rules and structures that we are all governed by.

This transit became exact in September and October of that year.

Saturn in Cancer is also significant on its own as the United States is a Cancer country. This Saturn cycle would be a time of testing in the US.
One of the more significant moments that lead to the impeachment articles was on October 20, (1973) when Nixon ordered his Attorney General to fire the special prosecutor of the Watergate investigation, Archibald Cox. Cox had subpoenaed recordings from the White House that Nixon believed would incriminate him. The AG refused to fire Cox, as did his chief assistant, and resigned instead. Nixon continued on until he found someone down the line who would fire Cox, and this became known as the Saturday night massacre.

At this time the Saturn was square Pluto at 4 degrees of Cancer-Libra. Pluto was also squaring Venus and Jupiter in the US natal chart. Jupiter rules the legal system and laws.

By March of 1974, another significant transit occurred as Jupiter entered Pisces and squared Neptune in Sagittarius.  Pisces is ruled by Neptune the planet that distorts and confuses and was very powerful in its square with Neptune, one of its ruling planets. Neptune can be politically unrealistic and tied to devious methods. Jupiter expands whatever it touches, good or bad. This combination produces smoke and mirrors, lies and things are frequently not as they appear. Many people are scammed on a transit like this. Religious and ideological belief systems are often of importance during these times.

During July,1974 three articles of impeachment against Nixon were approved for obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and contempt of Congress.

Cox was replaced by Leon Jaworski, who became the second special prosecutor and the subpoena for the tapes from the Oval office stood.

After a major outcry On November 17, Nixon gave his famous speech, claiming "I am not a crook."

The White House tapes were released in July, 1974 implicating Nixon in the cover-up. At this point, there was no saving his Presidency.

Nixon resigned and left office rather than face impeachment on August 9, 1974.

On that infamous day Saturn was conjunct the Sun in the US natal chart at 13 degrees of Cancer. The Sun rules the US President in mundane astrology. The planet of discipline, responsibility, law and order took its due.

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