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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Uranus retrogrades and squares Saturn; Round 4


Uranus, the planet of unexpected events, rebellion and revolution begins its yearly retrograde August 24th- January 22, 2023. Uranus retrogrades every year for about 5 months, but not to worry, this is nothing like retrograde Mercury that can create chaos, communication problems and general disruption. This year Uranus’s retrograde will become part of the powerful Uranus-Saturn square that has dominated the skies for the past several years.

 Unless you have a Uranus transit aspecting your personal chart, you may hardly even notice it, although the retrograde of this planet often coincides with significant world events that can happen on a large scale. Uranus is in Taurus, a sign it does not do well in and affects us collectively and personally in terms of money, values, food production/farming and our love lives.

The retrograde of Uranus is associated with inner change as opposed to outer changes in your life. We tend to make inner change during this time that will allow us more success in the outside world when the planet turns direct. The retrograde period can usher in more self awareness and ability to understand issues on a deeper level and it is typically easier to face any changes we need to make at this time. If you have been struggling in some way this may give you an opportunity to begin to heal and look for original solutions to standing problems as Uranus is the most innovative of planets.

Uranus is associated with freedom, often ‘freedom at any cost.’ This is why Uranus is associated with break ups, breaking free of things we find oppressive and divorce. This typically only occurs however, if Uranus is making a specific harsh aspect in your own chart or the chart of the person you are involved with.

As Uranus begins its retrograde this year it will move closer to its square or clash with Saturn that we have experienced since early 2021. Uranus square Saturn is an intense transit prone to unexpected events that will affect the collective and us personally.  The peak period is mid-September through mid-October. While the results may play out for some time, this will be the final clash between these planets for years to come.

While the Saturn-Uranus square affects us all, it will have a significant affect on everyone who has fixed planets (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) at 16-20 degrees, or those born under these signs. For Taurus the changes will be work or priorities. Leo will experience shakeups in partnerships and marriage and for Scorpio relationships, marriage and home life. Aquarius will experience changes that will affect them personally or change their basic foundation or home life in some way.

If major change occurs under this aspect it will ultimately be for the better, even if it doesn’t seem this way at the time. Uranus is said to clear away the ‘dead wood’ in our lives or those things that have outlived their purpose so new doors and experiences can soon present themselves.

Saturn-Uranus and the collective

In the world we can look for significant events on and around the time Uranus reverses direction and again mid September-mid October. We can expect any of the following:

-         Political upheaval

-         Market fluctuations

-         Violence

-         -possible fall wave of Covid or something else

-         Extreme weather conditions

-         Issues concerning energy, electricity, the internet

-         New technology

-         Upheaval and changes in governments around the world

-         Issues with food production

-         Unexpected issues and events

Many changes have occurred since this powerful transit began in 2020, and it is associated in the collective with anarchy, fascism, and political change and worldwide upheaval. While this is the last of this transit that will stretch into November of this year, the consequences and results may not totally play out for many months.

The Sun squares Mars and is exact August 28th, along with Venus square Uranus.  Sun-Mars transits can be volatile and aggressive in nature, and the New Moon in Virgo squares Mars on the 27th, adding more volatility and intensity to the days around Uranus’s retrograde so we can expect significant changes in the world around the time of Uranus’s retrograde and as Uranus approaches its final square to Saturn.




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