This is early, but its big. It's been 38 years since we have
seen a total solar eclipse in the continental US. That takes us back to 1979,
when we experienced the last one. Some people reading this have never seen a
total solar eclipse, but you will have a chance on August 21, 2017. The last time an eclipse went coast to coast in
the US was June 1918.
This eclipse
falls at 28 degrees of Leo, and it peaks at 2:03 PM, EST, 11:30 AM, Pacific.
You can take a look at this google map and see that it goes coast to coast.
Everyone in the US should be able to see some of it. The best city to view the
eclipse from is Nashville, TN or one
of the following locations: Atlanta, 97%, Boston, 63%, Chicago, 87%,
Cincinnati, 91%, Dallas, 76%, Denver 92%, Detroit, 79%, Houston, 67%,
Indianapolis 91%, Las Vegas, 72%, Los Angeles, 62%, Memphis 93%, Miami 78%,
Milwaukee 83%, Minneapolis, 83%, NYC, 72%, Oklahoma City 84%, Philadelphia,
75%, Phoenix, 63%, Pittsburgh, 81%, Portland 99%, Salt Lake City 91%, Seattle,
92%, Washington, DC, 81%. If you look at the google map, the closer you
are to the eclipse path, the more you will see.
The eclipse
falls at 28 degrees of Leo, and peaks at 2:30 PM, EST/11;30AM, Pacific.
Leo is the
sign of royalty and rules the 5th house of love, friends and children. This
could be a great day to take time off and celebrate.
The Sun/Moon
will trine Uranus, exact at 28 degrees of Aries and there will be an electric
feeling in the air.
We could
hear of some type of new innovations.
Many things
will happen on a world level. The last time we experienced and eclipse at this
degree was August 21, 1998. Click here to see a list of events that occurred at this time.
An eclipse
like this will be very powerful individually and collectively and be the
harbinger of many world events.
In the US
chart this eclipse falls from the 3rd to the 9th house of the US Sibley chart.
It opposes the Moon-the people, who will be in an uproar. The 3rd/9th house
axis relates to laws and foreign affairs, and Saturn is conjunct Neptune, which
will deal with scandals and deceptive issues potentially connected with the
current Russian investigation, or some other international crisis.
The eclipse
is prominent as it falls on Mars in the 12th house of Donald trump's chart. The
'Russian investigation,' began, or came to the forefront around the February
11, eclipse in Leo that fell in his 12th house. He could experience health
issues. Many things will be revealed at this time.
The eclipse
could affect Queen Elizabeth (UK) as it squares Saturn, her ruling 10th house
planet. Saturn/Neptune transits are also associated with changes in the royal
family, and Saturn squared Neptune in 2016. The eclipse could bring Prince
Charles to the forefront.
The energy
of an eclipse begins at least a month or two before the actual eclipse occurs. I
will write more about this eclipse in the future.
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