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Friday, August 4, 2017

Prelude to the eclipse in Aquarius

As we head into Monday's lunar eclipse, events related to the eclipse will begin to play out. The energy of an eclipse is significant both before and after the event.

Friday morning the Moon opposes Venus and this can cause some emotional upsets. This should change by afternoon.

The early morning hours of Saturday can be fraught with tension as the Moon conjuncts Pluto.(EST) By evening things can become changeable or unpredictable as the Moon squares Uranus in Capricorn/Aries. This combined with the eclipse energy, may make some prone to sudden, rash and impulsive action.

With the Sun and Mars in Leo some people have, and will continue to act out their frustrations or be hard to deal with. After all Leo is a FIRE sign, prone to drama and dramatic situations.

The Moon enters Aquarius (The sign of the lunar eclipse) at 8:16 AM, Sunday morning (EST). Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus, and Uranus is the planet of unpredictable events.

Monday's eclipse peaks at 2:11 PM, EST, and its trine to Jupiter (evening)is positive, although Jupiter can blow things out of proportion. This Moon also opposes Mars in Leo (6:41 AM, EST) an this is harsh, argumentative energy. All full Moons oppose the Sun and it is this aspect that typically sets emotions on edge in a polarizing way, and people tend to act out their emotions.

Eclipses reveal and brings things to light that may have been previously unknown.  Issues being revealed for what they really are can only be positive in the long run, even if difficult in the short term. Eclipses coincide with life's most important events, and changes.

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