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Monday, August 1, 2022

August 2022 astrology


By the latter part of August all of the outer planets; Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and Saturn are all retrograde, along with Jupiter, and Mercury has entered its retrograde ‘shadow period,’ and will turn retrograde on September 10th. This means we are entering a time where many matters are going to have to be reconsidered, reorganized or completed both on a collective and personal level before we can really move forward.

The Sun transits through positive and upbeat Leo, and enters Virgo August 23rd.  Mercury transits through three signs this month; Leo, Virgo and Libra changing Mercurial styles and communication several times. Venus, the planet of love and values leaves Cancer for Leo, and Mars, the action planet leaves Taurus and enters Gemini where it will retrograde later this year, remaining in this sign until late March 2023. The Full moon will fall in unpredictable Uranus and the New Moon falls in the sign that rules health and work; Virgo. By month’s end the powerful Saturn-Uranus square that we have been dealing with since 2021 is within a two degree orb, which means we will experience many changes collectively, and certain changes personally as this powerful aspect completes by October. This is one of the ten most significant aspects for the world, and while it will complete, the results will continue to play out in the years that come. Now, the details.

On August 1st, Mars is conjunct Uranus and this unpredictable and changeable aspect will remain with us for the next week, shaking things up and bringing unexpected change to our lives. From here Mars enters its square to Saturn which is exact August 7th. While Mars-Uranus has to do with sudden and unexpected events, Mars-Saturn is a draining and tiring if not frustrating type of energy. It may seem as though you are paddling upstream, but if this is the case, know this energy will pass in just a few days and things will return to normal.

August 3rd, Mercury leaves Leo for Virgo changing up Mercurial energies and the way we communicate.  Mercury in Virgo considered by astrologers to be ‘at home,’ so this will be a major energetic switch from Mercury in Leo. Mercury is the planetary ruler of both Gemini and Virgo. While Mercury in Gemini is associated with quick responses, intelligence, and communication about a many different ideas, when Mercury is in Virgo communication and thinking is geared more toward facilitating ideas, analyzing information and presenting facts in a straight forward and factual manner.

Gemini may reach out for information of all types and go in different directions but Virgo hones in on what is most important and puts that information to practical use. While both signs rule Mercury, they each have a very different approach and purpose.

Virgo is very discerning and is often considered lazar focused. The downside to Mercury in Virgo is that at times it can be so discerning one can become lost in details, overly critical or picky, and this can be misinterpreted (or not). It is important to remember that while constructive criticism is one thing, Virgo can get caught up in being so overly critical, others are turned off. Most of the time however, Virgo’s true intent is just to get things right.

Venus, the planet ruling love, money and values moves into Leo August 11-September 5th. When Venus transits through Leo the heart radiates with extra fire and love, or a desire for love. Leo loves to indulge, eat, drink, buy beautiful things and be merry! The best and highest manifestation of Venus in Leo is childlike joy, fun and happiness along with mutual respect for yourself and others.

When Shakespeare wrote, ““All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts,” he must have been thinking of Venus in Leo.

Leo is bold and dramatic and many will play out their dramas in real life over these next three weeks. There will be a great deal of acting out and people will speak their minds and their needs in a bigger way.  Some may appear or come across as flashier or make grand gestures toward those they are romantically attracted to. Venus in Leo is about having fun, and can perhaps extend the excitement of summer just a little longer.

With Venus in Leo love, affection and attraction becomes more outgoing, affectionate, ardent, passionate and romantic in nature. It can make us feel love is grand, and isn’t this what most of us are really looking for?

With Venus in Leo you (or your lover) could shower you with gifts, attention and greater validation. Venus in Leo loves to be adored, pampered and made to feel special.

The only downside to Leo is when things go sideways in love, personal drama can be extreme, over-stated or egotistical, and actions or even conversations can occur simply for the dramatic effect it will cause.

Full Moon in Aquarius August 11th

This month’s full moon falls at 19 degrees of Aquarius and peaks at 9:36 PM, EDT. Aquarius is the sign ruled by both Saturn and Uranus and Aquarius is the natural ruler of the 11th house of groups and the collective, so our energies will be focused on others for the most part, and issues that can affect us all.

This is bound to be a very unpredictable full moon since it is ruled by Uranus, but the Moon also squares or clashes with Uranus which will create a number of unexpected events in the world and our personal lives. To top this off, the Sun squares Uranus as well, making this one of the most unpredictable full moons in quite a while. This does not mean all is bad, or doom and gloom, but it is hard to know what unexpected events may occur. Uranus is typically about freedom and independence, disruptive and unpredictable events. In mundane or world astrology this planet is associated with coups, rebellions, explosions, explosive events, aircraft, lightening and the internet. It is also connected with unexpected weather or earth related events, technology,  new technology and unusual twists and turns.

Now is the time to think outside the box and find a new path forward. Uranus can be connected with cutting edge types of technology and new approaches. For some, this moon may bring about some type of unexpected endings, but that only means a new door will soon open. You may feel an intense drive to do or try something different, but think things through before acting.

The Moon opposes Mercury and this can bring about irritation, arguments and problems with young people. There can be a conflict between intuitive and rational thinking. Most importantly, this aspect is accident prone so use caution if you are driving.

Mercury also sextiles Uranus which can open you up to new ideas, possibilities and new ways of thinking.

The positive part of this new moon can open you up to new ideas, information and change. The negative side of all of this Uranus energy is indecision, changeable emotions and unexpected events that could disrupt whatever you have planned. This will no doubt, be a heavy news day.

Mars enters Gemini

August 20th, Mars enters Gemini where it will remain until March 25th, 2023. This is an unusually long time for Mars to spend in a sign but it will retrograde from October 30, 2022-January 12, 2023, and then it will repeat nearly the entire Mars cycle that occurred in the fall all over again. This means that many of the things we begin on or around the retrograde will have to be re-done, rethought, completed or abandoned after Mars turns direct in 2023.

Mars in Gemini is in the sign ruling communication, so communication will be affected becoming more important, assertive and there is a good chance we will say what is on our minds. Mars-Gemini will be all about speech, communication and Ideas and there is a good chance much of it will be back tracked when it turns retrograde, only to come up with a new and better plan after it turns direct again.

August 22nd, the Sun enters Virgo where it will remain until September 22nd, or the fall solstice.  This is the mutable sign of summer, or the time when summer is winding up and the weather begins to change in much of the country. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of thought and communication. It is no coincidence that school typically begins at this time of year, and people are returning to work from vacations. Virgo is the natural ruler of the 6th house of work and health. Many people become focused on health and fitness at this time, and it is typically a good time for Dr. visits, dieting and fitness plans.

August 24th, Uranus begins its yearly retrograde. Uranus is a highly innovative planet, and when the energy retrogrades is internalized. .  If you are experiencing a Uranus transit personally, Uranus’s stationary retrograde can be a significant period and we will seek innovation and changes within ourselves and our own inner thinking and way of approaching things. We may look to new directions new ways of thinking, or in some cases a totally different path depending on whether or not you feel things in your life are working as they should be. These changes will generally take place on an inner level and focused on the outside world when Uranus reverses course and turns direct again January 22nd, 2023.

August 25th, Mercury enters Libra where it will remain for the rest of the month. With this Mercury placement we will be more focused with those around us or partners, both personal and professional. This is an intellectual air sign that seeks balance and harmony, especially when it comes to communicating with those who are closest to us. Mercury turns retrograde in Libra September 10th, and remains in this sign until it re-enters Virgo September 24th. It will re-enter Libra for the second time October 10th, and repeat the entire cycle once again until it enters Scorpio on October 29th.








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