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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Full Moon in Taurus: Disruptive, unexpected events

The full moon in Taurus falls on October 24, at one degree of the sign. It conjuncts Uranus and this will be a heck of a Moon.

Uranus transits are known to upset the status quo: in other words, while Taurus is generally associated with stability, this Moon will be anything but, (I hate to say).

If you like constant change, upheaval and not knowing what comes next, this moon is for you. If you are looking to make a sudden break from something, now is your time.

The day before, October 23, The Sun enters Scorpio and opposes Uranus and this will be the start of this energy.

The Moon opposes Venus (at its detriment in Scorpio and retrograde) as well. We can expect sudden changes in some relationships between this moon and October 31, as Venus will oppose Uranus exact October 30-31.

Restlessness, changeability,  and nervous energy is to be expected.
The unexpected can happen on a moon like this, and it can come from the most unlikely quarter. Sometimes the unexpected can be good, but I look for it to be disruptive, including on an emotional level for many.

The bigger picture is the second and eighth houses, which is where this Moon falls. Taurus rules the second house of money and possessions and Scorpio rules the eighth house of other people's money.

This means we could see financial disruption in our lives, or on a bigger scale on the world stage. We could see fortunes lost, or fortunes made at this time.

Uranus rules earthquakes, explosions, airplane crashes, weather related incidents, coups, sudden change, and it can indicate violent and unexpected events in the populous.

We are basically looking at about a three day period, October 22-24, for the Moon to play out.

If you have fixed planets in your chart-Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius at 0-3 degrees look to be affected more so than others.


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